Chemistr Y: Hamail Saeed O-1 Pink

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Q1: Define Matter

ANS: Matter is a substance that has inertia and

occupies physical space. According to modern
physics, matter consists of various types of
particles, each with mass and size. The most
familiar examples of material particles are the
electron, the proton and the
neutron. ... Matter can exist in several states,
also called phases.
Q2: What is kinetic particle of theory?

ANS:The kinetic theory of matter (particle theory)

says that all matter consists of many, very
small particles which are constantly moving
or in a continual state of motion. The degree
to which the particles move is determined by
the amount of energy they have and their
relationship to other particles.
Q1: With the help of kinetic particle of theory
explain why
(a)Solids are compressible?
(b) Liquids do not have a fixed shape?
ANS: The atoms, ions, or molecules that make up
the solid or liquid are very close together. There is
no space between the individual particles, so they
cannot pack together. The kinetic-molecular theory
explains why gases are more compressible than
either liquids or solids.
Because the particles cannot move around,
a solid has a fixed shape. Liquids do not
have a fixed shape but they do
have a fixed volume. The particles are very
close together. Most of the particles touch
each other.
Q3: Briefly explain the arrangement of particles in
solid state?

ANS: Particles in a: gas are well separated with no

regular arrangement. liquid are close together with
no regular arrangement. solid are tightly packed,
usually in a regular pattern.

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