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4.0 Heat Exchangers


4.1 Types of Heat Exchanger: Shell and

Tube, Plate - Parallel Flow, Counter
Flow, Cross Flow.
4.2 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient.
4.3 Log-mean-temperature difference (LMTD)
method & correction
4.4 Effectiveness of NTU (NTUmethod
4.5 Heat Exchanger Design and
4.1 Heat Exchangers

• The process of heat

exchange between two fluids
that are at different
temperatures and separated
by a solid wall occurs in
many engineering

• The device used to make this

exchange is called a heat

Heat Exchangers

• Heat exchangers are typically classified according to

flow arrangement and type of construction.

• The simplest heat exchanger is one in which the hot

and cold fluids move in the same direction (parallel
flow) or opposite directions (counter flow) in a
concentric tube (or double pipe construction).

Heat Exchangers

• In the parallel-flow
arrangement, the hot
and cold fluids enter
the same end, flow in
the same direction, and
leave at the same end.

Heat Exchangers

• In the counter-flow
arrangement, the fluids
enter at opposite ends,
in opposite directions,
and leave at opposite
cold fluid in

fluid out 6
Heat Exchangers

• Alternatively, the fluids

may move in cross-flow
(perpendicular) to one
• Fluid motion over them
may be mixed or
unmixed. The fluid is
unmixed, because fins
inhibit motion in a
direction that is
transverse to the main
flow direction (x)
Heat Exchangers
(Shell and Tube Design)

• The most common type of heat exchanger in

industrial applications is the shell and tube heat

Heat Exchangers
(Shell and Tube Design)

• These designs contain a large number of tubes

(packed in a shell) and heat transfer takes place as
one fluid flows inside the tubes while the other fluid
flows outside the tubes through the shell.

Heat Exchangers
(Shell and Tube Design)

• Baffles are commonly placed in the shell to force the

shell-side fluid to flow across the shell to enhance
heat transfer and to maintain a uniform spacing
between the tubes.

Heat Exchangers
(Shell and Tube – Multi-pass designs)

• Shell and tube heat

exchangers are further
classified by how many shell
and tube passes are involved.

• One-shell pass and two-tube

passes devices
– Heat exchangers in which all the
tubes make 1 U-turn in the shell
are called

• Two-shell passes and four-

tube passes devices
Heat Exchangers
(Plate and Frame)

• This is an
innovative design
which consists of
a series of plates
with corrugated
flat flow passages.

• Hot and cold fluids

flow in alternative
passages, thus the
cold stream is
surrounded by two
hot streams.
Heat Exchangers

• Heat exchangers are often given specific names to

reflect the specific application for which they are
– Condenser
• A heat exchanger in which one of the fluids is cooled
and condenses as it flows through the heat exchanger.
– Boiler
• A heat exchanger in which one of the fluids absorbs heat
and vaporizes.
– Space radiator
• A heat exchanger that transfers heat from the hot fluid to
the surrounding space by radiation.
4.2 Overall Heat Transfer
Coefficient U, W/m2.oC

Double-pipe Heat Exchanger

• A heat exchanger typically

involves two flowing fluids
separated by a solid wall.

• Heat is transferred
1. from the hot fluid to the wall
by convection,
2. through the wall by
3. from the wall to the cold fluid
again by convection.
Inner tube (dimensions)

Outer surface area

Ao = π DoL

t inner surface area

Di Ai = π DiL

Wall thickness
t = (Do - Di)/2 = Ro - Ri
Thermal resistances of

• the tube wall

Rwall = ln (Do/Di)
2π kL
• inner surface
Ri = 1/hiAi ,

• outer surface
Ro = 1/hoAo
Double-pipe Heat Exchanger

• The thermal resistance of the

network is thus:

1 ln  Do Di 
Rtot   
hi  Ai 2 kL ho  Ao

• So the thermal resistance in the path of heat flow from hot to

cold fluid in a heat exchanger includes:
i. Skin resistance associated with the flow
ii. Scale resistance from wall fouling (to be discussed later)
iii. Thermal resistance of wall material 19
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

• The heat transfer is therefore:

  UAT  U i Ai T  U o Ao T

• Where U = heat transfer coefficient

• Note: U i Ai  U o Ao
Ui  Uo unless Ai  Ao
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

