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To preserve a record of the past years student life in

Xavier Academy, we offer this book.

Our school strive to provide all students with

opportunities to succeed in challenging educational
programs. To support this goal and to illustrate examples
of promising and best practices, our talented and creative
teachers and administrators develop local resources for
the use of teachers and students.

We hope that teachers will find the materials in this book

to be helpful and relevant in their instructional planning,
classroom management and decision making.

Xavier Academy envision students
to commit on a high academic
performance, improving
socialization skills, morally
discipline citizen in this society.
This institutions visualizes the
students of Xavier Academy to give
them a better life living and a
successful life.
Mission to accomplish this vision, Xavier
Academy prepare the students to be
productive and create their knowledgeable
future, to excel in a dynamic world order and
to commit theirselves into a bright &
successful life. Xavier Academy will help
you to walk in the right path. To improve the
behavior of students, to join confidently in a
peer group, and to give you a positive
perception in life.
 To produce students that have academic excellence and making them a better
person in their future.

 Enhancing their leadership skills so they can be ready for any obstacles in
their work and in their lives.

 Teaching students the good values of

life and teaching them how to have proper etiquette until they go to
higher level of education.
1. Students and enrolees are required to
have a test (drugs, alcohol and smoking)
on the day they have registered on
Xavier academy. If the student or enrolee
is proven positive they are not allowed to
2. Xavier Academy expels students who’s a
member of a gang or fraternity.
3. Once a student was seen on a party club,
they will be having a conference with the
principal together with the student’s
adviser and parents.
4. The Xavier Academy has the right to
expel and suspend students who’s case of
their bad doings out the school aren’t

Activities are a part of student life for all

our students. These help in the learning
social skills and promote the students to
have a good reputation. Students may
Our dedicated faculty members participate in a variety of clubs including
volunteers their time to sponsor volleyball, basketball, acoustic, table
many of these clubs at no charge to tennis, dance.
the students
• Field Trip
• Outreach Programs
• JS Promenades
• Community Festivals
Field trips give students educational
experiences away from their regular
school environment. Popular field trip
sites include zoos, nature centers,
museums. Not only do field trips
provide alternative educational A JS Prom is a formal dinner-
opportunities for students. dance party usually given by the
juniors to the graduating class of
the school the Seniors as a way of
saying goodbye to them.
Outreach Program gives students the
opportunity to get involved in
community service on a regular basis,
with projects to choose from almost
daily. Outreach isn't just an activity for COMMUNITY FESTIVALS
them, We want to decipline our student Festival is an event that celebrated
to help other people with community, most often refers
to a religous festival.
 When a student enrolls in Xavier Academy, he/she becomes bounded by the rules
and regulations of the school, as written in this Student’s Handbook. Discipline is
based on the principle of respect, respect to yourself and towards the rights of
others. Hence, the members of the administration as well as the members of the
faculty and non-teaching staff have the right to be respected.
 The school may impose disciplinary sanctions upon any blundering student,
ensuring that every individual is accommodated while acknowledging the right of
student after proper investigation.

 Student’s Behavior
 The following behaviors are required to be followed by every student enrolled
in the school at all times. Any form of non-compliance will be subjected to
disciplinary actions.
 Students are expected to respect themselves and others; including the non-
teaching and faculty staff and to value their property and of others.
 Students are expected to develop their sense of tolerance and justice in their
dealings with others.
 Students are encourage to participate in every activities given to the school, but
still, subjected to the school’s rules and regulations.
 Students are not allowed to leave the school premises without giving excuse slips
with guardian’s sign and valid reasons on it.

Disciplinary Sanction is a demerit which students will receive if they disobeyed
the rules and regulations in the school. This sanction has different categories, it is
categorized based on the gravity of the student's misconduct in school.
 It is the policy of Xavier to ensure fair and effective disciplinary practices. Every
student has a right to an education in a safe, secure and supportive environment,
and every teacher has a right to expect respectful, prepared students in his/her

Minor Offenses
are misdemeanor cases that could be Major Offenses
admonish by the teacher to are demeanor cases that involves
recommend about the case. Getting approval of the adviser, teachers,
involve in the case will lead to a counselor and the principal for
major offense. the said case. Being involve in
this offense leads to a failing
grade in the deportment.
Penalties  List of Minor Offenses
First offense - Oral  Failure to wear proper School Attire
Warning and ID  Walking out of the classroom
 Second offense - Oral
 Wearing an I.D that isn’t yours
Reprimand: Grade of 77
 Failure to return the report card
in the deportment and  Failure to follow rules and regulations inside
Community Service the: Library, Science Laboratory, Theatre,
Third offense - Oral Classrooms

reprimand with teacher  Failure to secure late/absentee slips

and parents: Grade of
72 in the deportment;
Record violation in the  Contravention against School Property
principal’s list (waiver)  Vandalizing on the walls and desks
 Not replacing Damaged Property
 Contravention against health and
Sanitation, Safety and Security
 Spitting anywhere inside the
 Urinating anywhere
 Littering or improper waste
 Going outside the school

 Contravention against moral

 Double meaning
 Cussing
 Repeated non-submission of
reply/excuse slips
 List of Minor offenses
Penalties  Contravention against School Policies
As a punishment the
student who’ll violates
 Cutting Classes
this offenses will be  Member of Fraternity/Sorority/Gang
suspended and will be  Habitual Tardiness
having a grade of 72 in  Bringing of gadgets
the deportment, and will
have a conference with
 Contravention against Students/ School

the Principal, Adviser

and Parents. Personnel
 Verbal bullying
 Physical harm
 Cyber bullying
 Contravention against Moral  Violation of off-limits areas
Ethics  Writing or saying vulgar words
 PDA  Unauthorized buying and selling
 Sporting a tattoo of items within the school
 Posting malicious pictures or premises
messages in social medias  Tampering with club boards and
 Exhibitionism bulleting boards
 Voyeurism  Unruly/improper/disruptive
behavior when inside the
 Gambling
classrooms, corridors, library,
 Pre-martial sex prayer room, during flag
ceremonies and in any school

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