Політична свідомість і культура - Бондаренко - АН-32

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Political consciousness

and culture
Political consciousness is a form of public consciousness that reproduces the political existence of a
socially heterogeneous society, an important component of social and state life.
The basis of political consciousness is formed by knowledge, emotions and assessments, thinking
operations focused on the sphere of political relations and institutions, social norms, roles and processes.
Political consciousness is connected with the features of the political system, the level of political culture of
citizens, their knowledge and education. While performing its functions, the political consciousness acts as the
guarantor of stable and legitimate functioning of the political system. An individual's awareness of his position
in society and active civic position allow him to influence the political power. The inability of the political
elite to carry out reforms and overcome crisis phenomena in society leads to changes in the political
consciousness and may cause acute reactions on the part of society, which may be manifested both as
dissatisfaction with the policy of the existing political power and active protest actions on the part of the
Political culture is a typical, integral characteristic of an individual or collective social subject and
social institutions, society as a whole, fixing the level of development of ix political consciousness,
political activity and behavior.
Political culture is a constituent spiritual culture of an individual and society as a whole. It is closely
related to other types of culture - moral, legal, managerial, etc.
The activity of the state in defining models of political behavior, formation and consolidation of
national political symbols through the adoption of legislative acts determines, respectively, the most
important parameters of political culture. When the state assumes ideological functions, it is directly
involved in the process of forming political culture. History has examples of the fact that it is the state
that plays not only a significant but also a determining role in the formation of national political culture.
Another, no less important way of forming political culture is political, ideological, educational and
organizational activities of public organizations, primarily parties. They lay the foundation for the
political consciousness of citizens, their thinking and behavior. It is the activity of political parties that
shapes the attitude of citizens towards parties and political system, the idea about the place of parties in
the political system of society, about relations between parties and the state, etc.
The active participation of the church in everyday political life and its development of basic models of
political thinking and behavior of citizens is also one of the ways of forming the political culture of society.
The political culture of many Western countries was deeply influenced by the Protestant church. It insisted
on people's desire for a life focused on both personal and religious belief. The believer had to work, create
wealth, obey the law and do good.
In modern conditions one of the most effective ways of formation of political culture is information
and communication activity of mass media (mass media). It is not by chance that they are called the
"fourth power". This metaphor hides the real ability of mass media to form the basic political and
cultural values of citizens, stereotypes of political behavior.
Problems of political culture formation in Ukraine:
- approval of the Ukrainian national idea, substantiation of national interests of Ukraine,
clear definition of the content and ways and means of the state;
- establishment in the society, in political activity of orientations on respect to the person
as the supreme value, increase of efficiency of institutions ensuring realization of this
- focus not only on the state, but also on civil society; creating prerequisites for the rule
of law and the rule of law;
- establishment of tolerance and political pluralism in political relations;
- Wide use of foreign experience in formation of political culture, in particular in
achievement of civil agreement, political consensus, compromises, activity of political
opposition, ways of solution of various conflicts, organization of electoral process,
functioning of governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Thanks for
Бондаренко Роман АН-

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