• In this equation, U is called the overall heat transfer


1 1 1
   Rtot
U  As U i  Ai U o  Ao

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

• Since: thickness
  , t
Rwall 
ln    ln  
Ri  Ro  Ri   ln  2Ro L
2Ri L 
2 kL 2 kL  Ro  Ri   2 kL
t 1 t 1 t
  2L  Ro  Ri     Ao  Ai  
k  2R L  k ln  Ao  k  Am
ln  o 

 2Ri L 

Ao  Ai
Am 
ln AAoi  
• where Am is called the logarithmic mean area
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

• Since:

1 1  1 
Uo    1 
Ao  R Ao  Ai hi  k  tAm  1
Ao ho 

1  Ao  t  Ao  1 
       
 hi  Ai  k  Am  ho 

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

• And since:
Ao 2 Do L

Am 2 L Do  Di 
 2 Do L 
ln 
 2 Di L 
Do  Do 
  ln 
Do  Di  Di 
Do  Do 
 ln 
t  Di 
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

• Therefore substituting this in gives:

1  Do  Do  Do  1 
Uo        ln   
 hi  Di  2k  Di  ho 
1  1 Di  Do  1  D0 
Ui     ln     
Ai  R  hi 2k  Di  ho  Di 

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

• For a thin tube:

Do  Do 
t  0;  1 so ln   0
Di  Di 
1 1 
 Ui  Uo    
 hi ho 

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

• When the tubes are finned on one side to enhance the

heat transfer, the total heat transfer surface area on
the finned side becomes:

As  Atotal  A fin  Aunfinned

Surface Surface
Area of fins Area of Unfinned portion

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

• For short fins of high thermal conductivity, we can use

this total area in the convection resistance relation:

1 1
Rconv  
h  As h   A fin  Aunfinned 

• Since in this case the fins will be isothermal.

• Otherwise we should determine the effective surface
area from:
As  Aunfinned   fin  A fin
Effect of Fouling

• The performance of heat exchangers

usually deteriorates with time as a result
of the accumulation of deposits on heat
transfer surfaces.
• The layer of deposits represents
additional resistance to heat transfer
and causes Q to decrease.
• The net effect is represented by the
fouling factor (Rf) which is a measure of
the thermal resistance introduced by
Effect of Fouling

• If we define the fouling factors on the inside and the

outside surface to be Rfi and Rfo, respectively. Then the
total thermal resistance (R) with fouling and the overall
heat transfer coefficient becomes:

1 R fi t R fo 1
R    
Ai  hi Ai k  Am Ao Ao  h0
1  Do   Do  Do  Do  1
Uo       R fi      ln   R fo  
 hi  Di   Di  2k  Di  ho 

• Generally, Uo is low for a fluid with low k-values (for example

gases and oils). 30
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
(Example 11-1 p617)

• Example 11-1 Hot oil is to be

cooled in a double-tube counter-
flow heat exchanger. The copper
inner tubes have a diameter of 2 cm
and negligible thickness. The inner
diameter of the outer tube (shell) is
3 cm. Water flows through the tube
at 0.5 kg/s and oil flows through the
shell at 0.8 kg/s. Taking the average Assumptions
1) Thermal resistance of the
temperatures of the water and the inner tube is negligible since
oil to be 45C and 80C, the tube is highly conductive
respectively, determine the overall and its thickness is negligible.
heat transfer coefficient of this heat 2) Both oil and water flow are
exchanger. fully developed.

3) Properties of oil and water31are

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
(Example 11.1)

• Properties of water at 45C (Table A-9):

 water  990 mkg3 Prwater  3.91

k water  0.637 W
mC  water   0.602 10 6 m2
 s

• Properties of oil at 80C (Table A-16):

 oil  852 m3kg

Proil  490
k oil  0.138 W
mC  oil  37.5 10 6 m 2
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
(Example 11.1)

• Since the thickness is small:

1 1 1
 
U hi ho
• The hydraulic diameter for a circular tube is the diameter of the
tube itself, Dh, water = D = 0.02 m

• Therefore the mean velocity (Vm) for water is:

m water m water
Vm  
water  water  Ac  water  14  Dh2, water 
0.5 kgs
 
990    1 . 61 m

 4    0.02 m  2 s
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
(Example 11.1)

