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Spontaneous Processes
• Spontaneous: process that does occur
under a specific set of conditions
• Nonspontaneous: process that does not
occur under a specific set of conditions
Spontaneous Processes
• Often spontaneous processes are exothermic,
but not always….
• Methane gas burns spontaneously and is
• Ice melts spontaneously but this is an
endothermic process…
• There is another quantity!
Spontaneous Processes
• can proceed without any outside intervention.
Processes that {Spontaneity}
are spontaneous
in one direction
in the reverse
• Processes that are spontaneous at one temperature may be
nonspontaneous at other temperatures.
• Above 0C it is spontaneous for ice to melt.
• Below 0C the reverse process is spontaneous.

Spontaneous @ T
< 0ºC
Is the
spontaneity of
melting ice
dependent on
Spontaneous @ T
> 0ºC
Spontaneous vs Nonspontaneous
• Entropy (S): Can be thought of as a measure
of the disorder of a system

• In general, greater disorder means greater

Standard Entropy
• Standard entropy: absolute entropy of a substance at
1 atm (typically at 25C)
What do you notice about entropy values for
elements and compounds?
• Units: J/K·mol
Trends in Entropy
• Entropy for gas phase is greater than that of liquid
or solid of same substance
• I2 (g) has greater entropy than I2 (s)
• More complex structures have greater entropy
• C2H6 (g) has greater entropy than CH4 (g)
• Allotropes - more ordered forms have lower entropy
• Diamond has lower entropy than graphite
Entropy Changes in a System
• Ssolid < Sliquid
Entropy Changes in a System
• Sliquid < Svapor
Entropy Changes in a System
• Spure < Saqueous
Entropy Changes in a System
Slower temp < Shigher temp
Entropy Changes in a System
• Sfewer moles < Smore moles
Standard Entropies
• Standard entropies tend to increase with increasing molar

• Larger and more complex molecules have greater entropies

(greater ways to execute molecular motions)

{*Entropy&MolecuarSize} {Entropy&Temp}C7H15 @ 500 K S=921J/nK vs, @ 200 K

Entropy Changes in a System
Determine the sign of S for the following
1. Liquid nitrogen evaporates
2. Two clear liquids are mixed and a
solid yellow precipitate forms
3. Liquid water is heated from 22.5 C to
55.8 C
Concept Check

Predict the sign of S for each of the

following, and explain:
a) The evaporation of alcohol
b) The freezing of water
c) Compressing an ideal gas at constant
d) Heating an ideal gas at constant pressure
e) Dissolving NaCl in water
• Predict whether the entropy change of the system in
each of the following is positive or negative.
• N2 (g, 10 atm) —> N2 (g, 1atm).
• 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(g) —> C6H12O6(g) + 6O2(g).
• 2 H2 (g) + O2 (g) —> 2 H2O (l)
• NH4Cl (s) —> NH3(g) + HCl (g)
The Second and Third Laws of
• System: the reaction
• Surroundings: everything else

• Both undergo changes in entropy during

physical and chemical processes
Second Law of Thermodynamics
• Entropy of the universe increases in a
spontaneous process and remains unchanged
in an equilibrium process.

• Equilibrium process: caused to occur by

adding or removing energy from a system
that is at equilibrium
Second Law of Thermodynamics
• Mathematically speaking:
Spontaneous process:
Suniverse = Ssystem + Ssurroundings > 0

Equilibrium process:
Suniverse = Ssystem + Ssurroundings = 0
Entropy Changes in the System

Entropy can be calculated from the table of

standard values just as enthalpy change was

Srxn = nS products  mS reactants

Standard Entropy
• Calculate the standard entropy change for the
following using the table of standard values.
(first, predict the sign for S qualitatively)
• SN2 = 191.5 J/mole K;
• SH2 = 131 J/mole K;
• SNH3 = 193 J/mole K
2NH3(g)  N2(g) + 3H2(g)
2NH3(g)  N2(g) + 3H2(g)

Srxn = nS products  mS reactants

= [(1)(191.5 J/K · mol) + (3)(131.0 J/K · mol)]

- [(2)(193.0 J/K · mol)]
= 584.5 J/K · mol - 386 J/K · mol
Srxn = 198.5 J/K · mol (Entropy increases)
(2 mol gas  4 mol gas)
• Calculate the standard entropy change for
the following using the table of standard
• SH2O = 188.7 J/mole K;
• SH2 = 131 J/mole K;
• SO2 = 205 J/mole K
2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O (g)

S = -89.6
Thermodynamic Changes in Systems
(Chem. Reactions)

Hrxn =  Hf (products) - Hf (reactants)
So298   Soproducts   Soreactants

Grxn =  Gf (products)   Gf (reactants)

Entropy Changes in the Surroundings
• Change in entropy of surroundings is directly
proportional to the enthalpy of the system.
Ssurroundings   Hsystem

Notice: exothermic process corresponds to

positive entropy change in surroundings
Entropy Changes in the Surroundings
• Change in entropy of surroundings is
inversely proportional to temperature
Ssurroundings  1 / T

Combining the two expressions:

Ssurr 
If the entropy change for a system is known to
be 187.5 J/Kmol and the enthalpy change
for a system is known to be 35.8 kJ/mol, is
the reaction spontaneous?
Spontaneous if: Suniv= Ssys + Ssurr > 0

Ssurr 
Is the reaction spontaneous?

