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Lesson 1
Rest. A rest is a musical symbol that marks
the absence of a note.
Silence in music is called rest.
Rhythm refers to the regular movement of
sounds with correct timing. It usually has
pulse or a beat within. When you feel the
beat of the music you hear,you response to
it by clapping your hands,stamping your
feet,snapping your fingers or even tapping
the table.
Rhythm is one of the most important
elements of music.
Rhythm makes us hear and feel the movement of music. It
has a strong and weak beats.
The first beat, which is usually strong is called accented beat.
The pulse of the music is called beat.

A beat is only one sound has single beat and is

written this way: ( l ).
We can clap , jump, walk, or skip with each beat
The steady beat is a regular sound that is
repetitive and steady. ( l )
A pattern of steady beats and silences repeated
over and over again is called ostinato.
  Lubi-lubi
l l l l l l

 E ne ro,Peb re ro

l l l l l l

 Mar-so, Ab- ril, Ma yo.

Are You Sleeping?

l l l l

Are you sleep - ing?

l l l l

Are you sleep - ing?

l l l

Bro - ther john.

l l l

Bro - ther John.

Lesson 2
Rhythmic Pattern
Rhythmic patterns are combinations
of long and short sound and silences
in music.These rhythmic patters may
be grouped into the following.
2s ll ll ll ll

3s lll lll lll lll

4s llll llll llll llll

The Two-Time Rhythm
This type of rhythm consists of two
beats. The first beat is stronger than the
other. The stronger beat is referred to as
accent. When the beat is accented, it is
played or sung with a louder sound. The
sign for accent is (>). For the two-time
rhythm, the sets of beats are grouped in
2s and seperated by a bar line. All
syllables and notes that fall the first beat
receive the stronger and louder sound.
> >
1 2 1 2
sin - ta Sun- day
The Three-Time Rhythm
Songs with thre-time rhythm consist
of grouped of 3s. The three beats have
one strong beat and two weak beats.
The accent is on the first beat.
> >
1 2 3 1 2 3
to – ge – ther tu - ma - yo
The Four-Time Rhythm
The beats in a four-time rhythm come in sets
of 4s and seperated by bar lines of four
beats,the first beat receives the accent and
given a louder sound. The other three are
weak beats.
> >
1 23 4 1 2 3 4
Sa-ma – sa - ma ge – ne – ra - tion
•Sound and music have different duration
and lengths of time. There may be long ar
short sounds. These sounds are represented
by notes.
•Notes as symbols in music are in written or
printed form.
•Notes are symbols in representing a
specific sound.
Parts of a Note
A stem can be drawn these way
Stem up is located at the right of the note head.
Stem down is placed at the left of the note
A hook or a flag can be replaced by beam/s
where there are two or more hooked note.
The absence of sound means silence, Wherein
no notes or tones should be played or
sounded. In music, these periods of silence are
called rests.
Rest is a pause in music. It is a rhythmic pause
between musical notes or the mark indicating
a musical pause.
Lesson 1

Lines and Shapes

Lines are cntinuous marks made on a surface by
moving from one place to another. Lines may be
straight and curved. A straight line is drawn in one
direction and does not bend.

A curved line is drawn n diffeent direction and bends.

Kinds of Lines and Their Meanings
Horizontal Line - draw from left to right or
right to left. ( peace, calmness, rest )
Vertical line - drawn from top to
bottom. ( strength, stability
independence )
Diagonal Lines- drawn from left to right or right to
left slanting position. ( energy , movement , action)
Curved Line - express flowing
movement. ( grace, softness )
Curved Line - express action and
movement. ( conflict , tension )
Concave Lines - Convex Lines - curved
Curved or rounded or rounded outward
Spiral Lines -
Spiral Lines -
curved or
curved or rounded
rounded inward
Wavy Lines - slightly curved and alternately
go up and down from right to left.
Shapes is an outline of an object, body,
or figure. It is an enclosed area or space
that has height and width.
Geometric shapes are very common. They look
flat because they have lenght and width only.
Organic shapes are outlines of objects
from nature and have free forms.
From geometric shapes, other shapes can be
formed. A square that has thickness may be
called a cube.
Lines and shapes make a portrait because they are used to
outline a shape. The most important geometric shape used in
portrait drawing is oval.
Lesson 2
Landscape Drawing
Landscape refers to a view of scenery on land.
A landscape is a picture that shows the scenery of
the surroundings. It shows an expanse of space.
Space s to the area and distance in,
between, and around objects. It can be
empty or full, or appear to be near or
Landscape has three parts
foreground ( the part that is at the very front
and often near the bottom of the drawing )

background ( the part that appears farthest

from the view )

middle ground ( the part between the

foreground and background )
Two Kinds of Space

The positive space is the area

occupied by an object.

