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October 2010
By Daniel Sammut
1. Paraphrase =
1. write in your own words
2. Use synonyms
2. Condense =
1. use acrononyms (eg USA)
2. Change the structure
3. Combination of sentences
3. Topic and Supporting Sentences
4. Reread the text
 Read everything
 Identify the topic
 often the title or will help you find the
 Usually you should give a general heading or
write the contention.
 Set out your notes clearly
 You can use table for arguments for and
 If there are two texts or a cartoon try to
integrate into one set of notes
 Show how ideas are linked through boxes
 Avoid using complete sentences
 Do not just list unconnected words
 Do write phrases
 Include only major ideas
 Use abbreviations
1. Paraphrase =
1. write in your own words
2. Use synonyms and abbreviations
3. Write Phrases NOT complete sentences
2. Condense =
1. use acrononyms (eg USA)
2. Change the structure
3. Combination of sentences
3. Topic and Supporting Sentences
4. Reread the text
 & and
 esp especially
 w with
 w/o without
 ↓ decrease, fall
 ↑ rise, increase
 < less than
 > more than
 b/c because
 e.g. for example
 = is the same
 ≠ not the same
 X no
 √ yes
 ∴ therefore
 ∵ however
 ∆ change
 Many problems with  Mobile phones
mobile phones in class, problems:
including distracting ◦ Distracting
students, used for ◦ Cheating
cheating in exams, ◦ expensive
expensive to buy and

Incorrect Correct
 Note Form Summary
 Understanding Contention
 Paragraph Structure
 Understanding Topic and Supporting
 Basic Essay Structure
 Persuasive Techniques
 Types of Evidence
 Appeals to Audience
 Introduction to an Issue
 Why is it an Issue?
 Who are the stakeholders?
 What are the key arguments according to
SHERL (Society, Health, Economy &
environment, Religion & ethics, Law &
 Decide your contention
 Write essay or deliver speech.
 Research the topic
 Think of the issue from many perspectives
 Develop your own opinion
1. Ban the Phone
1 The use of all phones in our school is banned for several good
2 reasons. Firstly, permitting students to have access to phones
3 in class will be distracting and will stop students from learning.
4 How will students get the most from a lesson when they are
5 sending messages to their friends in other classes? Secondly,
6 phones are very expensive and may be stolen causing many
7 parents to pay for them. Last year alone 54 students lost their
8 phones or had them stolen. Thirdly, students may use their
9 phones to cheat on exams. Our school wants hardworking,
10 safe and honest students. We will continue to follow the
11 standards of most schools that have maintained schools free
12 from mobile phones.
13 Principal of St Helen Secondary College
 Three Level Guide
 In groups read the two letters about phones
in the classroom. As you read answer the
following questions. Everyone in your group
must agree. You will then need to be able to
explain your answer.

 Level One –answers are on the text

 Level Two –answers are implied by the text
 Level Three-answers from you
Inclusive question
1. Ban the Phone
1 The use of all phones in our school is banned for several good
2 reasons. Firstly, permitting students to have access to phones
3 in class will be distracting and will stop students from learning.
4 How will students get the most from a lesson when they are
5 sending messages to their friends in other classes? Secondly,
6 phones are very expensive and may be stolen causing many
7 parents to pay for them. Last year alone 54 students lost their
8 phones or had them stolen. Thirdly, students may use their
9 phones to cheat on exams. Our school wants hardworking,
10 safe and honest students. We will continue to follow the
11 standards of most schools that have maintained schools free Use of
12 from mobile phones. statistics
13 Principal of St Helen Secondary College

Self interest
1. Ban the Phone
1 The use of all phones in our school is banned for several good
2 reasons. Firstly, permitting students to have access to phones
3 in class will be distracting and will stop students from learning.
4 How will students get the most from a lesson when they are
5 sending messages to their friends in other classes? Secondly,
6 phones are very expensive and may be stolen causing many
7 parents to pay for them. Last year alone 54 students lost their
8 phones or had them stolen. Thirdly, students may use their
9 phones to cheat on exams. Our school wants hardworking,
10 safe and honest students. We will continue to follow the
11 standards of most schools that have maintained schools free
12 from mobile phones.
13 Principal of St Helen Secondary College

Fear justice

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