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Case Study #1

Brittany Johnson
Sophie has ADHD
Sophie’s Accommodations are:

1. Frequent scheduled breaks

2. Positive behavioral contract-Rewards
3. Color Coding to help sophie be organized
4. Preferential seating
5. Work on regulating emotions

I would focus on Regulating emotions, frequent breaks and preferential seating

Nathan is Intellectually Disabled

Nathan’s Accommodations are:

1. One on one- work on regulating emotions

2. Tools that he can use to improve his fine motor skills: such as a fatter pencil for
3. Explicitly teach him social skills (and other skills he needs help on)
4. Adaptive behavior- Group him with kids that have empathy and who work well with
5. Allow him Extra time on assignments and Preferential seating near the teacher, so he
can be helped quickly

I would focus on regulation, tools to use, and social skills one on one
Tommy has an Emotional Disturbance (Disability)
Tommy’s Accommodations are:

1. Use positive behavior contract

2. Preferential seating to lower behaviors
3. Allow him Extra time on assignments
4. Set a purpose for every assignment
5. Read the questions on assignments and assessments out loud for him

(Since he is good at math you can accommodate him by allowing him to record ‘how
to’ videos to show he knows the standard.)

I would focus on setting a purpose for everything, reading questions and behavior
Steven has a Learning Disability
Steven’s Accommodations are:

1. Small group instruction

2. Extra time
3. Preferential seating near the teacher

I would focus on instruction, extra time, and tools/software to assist with learning
material. I will teach by “I do, We do, you do” model.
John has Autism
John’s Accommodations are:

1. Preferential seating
2. Extra time
3. Calm area when he needs to regulate emotions
4. Read questions out loud to him on assignments and assessments (as time goes on
slowly wean him from this habit)
5. Connect all learning back to subject they fixate on and slowly ease out of doing this
so that you can start to draw his attention and focus to other subjects.

I will focus on connecting(5), calm area for regulation and reading questions.
Andy has ADHD
Andy’s Accommodations are:

1. Learn to regulate emotions one-on-one

2. Social Emotional Learning taught within all subject matters
3. Color code to help Andy stay organized
4. Use graphic organizers to help with reading
5. Use a positive behavior contract
6. Extra time
7. Frequent and scheduled breaks
8. Give Andy jobs during instruction time to lower behaviors

I will focus on regulation, graphic organizers breaks, and behavior contract.

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