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GQ – Gentlemen’s Quarterly

”The magazine for men with an IQ”

Suggests men should be sophisticated, classy, fit, smart, and should look after themselves.
• Launched 1931 in specific male fashion industry
• Produced by Conde Nast
• Multi Platform including website, iPad/iPhone apps,
• and annual event ‘GQ Man of the Year’
• Circulation of 115,000 and readership of 400,000
Man Up!: Suggests there is a definition of a man and relates to the
the idea when young boys are told to ‘man up’ if there aren’t being
considered masculine. Different from ‘laddish men’ with the
Color Connotation brackets. Not about removing emotions or disregarding feelings
Red – Love, Warmth, Energy, Strength, Physical, Courage when the tag line is about “Mind, body. & masculinity.”
Black – Sophistication, Power, Stylish, Classic, Seek

Wellness Gadgets: New concept of man links to interests of gadgets but for wellbeing.
The cover lines follow his arm as it embodies
what man should be like. And he knows how
To man up.

Radial balance of him is radial balance

In the middle to preset him as strong and
A lot of money for a watch and a average person

The ROCK: Masculine name, a strength over his muscle. Style Manual: Other side of man sophistication, evident serif font use.
Serif font sophistication and exclamation point is a bull
From WWE trademark for wrestling character. And not
Forget his roots as a wrestler.

£ Rebooted fashion so you need to reboot yours

Care about the world and world events

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