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ROLL NO:081012
Presentation Content


Modules Use to
Solve the Purpose

Overview of the project

we have to make a project containing student login

with different biodata like semester grades, 10th &
12th percentage etc. Then there will be list of
company visiting, a company last visited. There will
be a master database with some student name. There
will be a page with company eligibility and mode of
exams. The selected student list will come and then
these students name will be deleted from master
database automatically.
Purpose of the Project

This project make easy the search of job for students.

It make direct link between company and student.
Not only student it provide appropriate candidate for
company for it job.
It is benificial for both company and student.
Different modules used:



vacanices Company table

Login module
Login module detail:
This is the first page in which applicant login into
this .all applicant has is chosen is own I.D and
Password .so that it further login in this site in future.
Apllicant form
Applicant form
When applicant login in this page .it would fill the 9
coulombs .
The first two applicant fill the same login name and
password as he already filled in previous page.
Then he/she fill his name age and sex(m/f)
And after that he fill his education detail.
And atlast what they accept thare salary.
Name of company which have vacancy
Names of the companys:
In this page our data base show all the company
according to your detail.
List of applicant
Detail of login

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