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Dr.Husam shawaqfeh
definetion of death
• is irreversible stoppage in the main 3 systems CNS RS CVS
• loss of innervation , loss of respiration and blood pressure and
Types of death
• Somatic death : in which the person irreversibly loses the sentient personality and being
unconscious and can not respond to any sensory stimuli and the nervous system and respiratory
can keep functioning either spontaneously or with artificial support , and it is equal brain death .

• Cellular death : in which the tissue and their constituent are dead the are no longer function or
have a metabolic activity and it is following ischemia and anoxia .
Brain death
• It is following a trauma or toxic insult and the victim exist Vegetative
state and can be in deep coma for several years , it has its
complications such as postural skin necrosis and muscle contracture
and secondary chst infections which can shorten the life of patient ,
the brain stem ( midbrain and pons , medulla ) loses their vital
centres, after that will need artificial breathing support
Medico-legal aspect of brain death
• At first it was acceptable from the defence at the court that the death after brain death was made
by doctors by switching off the life support systems , but later not
The indication of death
• When cardiorespiratory death occurs the brain functions will ceases withing a seconds after collapse of cerebral
blood circulation and pressure which leads to cortical ischemia and n minuets will be irreversible damage by 7-9
• Unconcioussness : do not make a reaction for painfull stimuli
• Muscular flaccidity : after ceacation of cerebral and cerebellar circulation , body will lose its tone
• Eye signs : mid-dilated position pupil and cornea becomes softner ,loss of glistening and lose of lacrimal moist ,
tache-noire TRUCKING , and kervokian sign
Cause and mode , manner of death
• Mode of death : is the abnormal physiological state pertained the death
• Manner of death : the circumstances of death as homeside suicide or accident
Post mortem changes
• Hypostasis : lucidity or lividity , cogition ( its occurs when circulation
ceases and it depends on the postural of corps after death and
distributed by a pattern by red bluish color in normal circumstances
and some times it takes another color as the different in
circumstances as in COLD or cyanide and CO poisoning will take a pink
color and it fades the depending area and goes the patters with the
gravity , To deferentiate it with bruises we can make a small cut in the
skin if it bleeds will be bruise and if not it is hypostatsis
• Rigor mortis :
• It is a major and sure sign of death and it is define as stiffening of the
body after death , it occurs in all body and firstly detectable in small
groups of muscle specially in eye lids , Rigor is initiated when the ATP
concentration falls to 85 per cent of normal, and the rigidity of the
muscle is at maximum when the level declines to 15 per cent.
• Algor mortis : major and sure sign of death it reveals the coldness of
the body after death , its starts by 1.5 c in first hour and then 1 c
Rules of estimating tim since death
• ■ if the body feels warm and is flaccid, it has been dead
less than 3 hours
• ■ if the body feels warm and is stiff, it has been dead
from 3 to 8 hours
• ■ if the body feels cold and is stiff, it has been dead from 8 to 36 hours
• ■ if the body feels cold and is flaccid, it has been dead more than 36 hours.
Cadaveric spasm
• Cadaveric spasm is a rare form of virtually instantaneous rigor that develops at the time of death
with no period of post-mortem flaccidity
• Intense physical and emotional activity
• And occurs in one groups of muscle as a flexor of the arm for example
Post mortem decomposition
• Decomposition is a mixed process ranging from autolysis of individual cells by internal chemical
breakdown to tissue autolysis from liberated enzymes, and external processes introduced by
bacteria and fungi from the intestine and outer environment.

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