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Center of Excellence in Medicine and Pharmacy

„Raisa Pacalo”
• The Nervous System The Muscular System
What is the Muscular System?
• The muscle is tissue composed
of fibers which shorten by
contraction and produce
movement. Muscles are joined to
bones by tendons.
• made up of over 600 different
• consists of two different types
of tissue:
• connective tissue
• muscle tissue
What are the Functions of the Muscular System?
1. To create movement by working
with bones, ligaments, and tendons.
2. To move food through the digestive
3. To move blood through the body by
pumping the heart.
4. To produce heat.
5. To provide protection to inner
What are the Types of Muscle?
1. Skeletal Muscle:
• Attached to the bones for movement. Helps
protect your inner organs.

2. Cardiac Muscle:
• Special type of muscle found only in your
heart. This type of muscle causes your heart
to beat.

3. Smooth Muscle:
• Lines your digestive tract and blood vessels.
Smooth muscle moves food and blood
through your body.
What are the 2 Different Types of Muscle?
• Voluntary: • Involuntary
• Muscle action that is under your • Muscle action that is NOT under
control. your control.
• Most skeletal movement is • Cardiac and smooth muscle are
voluntary. involuntary.
• Examples: • Examples:
• Walking, talking, • Heart beating, food
running, writing, moving through the
jumping, stretching. digestive tract, reflexes
Main causes of muscle pain
• injury or overuse
• stress
• autoimmune disease
• neurological and muscle disorders
• infection
• obstructed blood flow
• drug side effects
Muscle injuries
Sprain (entorsă- растяжение связки) – is a stretch or tear of ligament.
Strain (luxație- растяжение мышца/сухожилие) – is a stretch or tear of
muscle or tendon, treatment: RICE method: rest, ice, compression,
Cramps (cârcei-спазм) or spasm – is a sudden involuntary muscle
contraction, after over-activity or due to dehydration. It is treated
through-rest, drinking water, stretching and electrolyte replacement.
Tendinitis (воспаление сухожилие) – is the inflammation of the
tendon, often because of chronic damage. Treatment: involve pain
management and physical therapy to strengthen muscles.
Recognize muscle injuries
Main Symptoms
- weak and tired muscles that can make everyday tasks such
as climbing stairs, brushing hair, and getting in and out of
cars difficult;
- pain in muscles;
- muscles feeling tender to touch;
- muscles can sometimes swell;
- generally feeling unwell;
- weight loss;
- night sweats.
infection, injury, autoimmune conditions.
Treatment – includes a combination of drug treatment and physical exercise. Corticosteroids
such as prednisone (Rayos).
Anti-inflammatories drugs (NSAIDS) such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen for pain relief.
Diseases of muscular system
Muscular dystrophy, Tendinitis, Fibromyalgia, Hypotonia, Myasthenia gravis,
Cervical myoma, Myotonia, Myocardial infarction.
What is the Nervous System?
Definition – The nerve is a bundle of conducting, nerve fibers
that transmit impulses from brain or spinal cord to the muscles
and glands or inwards from the sense organs to the brain and
spinal cord.
What are the Functions of the Nervous
• to carry information, in the form of nerve
• to respond to stimuli from the sense organs (eyes,
ears, nose, mouth, skin);
• to send messages to the brain;
• to realize rapid communication.
Main causes of nerve injuries
• vascular disorders;
• injuries to the brain and spinal cord;
• problems that are present at birth (congenital);
• mental health problems (anxiety, disorders, depression,
• infections that may occur brain (encephalitis, abscesses)
membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord
• a brain tumor.
Diseases of the nervous system
• "Of all the diseases of the nervous system, the most common difficulty that people have is
pain, and much of that is nerve-related," "There are 100 million people who live with chronic
• Epilepsy, in which abnormal electrical discharges from brain cells cause seizures. 
• Parkinson's disease, which is a progressive nerve disease that affects movement
• Multiple sclerosis (MS), in which the protective lining of the nerves is attacked by the body's
immune system.
• Alzheimer's disease, which covers a wide range of disorders that impacts mental functions,
particularly memory. 
• Stroke, which occurs when there is bleeding on the brain or the blow flow to the brain is
• Infections such as meningitis, encephalitis, can also affect the nervous system.
• Treatments vary from anti-inflammatory medications and pain medications such as opiates, to
implanted nerve stimulators. "Many people also turn to herbal and holistic methods to reduce
pain, such as acupuncture." 
Home work

As a future nurse give advice to your patient how

to treat depression and tendinitis
Thank you for attention!

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