• The Reynolds number for the water is:

Vm  Dh , water
Re water 

1.61 ms    0.02 m 
 53,490
 water 0.602 10 6 m 2

• Since Re > 4,000, which is the Recrit for a pipe, the flow of water is
turbulent. The Nusselt number is thus:

h  Dh
Nu water   0.023  Re 0water
 Prwater

k water
 0.023   53,490   3.91
0.8 0.4
 240.6
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
(Example 11.1)

• Then:
k water
hwater   Nu water
Dh , water
0.637 mWC
   240.6   7,663 m W2 C
0.02 m

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
(Example 11.1)

• Now we repeat the analysis for oil.

Dh ,oil  Do  Di
 0.03  0.02  0.01 m

• The mean velocity of the oil is:

m oil m oil
Vm ,oil  
 
 oil  Ac  oil 14  Do2  Di2 
0.8 kgs
  2.39
852   
 2 2

 4    0.03  0.02  m 2 s

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
(Example 11.1)

• So the Reynolds number for oil is:

Re oil 
Vm,oil  Dh ,oil

 2.39 ms    0.01 m 
 637
 oil 37.5 10 6 m 2

• Recrit for oil in a pipe is higher, so the flow of oil is laminar.

• The Nusselt number can be found from Table 13-3 (in text) for
Dt/Ds= 0.667 as:

Nuoil  5.45
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
(Example 11.1)

• Therefore:

koil  0.138 mWC 

hoil   Nuoil      5.45  75.2 W
m 2  C
Dh ,oil  0.01 m 
1 1 1
 
U hi ho
• Then the overall heat transfer coefficient (U) for this heat
exchanger becomes:
1 1
U   74.5 m 2WC
1 1 1 1
  38
hi ho 7,663 m 2 C 75.2 m 2WC
Effect of Fouling
(Example 11.2)

• Example 11.2 A double-pipe

(shell and tube) heat exchanger
is constructed of a stainless
steel inner tube with inner
diameter (Di) of 1.5 cm and
outer diameter (Do) of 1.9 cm.
and an outer shell of inner
diameter 3.2 cm.

• For the convection values and

fouling factors given, determine
the thermal resistance of the
heat exchanger and heat
transfer coefficients Ui and Uo.
Effect of Fouling
(Example 11.2)

• The areas are:

Ai   Di L     0.015 m   1 m   0.0471 m 2

Ao   Do L     0.019 m   1 m   0.0597 m 2

• The thermal resistance is:

1 1 1
R   
U  As U i  Ai U o  Ao


R f ,i

 R

f ,o

hi  Ai Ai 2 kL Ao ho  Ao
Effect of Fouling
(Example 11.2)

• Therefore:

R 
 
R f ,i ln Doi

 
R f ,o

hi  Ai Ai 2 kL Ao ho  Ao
1 0.0004 m WC
  
800 W
m 2  C
 0.0471 m 2
 0.0471 m 2

 0.019 m 
ln  m 2  C
 0 . 015 m   0 . 0001 1
 W

2 15.1 mC   1 m  0.0597 m
W 2
1200 W
m C
 0.0597 m 2 

  0.02654  0.00849  0.0025  0.00168  0.001396  WC

 0.0532 WC 41
Effect of Fouling
(Example 11.2)

• Note that 19% of the total resistance in this case is due to fouling
and about 5% of it is due to the steel tube separating the two
fluids. The rest of the 76% is due to convective resistances on
the two sides of the inner tube.

• Now know the thermal resistances, the overall heat transfer

coefficients can be found:
1 1
Ui    399 W
R  Ai  0.0532 W    0.0471 m 
2 2
C m  C

1 1
Uo    315 W
R  Ao  0.0532 WC    0.0597 m 2 
m  C

4.3 Log Mean Temperature
Difference Method

Analysis of Heat Exchangers

• The first law of

thermodynamics requires
that the heat transfer to
the cold fluid must be
equal to the heat transfer
from the hot fluid.

