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10,000 lux
15 – 30
Distances 5000 lux
(inches) 22

40 – 60
32 2500 lux

120 – 180

Chromotherapy, sometimes called color

therapy, colorology or cromatherapy
balance the body’s energy centers or chakras
Imbalance, is rectified with color therapy

spectrum of colors is derived from sunlight

each color vibrates at a different frequency
The vibrations of colors transmit energy, which is
used to balance the body’s energy centers or

Swiss psychologist, Max Luscher- colour test

Effect of on autonomic nervous system
Pure red – sympathomimetic
Blue - parasympathomimetic

prevalent thousands of years ago and can be traced

back to Ancient Egypt and Greece.
In India, ancient Indian scriptures, such as
Atharvana Veda, speak of color healing that occurs
with the rays of the sun.
Ayurveda affirms the healing powers of colors. 

The Energy of Color

Color is energy.
enhance and balance the physical, emotional and
spiritual state of a person.
Harmonious, soothing colors and color
combinations - promote health and inner harmony,
key triggers for healing.

The Energy of Color

impacts our mood, health, and thought process.
awareness to the energy of color - transform our
pattern of health and well being.
mood-enhancing properties - improve overall quality
of life.
The Color-Mood Connection

 energy translated into color by photoreceptors - cones.

 direct influence on our thoughts, moods and behaviors

RED– It represents vitality, creativity, energy and power.

Excess of red can make a person agitated and aggressive.

ORANGE– It is an energizing color with a gentle warming

effect. It helps to uplift the spirits of people who are

YELLOW– It stimulates the intellect and has a cheering

The Color-Mood Connection

GREEN– It represents balance, harmony, and hope. It helps

to calm nerves and create a serene atmosphere.

BLUE– It represents truth, nobility, and serenity. Blue colored

clothes should be worn to beat the summer heat. Too much of
blue can induces sadness and depression.

INDIGO– It stimulates the intellect, while also instilling

courage, authority and calmness.

VIOLET– It represents creativity. It is useful in treating people

who are emotionally agitated.
Colors and Chakras

The Red Energy governs Root Chakra.

The Yellow Energy governs spleen Chakra.

The Orange Energy governs the Solar Plexus Chakra.

The Green Energy governs Heart Chakra.

The Blue Energy governs Throat Chakra.

The Indigo Energy governs Brow Chakra.

The Violet Energy governs the Crown Chakra.

Alleged meaning of colors
Color Chakra Chakra Alleged function Associated system

Red First Base of the spine Grounding and Survival gonads, kidneys, spine, sense
of smell

Orange Second Lower abdomen, Emotions, sexuality Urinary tract, circulation,

genitals reproduction

Yellow Third Solar plexus Power, ego stomach, liver, gall bladder,

Green Fourth Heart Love, sense of responsibility Heart, lungs, thymus

Blue Fifth Throat Physical and spiritual Throat, ears, mouth, hands

Indigo Sixth Just above the Forgiveness, compassion, Eye, pineal glands
center of the understanding
brow, middle of
Violet Seventh Crown of the Connection with universal pituitary gland, the central
head energies, transmission of ideas nervous system and the
and information cerebral cortex

nervous and mental disorders,
eating disorders,
skin diseases,
digestive ailments,
blood and circulation problems,
multiple sclerosis,
cancer and Aids.
Modus Operandi of Color Therapy

Colors possess healing properties.

assists in restoring the balance.
interacts with the human energy system
brings about a balance in the physical, emotional, mental
and spiritual conditions.
maintain the vibrations of the body at the required
frequency, which brings about harmony and good health.
using colors to uplift our thinking induces a sense of well
being that restores equilibrium in the body.
activate a particular organ, gland and system in the body.
Each organ has a specific color to activate it.
The Practice of Color Therapy
Color gazing:
Gazing at a blue light - lower blood pressure by calming the
autonomic nervous system, while red light - increases blood
Proper use of colors help to heal ailments.
Colored glass panels, colored light bulbs are used.
People feel good by wearing colors that has a positive impact on their
The use of pleasant colors in the surroundings also has a beneficial
Solarised water is capable of energizing the body. The Sun’s rays are
made to pass through a colored glass bottle containing water, for 6-8
hours. The energized water rejuvenates the body after consumption.
Color Visualization:
Visualize yourself bathed in the colors you wish and
allow it to create a positive impact in your body.
Color Breathing:
 done in a ‘lying down’ or ‘sitting’ position.
 Look at the colors that appeal to you.
 Select the color that best appeals to you and
visualize it entering your body.
Color Meditation
Hold your attention to one color that you are drawn
to, and meditate on this color.
Other tools used for color healing include
Gemstones, Candles, and Prisms etc.
It forms a link between our physical bodies and the
finer forces of vibrations.
takes to higher levels of consciousness leading to
spiritual growth.

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