Introduction To Biochemistry: Ms. Jirehkriza G. Suganob General Biology 1

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Module 7:

Introduction to
Ms. JirehKriza G. Suganob
General Biology 1
Module Objectives
1.Define concepts under Biochemistry and its scope of study.
2.Explain the principles of Biochemistry.
3.Determine its application in different industry.
01. Definition of Biochemistry
02. Scope of Study
03. industries
Application in our daily lives and various

“Bio” “Chemistry”
Biology is the science of
Biochemistry living organisms and
is a hybrid chemistry is the science of
science atoms and molecules, so
biochemistry is the science
of the atoms and molecules
in living organisms.

The branch of science dedicated to

the study of these chemical
processes within a cell.
Scope of Study

Metabolism Water and Buffers

Reactions and Genetics and

Energy Changes mutations

The building and breaking down of

life-sustaining chemicals within an
organism is known as metabolism.
(1) the conversion of food to energy
to run cellular processes;
(2) the conversion of food/fuel to
building blocks for the production
of primary metabolites, such as
proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and
other secondary metabolites; and
(3) the elimination of waste
Reactions and
Na + Cl2 -> NaCl
Energy Changes

Some reactions will go to completion and will

be irreversible in nature, while other reactions
form an equilibrium between the reactants and
the products, and can move in the forward or
the reverse direction
NaCl -> Na + Cl2
Water and Buffers

To understand life, we begin the

discussion with the basics of water,
because everything that happens in
cells, even reactions buried deep
inside enzymes, away from water,
is influenced by water’s chemistry.
Genetics and
The development of complex
biological organisms on our planet
has arisen through the evolutionary
mechanism of natural selection.
Clinically important missense
mutations generally change the
properties of the coded amino acid
residue among basic, acidic, polar
or non-polar states, whereas
nonsense mutations result in a stop
Application in our
daily lives and
various industries
Evidences of Biochemistry in Daily Basis

Takes a drug to lower his serum

cholesterol. That drug was developed by
a pharmaceutical company's biochemists
to inhibit a key enzyme involved in
cholesterol biosynthesis
Evidences of Biochemistry in Daily Basis

Shaves with a cream containing

compounds that soften his beard. These
active agents were developed after
studies of the physical properties of
keratin, the protein in hair.
Evidences of Biochemistry in Daily Basis

Eats a breakfast cereal fortified with

vitamins identified through nutritional
Evidences of Biochemistry in Daily Basis

Wears a shirt made from pest‐

resistant cotton. The cotton plants were
bioengineered by biochemists through
the transfer of genes from a bacterium
into plants.
Evidences of Biochemistry in Daily Basis

Drinks milk before bedtime. One’s

sleep is helped by the amino acids in the
milk, which are converted by his brain
into molecular signals that lead to a
resting state in other parts of his brain
Fields & Industries

● Physiology
● Pathology
Fields & Industries

● Prevent diseases and
Enhance Yield/
● Adulteration
● In animal husbandry
Fields & Industries

● In fisheries the water
quality is regularly
monitored by
biochemical tests
● Botany
Fields & Industries

● Food Chemistry
● Dietetics
Fields & Industries

● Drug constitution
● Drug storage
● Drug metabolism
Do you have any questions?

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