 Q  m c  C pc  Tc ,out  Tc ,in 

 Q  m h  C ph  Th ,in  Th ,out 

• Where the subscripts c and h

stand for cold and hot.
Analysis of Heat Exchangers

• In heat exchanger analysis it is convenient to combine

the product of the mass flow and the specific heat of a
fluid into a single quantity called the heat capacity
Cc  m c c pc
C h  m h c ph

 Q  Cc  Tc ,out  Tc ,in 

 Q  C  T  T 
h h ,in h ,out
Analysis of Heat Exchangers
• Consider an incremental area of the heat exchanger surface (as
shown for either a counter-flow or parallel flow heat exchanger).

Th,in dA Th,in Hot dA

Hot Th,out ΔTo Th,out
ΔTo Cold
Cold ΔT L
Tc,out ΔT L
Tc,in Tc,in

Parallel Flow Counter-flow

Analysis of Heat Exchangers
• The heat transfer over the area (dA) can be expressed in three

1) The heat flow between hot fluids:

dQ  U  dA  T
2) The heat gain by the cold fluid:

dQ  Cc  dTc
3) The heat given up by the hot fluid:

dQ  Ch  dTh 47

Log Mean Temperature
Difference Method
• However, since the temperature difference (ΔT)
between the hot and cold fluids varies with distance
along the heat exchanger. It is convenient to use a
mean temperature difference (ΔTm) between the hot
and cold fluids, so that:

Q  A  U  Tm

LMTD Method

• Consider a parallel double-

pipe heat exchanger. The
heat transfer on each fluid in
the differential section can
be expressed as:

Q  Ch  dTh

Q  C  dTc c

LMTD Method

• Solving these equations gives:

Q Q
dTh   dTc 
Ch Cc
• Taking their difference gives:
 1 1 
dTh  dTc  d  Th  Tc   Q  
  
 C h Cc 

LMTD Method

• The rate of heat transfer in the differential section can

be expressed as:

Q  U   Th  Tc   dA

• Substituting this into the previous equations gives:

d  Th  Tc   1 1 
 U  dA    
Th  Tc  C h Cc 
LMTD Method

• Integrating from the inlet to the heat exchanger to its

outlet, we get:

d  Th  Tc  1 1

0 Th  Tc  U   Ch  Cc  0 dA

+ For parallel-flow
- For counter-flow

LMTD Method

• Solving the integral for parallel flow

(where ΔT1=Th,in-Tc,in and ΔT2=Th,out-Tc,out) we get:

   T2   
 
 Th ,out  Tc ,out   1 1 
ln  U  A    
 Th ,in  Tc ,in   C h Cc 
     
 T1 
 T2   C h  Cc   Cc 1 C h 1 
ln   U  A     U  A      
 T1   C h  Cc   C h Cc Cc C h 

LMTD Method

• Since:

Cc  Th ,out  Th ,in  Ch Tc ,out  Tc ,in

 and 
Ch Tc ,out  Tc ,in Cc  Th ,out  Th ,in 

• Then:

 T2    Th,out  Th ,in  1 Tc ,out  Tc ,in 1 

ln   U  A      
 Tc ,out  Tc ,in  Cc  Th ,out  Th ,in  Ch 
 
 T1 

LMTD Method

• Solving:

 T2    Th ,out  Th ,in Tc ,out  Tc ,in 

ln    U  A    
 1  Q Q

  Th ,out  Tc ,out   Th ,in  Tc ,in  
 U  A   
 
 T2  T1 
 U  A   
 

LMTD Method

• Therefore:

 
 
 T2  T1 
Q  U  A
  U  A  Tm
  T2  
 ln  
  T1  
    
Mean temperature

• This is the log mean temperature difference 56

LMTD Method
• The log mean temperature difference method (LMTD) can be
used for both parallel and counter-flow heat exchangers, if the
following terms are used for ΔT:

Parallel Heat Exchangers Counter-flow Heat Exchangers

Correction factors
for LMTD Method

• The LMTD method is strictly limited to single pass parallel and

counter-flow heat exchangers only.
– However, similar relations are also developed for cross-flow
and multi-pass shell and tube heat exchangers, but these are
very complicated expressions.

• In these cases it is more convenient to relate the equivalent

temperature difference relation for the counter-flow case as:

Tm  F  TLMTD ,
counter  flow

Correction factor Log Mean Temperature Difference

for counter-flow heat exchanger
Correction factors
for LMTD Method

• Correction factors (F) for several common

configurations are available from standard charts.