35,800 J/mol
Ssys   120.0J/K  mol
298 K

Suniv= -187.5 + 120.0 < 0 so the reaction is

Problem: Calculate the Suniv for the synthesis of
ammonia @ 25 C.
N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g)  2 NH3 (g)

H°rxn = - 92.6 kJ/mol

• SN2 = 191.5 J/mole K;

• SH2 = 131 J/mole K;
• SNH3 = 193 J/mole K
Entropy Change in the Universe
Suniv = Ssyst or rxn + Ssurr
nS(prod) - mS(react)
Ssurr =
2(192.5) – [(191.5)+3(130.6)]
 (92.6 kJ / mol x 1000 J / kJ)

298 K
S°syst = - 199 J/K·mol
Ssurr = 311 J/K·mol

Suniv = - 198.3 J/K·mol + 311 J/K·mol

Suniv = 113 J/K·mol
• 3. Is the reaction spontaneous at 25 C?
• N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) —> 2 NH3 (g) ΔH°rxn = - 92.6

• N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) —> 2 NH3 (g)

• From the table, S°(J/K· mol):
• 192 131 193
Third Law of Thermodynamics
• “The entropy of a perfect crystalline substance is
zero at the absolute zero of temperature.”
• At absolute zero (T = 0 K= -273.15 oC), the entropy
of a perfect crystal is 0.
• As the temperature increases, the freedom of motion
increases. The entropy of any substance at a
temperature above 0 K is greater than zero.
• 1. Determine ΔS for the reaction:
• SO3(g) + H2O(l) —> H2SO4(l)
• Given: S°(J/K·mol):
• 256.2 69.9 156.9
• 2. Calculate ΔS for the reaction
• SO2(s) + NO2(g) —> SO3(g) + NO(g)
• Given: S°(J/K·mol):
• 248.5 240.5 256.2 210.6
3. Calculate ∆S° for the following reaction:
2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

Given the following information:

S° (J/K·mol)
Na(s) 51
H2O(l) 70
NaOH(aq) 50
H2(g) 131
Standard Free Energy Changes

Free energy can be calculated from the table

of standard values just as enthalpy and
entropy changes.

Grxn = nG products  mG reactants

Standard Free Energy Changes

Calculate the standard free-energy change for the

following reaction.
2KClO3(s)  2KCl(s) + 3O2(g)
GKCl = 408.3 kJ/mol;
GO2 = 0
GKClO3 = 289.9 kJ/mol
Grxn = nG products  mG reactants
= [2(408.3 kJ/mol) + 3(0)]  [2(289.9 kJ/mol)]
= 816.6  (579.8) = 236.8 kJ/mol (spont)
• Find the standard Gibbs energy change for the
• CaCO3(s) → CaO(s)+ CO2(g)
• The ΔGf° values for the three components of this
reaction system are
• CaCO3(s): –1128 kJ/ mol
• CaO(s): –603.5 kJ/mol
• CO2(g): –137.2 kJ/mol
2 C6H6 (l) + 15 O2 (g) 12 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(g)

Calculate the standard free energy changes for the above

reaction @ 25 °C.
Standard Molar
Gibbs Energy of
Formation (Gf)
CO2 (g) -394
H2O (g) -229
C6H6 (l) 125
Gibbs Free Energy
G = H – T S

• The Gibbs free energy, expressed in terms of

enthalpy and entropy, refers only to the
system, yet can be used to predict
Gibbs Free Energy
• If G < 0,negative, the forward reaction is
• If G = 0, the reaction is at equilibrium.
• If G > 0, positive, the forward reaction is
• Determine if this reaction is spontaneous
under standard conditions; knowing that the
reaction's change
in enthalpy is ΔH∘=−144 kJ, and its change
in entropy is ΔS∘=−36.8 J/K.
• 4KClO3(s)→3KClO4(s)+KCl(s)
• What is the standard free energy change ΔG for the
following reaction at 25oC?
• N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3
• ΔHfo (KJ/mol) So (J/K mol) ΔGfo (KJ/mol)
• N2 191.610
• H2 130.684
• NH3 -46.11 192.450 -16.45
• Calculate ΔG at 25°C for the following reaction, will
this reaction be spontaneous at this temperature?
• CH3CO2H (l) + 2 O2 (g) → 2 CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g)
• ΔH (KJ/mol)
• CH3CO2H (l) + 2 O2 (g) → 2 CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g)
• (-484.5) (-393.5) (-241.8)
• ΔS (J/K mol)
• CH3CO2H (l) + 2 O2 (g) → 2 CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g)
• 159.8 205.1 213.7 188.8
• Calculate ΔG at 25°C for the following reaction, will
this reaction be spontaneous at this temperature?
• CH3CO2H (l) + 2 O2 (g) → 2 CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g)
• ΔG (KJ/mol)
• CH3CO2H (l) + 2 O2 (g) → 2 CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g)
• -389.9 (-394.4) (-228.6)
Predicting Temperature from Gibbs
• Set G = 0 (equilibrium condition)
0 = H – T S

Rearrange equation to solve for T- watch for

This equation will also be useful to calculate
temperature of a phase change.
For a reaction in which H = 125 kJ/mol and S =
325 J/Kmol, determine the temperature in Celsius
above which the reaction is spontaneous.