Negative space is the area

between and around objects.
Another examples of landscape painting

A Philippine Landscape by Felix R. Hidalgo

Rice Harvesting by Fernando Amorsolo
Physical Education
Lesson 1
Body Shape
and Action
The action younhave done show that you have body shapes.
body shapes may be straight, curled, wide, and twisted
You can show a body shape while balancing
your body. The body actions you are doig every
day like walking, standing, and sitting are
needed to develop your body shapes in
preparation to various movement activities in
physical education.
These are the movements you can do while
standing with feet together.
stride forward or sideward
lunge forward and sideward
kneeling with knees together
stride kneeling
kneeling with one leg extended forward or sideward
Sitting long sitting
long sitting rest
stride sitting
hook sitting
frog sitting
heels sitting
tuck sitting
cross sitting
side sitting
hurdle sitting
Physical fitness is the capacity to carry out the
day's activities. It is very important for our health
and well-being.
Head Bending

Stand on both legs with your

hands on waist.
bend your head forward.
Rotate your head to the left.
Rotate your head to the right.
Repeat all three times.
Knee Bending
Stand on both legs.
Bend your right knee upward
Touch your face
Repeat these using your left
Repeat all three times.
Lie down on the floor with your arms ched to the side.
raise your arms,head,chest, and legs from the floor.
Balance your tummy.
keep your knees straight.
Repeat all three times.
Lesson 2
Movement Skills
The parts of our body are very much needed
to do wide range of physical activities,
games, and sports. These movements are
developed in Physical education.

Physical Education plays an important role

in the total development of our being.
Movement is the act of moving by changing one's position.
Your movements positively affect your physical and mental
Exercise is good for our body. Here are some
exercises to warm up your body.
1.Put your hands on waist.Move your head up,front
and down.
2.Move your head to the right, front, and left.
3.Put your hands on your shoulders and rotate
forward. (16 counts...then backward )
4.Raise your left arm and bend to the right.
5.Cool down by jogging in place.
Locomotor movements are
movements that bring us from
one place to another.
Walking - to take steps with the feet at a regular ,
slow pace.
Hopping - to spring on one foot and land
on the same foot.
Galloping - to quickly lift foot with another,
using sideward and forward direction.
Running - to quickly spring on one foot and
the other alternately and in faster pace.
Skipping - to step and hop on one foot which
is done alternately right and left.
Jumping - to spring on one foot or both
feet but always landing on both feet.
Non-locomotor movements are those
that you can do even without going
from one place to another. Some of the
non-locomotor movements include
head bending , arm twisting, knee
bending, and many others.
Lesson 1

The Eyes
Our eyes are our sense organs for seeing.
we can see the different things arund us
because of our eyes.
Importance of our Eyes
 Each part of our eyes has a function.
That is why we need to protect them.
the eyelids, eyelashes, and eyebrows
protect our eyes from dust , too much
light, and other objects that may
damage them. We should take care of
our eyes to avoid eye problems.
Ailments of the Eyes
 Sore Eyes ( Conjunctivitis )
 This is caused by an infection, which
makes the eyes reddish and itchy. Our eyes are
sensitive when expose to light. A person with
sore eyes suffers from a milky discharge that
dries and hardens when he/she sleeps.
Sty ( kuliti or guliti )
This is an inflammation of the hair folicle due to infection
on the sebaceous gland in the margin eyelid.
Far-sightedness ( Hyperopia )
This is a condition wherein a person clearcly sees
things that are far but not those that are near.
Near-sightedness ( Myopia )
This is a condition wherein a person
clearly sees that are near but not those that
are far.
This refers to one's difficulty in recognizing one or
more colors.

This is a condition that occurs as a result of vitamin
A deficiency. A person afflicted by night-blindness has
dificulty seeing whem light is dim.
This is a condition wherein there is an error of
refraction on the lens of the eyes, causing blurred vision.
This is a disease of the eye wherein the lens is
cloudy, making a person partialy blind.
This is a sight-threatening disease, in which the
presure of the eye's fluid increases.
Ways to Care for the Eyes
Have a good lighting when reading, studying, or doing
writing activities. Good lighting means not too bright
nor too dim.
Do not stare directly at the sun.
Wear sunglasses or shades to protect your eyes from
the sun's ultraviolet rays.
Protect your eyes from dust and dirt, especially when
wind blows strongly.
Do not rub your eyes if foreign objects enter them.

Rest your eyes after reading, watching, or using the


Never read while in a moving vehicle.

Keep pointed materials away from the eyes.

Eat foods that are rich in vitamin A like squash and

Consult an eye specialist when you feel that there is

something wrong with your eyes.
Lesson 2
The Ears
The ears are the sense organs for hearing. With our
ears, we are able to hear different sounds around us.
Sound waves travel along the ear canal. It is in the ear
canal where the earwax is produced. The earwax
collects dirt keeping the ear canal clean.
Noise in an unpleasant and unwanted sound. This
is harmful to one's health and long exposure to
this may cause hearing problems.
Ailments of the Ears
This is the condition is caused by an infection in the
middle ear. This may be partial or total. If there is a build
up of earwax, partial deafness may be experienced.
Accidents may also cause partial deafness.

 Total deafness cannot be cured. This occurs to

children whose mothers had German measles during
the first three months of pregnancy.
This condition is caused by the build
up of earwax in the ear. A person
suffering from this hears ringing or
buzzing sounds inside his ears.
Ways to Take Care of the Ears
Avoid listening to very loud music.
Do not blow your nose too hard because it will
affect your ears.
Clean your outer ears regularly.
Never use hard and pointed objects in cleaning
your ears.
Thank you!!

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