• Figure 11-18 (in text) shown on the next slide, lists

some for common shell and tube cross-flow heat
exchangers. The correction factor used for this is:
t 2  t1
T1  t1

T1  T2  m  c p  tube side
R 
t 2  t1  m  c p  shell side 59
Correction factors
for LMTD Method

LMTD Method
(Example 6.3)

• Example 6.3 Alcohol is to be cooled at a rate of 0.2

kg/s from 75C to 35C in a counter-flow heat
exchanger. Cooling water enters the heat exchanger
at 12C at a rate of 0.16 kg/s. The convective
coefficient between alcohol and the tube wall and
water is 0.34 kW/(m2K) and between the tube wall
and water is 0.225 kW/(m2K). The tube may be
assumed to be thin. The specific heat for the alcohol
is 2.52 KJ/(kgK) and water is 4.187 KJ/(kgK).
• Calculate the capacity ratio (C), effectiveness (ε),
and heat exchanger surface area (As).
LMTD Method
(Example 6.3)

Th,in hi  0.340 kW
m 2 K
ΔT1 Th,out ho  0.225 kW
m 2 K

Tc,out Cold
Tc,in= 12C


Th,in= 75C
Th,out= 35C

Tc,out= ?
LMTD Method
(Example 6.3)

• The heat capacity ratio

(C) is:

 
Ch  m h  c ph  0.20 kgs  2.52 kJ
  0.504
kg  K
K s

Cc  m c  c pc   0.16    4.187
  0.670
kg  K
K s

Cmax  Cc Cmin  Ch since: Cc > Ch

Cmin Ch 0.504
C    0.752
Cmax Cc 0.670
LMTD Method
(Example 6.3)

• Energy balance:

Q gain  Q loss
m c  c pc  Twater  m h  c ph  Talcohol

0.16    4.187   T  12C 

kg  K c ,out

  0.2    2.52
   75C  35C 
kg  K

Tc ,out  12C   42.1C
0.67 64
LMTD Method
(Example 6.3)

• The effectiveness is thus:

Q Ch  Th ,in  Th ,out 

  
Qmax Cmin  Th ,in  Tc ,in 

 75C  35C 
 0.635
 75C  12C 
• Cmin is used for Qmax because the fluid with the smaller
heat capacity rate will experience the largest
temperature change and thus be the first to
experience the maximum temperature, at which point
heat transfer stops. 65
LMTD Method
(Example 6.3)

• The temperature differences are:

T2  Th ,out  Tc ,in  35C  12C  23C

T1  Th,in  Tc ,out  75C  42.1C  32.9C

• Therefore the LMTD is:

T2  T1 23C  32.9C

Tm    27.7C
 
ln T1 ln 32.9C 
23 C

LMTD Method
(Example 6.3)

• For a thin tube (as given) then ro  ri, the overall heat
transfer coefficient is:
1 1
1 1   1 1 
Ui          0.1354 kW
m 2 K
 hi ho   0.34 0.225 
• Finally, the surface area is:

As 
U  Tm
20.16 kW
  0.495 m 2

0.1354 mkW

  27.7  273  K 67
LMTD Correction
(Example 6.4)

• Example 6.4 Cooling water (Cpc=4.187 kJ/(kgK))

flows through a two-shell pass, four-tube pass heat
exchanger at the rate of 2 kg/s and temperatures at
entry of 20 and exit at 80C. Hot oil enters through
the shell side of the heat exchanger at 140C and
leaves at 90C. Calculate the heat exchanger surface
area if the overall heat transfer coefficient (U) is 300

LMTD Correction
(Example 6.4)

Th,in= 140C

Tc,out= 80C

Tc,in= 20C

Th,out= 90C
LMTD Correction
(Example 6.4)

• The LMTD is:

T1  T2
Tm 
 T1 
ln 
 T2 

 90C  20C   140C  80C 
 64.9C
 90C  20C 
ln 
 140C  80C 

LMTD Correction
(Example 6.4)

• Parameters to use the LMTD correction chart:

Tc ,out  Tc ,in 80C  20C

P   0.5
Th ,in  Tc ,in 140C  20C

Th ,out  Th ,in 140C  90C

R   0.833
Tc ,out  Tc ,in 80C  20C

LMTD Correction
(Example 6.4)


• From chart (Figure 13-18 in text) the value F= 0.97

LMTD Correction
(Example 6.4)

• Therefore the surface area (As) is:

m c  C pc  Tc ,out  Tc ,in 

As 
U  F  Tm

 2    4.187
s    80C  20C 
kg  K

300 10    0.97   64.9C 

3 kW
m 2  C

 26.6 m 2

Analysis of Heat Exchangers

• Two different design tasks:

1) Specified:
- the temperature change in a fluid stream, and
- the mass flow rate.
- the designer needs to select a heat exchanger.
2) Specified:
- the heat exchanger type and size,
- fluid mass flow rate,
- inlet temperatures.
- the designer needs to predict the outlet temperatures and heat transfer
• Two methods used in the analysis of heat exchangers:
– the log mean temperature difference (or LMTD)
• best suited for the #1,
– the effectiveness–NTU method
• best suited for task #2.


Q  UAs Tlm
T1  T2
Tlm 
ln  T1 T2 

Correction factors
for LMTD Method

• The LMTD method is strictly limited to single pass parallel and

counter-flow heat exchangers only.
– However, similar relations are also developed for cross-flow
and multi-pass shell and tube heat exchangers, but these are
very complicated expressions.

• In these cases it is more convenient to relate the equivalent

temperature difference relation for the counter-flow case as:

Tm  F  TLMTD ,
counter  flow

Correction factor Log Mean Temperature Difference

for counter-flow heat exchanger
4.4 The Effectiveness
ε–NTU Method

The ε-NTU Method

• This method is useful when the LMTD method cannot

be determined. The required data may instead be
determined from the ε-NTU method charts of several
common configurations
• Definitions:
– The heat capacity of the cold stream is given by:

Cc  m c  c pc

– The heat capacity of the hot stream is given by:

Ch  m h  c ph 79
The ε-NTU Method

• The capacity ratio is defined as:

C ; if Ch  Cc
C ; if Ch  Cc

The ε-NTU Method

• The ε-NTU Method is based upon a dimensionless

paramater, Heat Transfer Efectiveness, ε :

Q Actual heat transfer rate

  
Qmax Maximum possible heat transfer rate

• For counter-flow heat exchangers, the actual heat transfer rate

may be written either from the cold stream or from the hot
stream as:
Q  Cc Tc ,out  Tc ,in   Ch Th ,in  Th ,out 

Where Cc  m c  c pc and Ch  m h  c ph 81
The ε-NTU Method

• The maximum temperature difference possible in a

heat exchanger is:

Tmax  Th ,in  Tc ,in

• The heat transfer in the heat exchanger will reach its
maximum value when:
1) The cold fluid is heated to the inlet temperature of the hot

2) The hot fluid is cooled to the inlet temperature of the cold


The ε-NTU Method

• However, these two things cannot happen

simultaneously unless: Cc=Ch

• But if Cc ≠ Ch as is normally the case, the fluid with

the smaller heat capacity will experience the larger
temperature change and thus will be the first to
experience maximum temperature, at which point
heat transfer will come to a halt.

The ε-NTU Method

• Therefore, the maximum possible heat transfer rate in

heat exchanger is:

Q max  Cmin  Th ,in  Tc ,in 

where : Cmin is the smaller of Cc or Ch

The ε-NTU Method

Q Actual heat transfer rate

  
Qmax Maximum possible heat transfer rate

• Therefore the heat exchanger effectiveness for a

counter-flow heat exchanger is:
Cc Tc ,out  Tc ,in 
Cmin Th ,in  Tc ,in 

Ch Th ,in  Th ,out 

Cmin Th ,in  Tc ,in  85
The ε-NTU Method

NTU – Number of Heat Transfer Unit

• The NTU is a measure of physical size of the heat

exchanger; the larger NTU, the larger heat exchanger
size. It is defined as the ratio of the heat capacity of
the heat exchanger to the minimum heat capacity of
the flow.

