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Personality – like traits associated with brands.

Maruti – Economical
Lux – beauty
Nike – Athlete
BMW – Performance driven
Brand personality which is strong and
favourable will strengthen a brand but not
necessarily demand a price premium.
Brand Personality Frame Work
• Recast consumers’ perception of the
attributes of a products or service into a
human-like character.
• Consumes express their inner feelings about
products or brands in terms of their
association with known personalities.
Product Personality and Gender
• Assigning of a gender as part of personality description
is fully consistent with the marketplace reality that
products and services, in general, are viewed by
consumers as having a “gender-being.”
• Armed with such knowledge of the perceived gender of
a product or a specific brand, marketers are in a better
position to select visual and copy-text for various
marketing messages.
• Example: AXE DEO
Hero Honda Pleasure - “Why should boys have all the fun”
Product Personality and Geography
• Certain products, in the minds of consumers,
possess a strong geographical association.
• Using the geographical association can create
a geographic equity.
• E.g.: Banarsi sarees
Website Personality
• The emotional attachment of a consumer to any
certain websites.
• Four Characteristics of websites:
• Intelligent
• Fun
• Organized
• Sincere
• Targeting such traits results into favourable
attitudes among visitors and more clicks on the site.

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