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Types of Organization Structure

• It has been stated that

organization structures may differ
in terms of the specific needs of a
given business enterprise.
Four Principal Organization Types with
Different Degrees of Complexity Appropriate

• Line Organization
• Line and Staff Organization
• Functional Organization
• Committees
Line Organization
• simplest form of structure and
refers to a direct straight line
responsibilities and control from
the top management to the middle
management and to the lower
Line and Staff Organization
–Utilizes the assistance of experts or
–Business leaders have recognized as
their companies expand from simple to
complex organization
─ that small number of managers could
not personally assumes direct
responsibility for all functions, such as
research, planning, distribution, public
relation, industrial relation and many
other activities of business.
Functional Organization
– utilizes the pure services of experts or
– Development of staff departments and
positions led quite naturally to attempt
complete organization on a functional basis
‒ Removed the staff specialist from his
“assisting” capacity and gave him the pure
authority and responsibility for supervision
and administration of the function, replacing
the operating former man
–Another common organization
from use in where group
participation and decision are
• One side the committee approach has
been taken for granted and committees
are automatically set up with not even
considering the purpose and the need for
such committees
• On the other side, managers are totally
reluctant to use committees because of a
fear of diverse opinion
Committees may be classified as :

1. Ad Hoc Committee - Temporary

2. Standing Committee - Permanent

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