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What is it? 
By: Hannah Deal
• Khan Academy is a nonprofit educational organization that provides
students and teachers with free online courses, lessons, and practices in
basically any subject. 
• Students can learn more about math, art, computer
programming, chemistry and many other important school subjects. 
• Khan Academy works to provide free education all over the world to
anyone, anywhere. 
Helping not only students, but teachers as well

• Khan Academy gives students • Teachers also utilize Khan

personalized learning allowing Academy as it gives them tools to
them to practice and learn at their identify students gaps in learning.
own pace.  Teachers are then able to tailor
• Students work to fill in the gaps of their instruction to meet the needs
their learning then work to of their students. 
accelerate it as well. 
Classroom Integration
• Many of my teachers in the past have assigned
my class videos to watch on Khan Academy
further explaining the lesson we learned that
• To help students with their learning, there are
videos of teachers walking you through
lessons and in most cases drawing out
problems for you to practice with. 
Khan Academy Impact on
Students through classroom
integration • Students perform better than expected on
district established targets. 5,348 middle school
Integrating Khan Academy into classes mathematics students used Khan Academy
helped students beyond belief. Having this integrated into instruction for 1 class period per
helpful tool inside and outside the week. Students who used Khan gained an
classroom has proved to better students
learning and make them better students additional 22 points on the Smarter Balanced
overall. Mathematics Assessment scale score.
• Also, the use of Khan Academy was positively
associated with better than predicted test scores,
lower math anxiety, and higher confidence in
one’s ability to do math.
An interesting link I found

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