As U U  As
NTU  
Cmin  m  C p  min
The ε-NTU Method
(Step-by-step Procedure)

The ε-NTU Method Procedure

1) Determine Cmin and Cmax from m  

  c p of the streams
and calculate the capacity ratio C.


The ε-NTU Method
(Step-by-step Procedure)

2) Determine:

U  As

Cc  Tc ,out  Tc ,in  Ch  Th ,in  Th ,out 

 
Cmin  Th ,in  Tc ,in  Cmin  Th ,in  Tc ,in 

The ε-NTU Method
(Step-by-step Procedure)

3) Charts

Knowing ε, NTU, and C use

the chart (Figure 11-26 in the
text) to determine U and As
in question.

OR from standard derivation

Tables 11-4 & 11-5

The ε-NTU Method
(Step-by-step Procedure)

4) Compute the heat transfer rate:

Q    Cmin  Th ,in  Tc ,in 

The ε-NTU Method
(Step-by-step Procedure)

5) Calculate the outlet temperature:

Th ,out  Th ,in 
Tc ,out  Tc ,in 

The ε-NTU Method
(Example 6.5)

• Example 6.5 A single, pass counter-flow shell-and-

tube heat exchanger is used to cool hot mercury
(Cph=1.37 kJ/(kgK)) from 110C to 70C flowing at a
rate of 1 kg/s with water (Cpc=4.187 kJ/(kgK)) entering
at 30C and flowing at a rate of 0.2 kg/s. Calculate
the heat transfer surface area required and the exit
temperature of the water if the overall heat transfer
coefficient (U) is 250 kW/(m2K).

The ε-NTU Method
(Example 6.5)


110C 70C

The ε-NTU Method
(Example 6.5)

• The temperature difference (ΔT2) is:

T2  Th ,out  Tc ,in

 70C  30C  40C

• The heat capacities are:

  
Ch  mh  C ph  1 s  1.37
kg kJ
  1.37
kg  K
K s

Cc  m c  C pc   0.2    4.187
  0.836
kg  K
K s

The ε-NTU Method
(Example 6.5)

• Since Ch > Cc, therefore:

Ch  Cmax  1.370 kJ
K s

Cc  Cmin  0.836 kJ
K s

Cmin 0.836
C   0.61
Cmax 1.37

The ε-NTU Method
(Example 6.5)

• The total heat transfer (Q) is:

Q  Ch Th ,in  Th ,out 

  1.37 kJ
kg  K
   110  273   70  273   K
 54.8 kW

• The maximum heat transfer is:

Q max  Cmin  Th ,in  Tc ,in 

  0.836 kJ
K s
   110  273   30  273   K
 66.9 kW 96
The ε-NTU Method
(Example 6.5)

• The heat exchanger effectiveness is:

Q 54.8 kW
    0.82
Qmax 66.9 kW

• Now consult the ε-NTU chart (Figure 11-26 in text)

The ε-NTU Method
(Example 6.5)

From the chart:


NTU = 2.7


The ε-NTU Method
(Example 6.5)

• Therefore the surface area (As) is:

NTU  Cmin 2.7   0.836 KkJs 

As    9.03 m 2

U 250 mkW 2

• The exit temperature of the water is thus:

Q  Cc  Tc ,out  Tc ,in 

Tc ,out   Tc ,in
54.8 kW
   30  273  K  368.6 K or 95.6C
0.836 K s
kJ 99
4.5 Heat Exchanger Design

Design Considerations

• Some design considerations are:

– Heat transfer rate

• This is the most important quantity. A heat exchanger
must be capable of transferring heat at a specified rate
in order to achieve the desired temperature change of
the fluid at a specified mass flow rate.

– Cost
• Budgetary limitations always play an important role.
Operating and maintenance costs are also a factor.

– Pumping Power
• The fluids are normally forced by pumps or fans which
require a pump with associate electrical costs. 101
Design Considerations

– Size and weight

• Normally the smaller and lighter, the better. This is
especially true for automotive and aerospace industries.

– Type
• The type of heat exchanger depends on the
requirements, fluids involved, size and weight limitations

– Materials
• The materials in the heat exchanger construction may be
an important consideration, especially if thermal
stresses are an issue.
CEnd Of Heat Exchanger S C

C End Of Lectures C
Study hard for your finals
I hope you all do well


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