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1. CARDIAC ENZYMES- also known as cardiac biomarker,
are released into the circulation when myocardial necrosis
occurs. Cardiac enzyme test is a blood test that measures the
cardiac enzymes in the blood and performed after a heart attack
to asses whether the heart is damaged.
a) Creatine kinase- a muscle enzyme that exist as isoenzymes;
monitor heart and skeletal muscle health.
b) Lactate dehydrogenase- is an enzyme required during the
process of turning sugar into energy for your cells.
c) Troporin- is a protein found in heart and skeletal muscle
that is involved in muscle contraction. Troponin tests
measure the level of cardiac-specific troponin in the blood to
help detect heart injury.
d.)Myoglobin- is a small, oxygen binding protein found in
heart and skeletal muscles. It traps oxygen within muscle
cells, allowing the cells to produce the energy required for
muscular contraction
2. COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT (CBC)- is a blood test
used to evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of
disorders, including anemia, infection and leukemia.
 - includes: Red Blood Cells, White blood cells,
Hemoglobin, Hematocrit/plasma, Platelets, and the Results.
because it prevents excessive bleeding when a blood vessel is
4. SERUM LIPIDS- The clear liquid that can be separated
from clotted blood . A serum albumin test is a simple blood
test that measures the amount of albumin in your blood.

5. ELECTROLYTES- are minerals in your body that have an

electric charge. They are in your blood, urine, tissues, and
other body fluids. These substances help trigger and conduct
the electrical impulses in your heart. Electrolyte levels that
are too high or too low can affect your heart's electrical
impulses and contribute to arrhythmia development.
a) Potassium- is crucial to heart function, and low levels in the
b) Sodium- It is responsible for one-half of the osmotic
pressure gradient that exists between the interior of cells and
their surrounding environment. This is important for
initiating the action potential and triggering contractions of
the cardiac muscle fibers.
c) Calcium- is important for heart health because of its
involvement in the heart's contraction mechanism and/or
maintaining normal blood pressure. It also is required for the
regulation of heart-muscle function and nerve transmission.
Phosphorus level

Phosphorus mere involvement in energy production

makes it an indespanable requirement to your heart
since, like all organs your heart needs energy to
function. Also it helps regulate blood calcium, and
your heart depends on calcium for proper function.
Additionally blood acidity affects your heart rate.

 It is an element that is vital to several body's

physiological processes. that is to the body's.
 It is essential for blood vessels function, blood
pressure normal, bone strong, normal heart
Chest X-ray

 Uses a very small dose of ionizing radiation to

produce pictures of inside of the chest.
 It is use to evaluate the lungs, heart, and chest
wall and may be use to diagnose shortens of
breaths, persistent cough, fever, chest pain or

 It records the electrical signal in your

heart, it is common used to detect heart
problem and monitor the heart status in
many situation.
Holter monitoring

 It is a battery operated portable device that measures

and records your heart activity continuously for 24 to
48 hours or longer depending on the type of monitoring
 The device is size like small camera, it has wires and
silver dollar sized electrodes that attach to your skin. It
is also called ambulatory electrocardiogram

An echocardiogram uses sound waves to produce images of

your heart. This common test allows your doctor to see your
heart beating and pumping blood. Your doctor can use the
images from an echocardiogram to identify heart disease.
Your doctor may suggest and echocardiogram to:
Check for problems with the valves or chambers of your heart.
Check if heart problems are the cause of symptoms such as
shortness of breath or chest pain.
Detect congenital heart defects before birth.
Exercise testing helps your doctor find out how well you
heart deals with exercise or stress. The test involves
exercising on a treadmill while your heart rate,
breathing, blood pressure and electrical activity in your
heart are all monitored.

You are connected to monitoring equipment and then

asked to walk slowly on a treadmill or cycle on a
stationary bicycle. The speed is increased to a faster
pace and the treadmill is tilted to produce the effect of
going up a small hill (on a bike, the load on the pedals
increases continuously or in a stepwise manner). You
may also be asked to breathe into a tube for a couple of

Digital subtraction angiography is an examination that

provides images of the lumen (inner surface) of the blood
vessel including the arteries, veins and the heart chambers.
This images are obtained using complex computerized X-ray
machines. A special contrast medium r ‘dye’ (high density
clear liquid) is usually injected to make the blood supply to
the legs, heart or other organs easy to see.
Nuclear cardiology
Nuclear cardiology test measure the amount of
blood flow to the heart muscle. Doctor use these test
to diagnose and assess coronary artery disease and
cardiac ischemia (decreased blood flow and oxygen
to the heart muscle). These test are also called heart
perfusion imaging tests or cardiac nuclear stress
Cardiac SPECT (Single photon
Emission/Computed Tomography)
Cardiac PECT-CT (Positron Emission
Tomography/ Computed Axial Tomography)

In cardiac catheterization, your doctor puts a

very small, flexible, hollow tube into a blood
vessel in the groin, arm or neck. Then he or she
threads it through the blood vessel into the
aorta and into the heart. Once the catheter is in
place, several tests may be done. Your doctor
can place the tip of the catheter into various
parts of the heart to measure the pressures
within the heart chambers or take blood
samples to measure oxygen levels.

Central venous pressure is considered a direct

measurement of the blood pressure in the right
atrium and vena cava. It is acquired by
threading a central venous catheter into any of
several large veins. It is threaded so that the tip
of the catheter rests in the lower third of the
superior vena cava. The pressure monitoring
assembly is attached to the distal port of a multi
lumen central vein catheter.

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