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GQ- Gentleman’s Quarterly Cover lines

• Launched in 1931 with a specific male fashion • ‘Man up!’ suggests that there is an actual definition of
industry a man, but there is perhaps a different stereotype from
• Produced by Conde Nast ‘lad’
• Multi platform including website, iPad/iPhone apps, • ’Mind, body & masculinity’ perhaps it’s going to say
and the annual event of ‘GQ man of the year’ you don’t have to bottle up emotions and that you
• Circulation pf around 115,000 and a readership of should take care of your physical AND mental health
400,000 across all platforms • ‘Wellness’ – new concept of man
• Strapline- GQ- the magazine for men with an IQ
(Sophisticated, classy, fit, strong, takes care of
themselves, care about the way they look)
• Loaded- for men who should know better, FHM- it’s a
guy thing, no longer in circulation (not being made
any more)

Colour connotations
• Positive red, thinking more about passion, love, confidence,
warmth, courage, energy
• Positive black colours, thinking more of sophistication, stylish,
sleek, classic, power

Body language/pose: smouldering, quite a serious tone

• A lot of text about money, it’s calling

the products ‘essential’ there’s points
about Dwayne Johnson being
‘Hollywood’s most bankable star’

• ‘The Rock’ – strong masculine name

• Muscle strength

• Other side of man, serif font,

representation of high status
and high profile

• Show’s a consciousness about what’s

happening around the world
• Care about the world and world events
• Still at the bottom of the page and portrayed
as less important, not so much of how to be a

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