H 125 kJ/mol
T    385 K
S 0.325 kJ/K×mol
385 K  273 = 112C
Free Energy and Chemical
• Reactions are almost always in something
other than their standard states.
• Free energy is needed to determine if a
reaction is spontaneous or not.
• How does free energy change with changes
in concentration?
Free Energy and Equilibrium
G = G° + RT ln Q
• G = non-standard free energy
• G° = standard free energy (from tables)
• R = 8.314 J/K·mole
• T = temp in K
• Q = reaction quotient
• Consider the reaction,
H2(g) + Cl2(g)  2 HCl(g)
How does the value of G change when the pressures of
the gases are altered as follows at 25 C?
• H2 = 0.25 atm; Cl2 = 0.45 atm;
HCl = 0.30 atm

Gfo (KJ/mol)
H2(g) + Cl2(g)  2 HCl(g)
0 0 (-95.27)
Free Energy and Equilibrium

First, calculate standard free energy:

H2(g) + Cl2(g)  2 HCl(g)
G° = [2(95.27 kJ/mol)]  [0 + 0] =
190.54 kJ/mol
Second, find Q:
(P )2 (0.30) 2
QP  HCl   0.80
(P ) (P ) (0.25) (0.45)
H Cl
2 2
Free Energy and Equilibrium

Solve: G = G° + RT ln Q
G = 190,540 J/mol + (8.314J/K·mol)(298 K)
ln (0.80)

G =  191.09 kJ/mol (the reaction becomes more

spontaneous - free energy is more negative)
• Consider the reaction,
O2(g) + 2CO(g)  2CO2(g)
How does the value of G change when the
pressures of the gases are altered as follows at 25
• O2 = 0.50 atm; CO = 0.30 atm;
CO2 = 0.45 atm
O2(g) + 2CO(g)  2CO2(g)
0 -137.168 -394.359
Relationship Between G° and K

• At equilibrium, G = 0 and Q = K
• The equation becomes:
0 = G° + RT ln K
G° = – RT ln K

K = e -G°/RT
Relationship Between G° and K
Relationship Between G° and K

• Using the table of standard free energies, calculate

the equilibrium constant, KP, for the following
reaction at 25 C.
2HCl(g) H2(g) + Cl2(g)
G° 95.27 kJ/mol 0 0
Relationship Between G° and K

First, calculate the G°:

= [0 + 0]  [2(95.27 kJ/mol)]
= 190.54 kJ/mol (non-spontaneous)
Substitute into equation:
190.54 kJ/mol =  (8.314 x 103 kJ/K·mol)(298 K) ln KP
76.90 = ln KP = 3.98 x 1034
K < 1 reactants are favored
• Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant, KP,
for the following reaction at 25 C.
2NO2(g) N2O4(g)

NO2(g) N2O4(g)
ΔGfo (KJ/mol) 51.31 97.89
• 1. Calculate the entropy change for the following reactions:
• A. C3H8(g) + 5O2(g)  3CO2(g) + 4H2O(g)
• S° 270.3 205.0 213.6 188.7 J/K mol
• B. CO(g) + 2H2(g)  CH3OH(g)
• S° 197.9 131.0 239.9 J/K mol
• 2. Calculate the Gibbs Free Energy for the following
• A. N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g) at 25 oC
∆Ho = -92 kJ and ∆ So = -199 J/K = -0.199 kJ/K
B. CH4(g) + H2O(g)  CO(g) + 3H2(g) at 25 oC
∆ Ho = 206 kJ and ∆ So = 216 J/K = 0.216 kJ/K
• 3. The old camera flash bulb used Mg metal sealed in a
bulb with oxygen. The reaction is:
• Mg + ½ O2 —> MgO
• S° J/K mol: 32.7 205.0 26.9
• ΔHfo kJ/mol: 0 0 -601.2
• 4. At what temp will a reaction occur? Given the
following reaction and data:
• N2(g) + O2 (g) —> 2 NO (g)
• Δ S J/K mol: 192 205.0 211
• ΔHfo kJ/mol: 0 0 90
• 5. Find the value for the equilibrium constant, K,
at 25 °C (298 K) for the following reaction. The
standard free energy change, ΔG°, at 25 °C equals
–13.6 kJ.
• 2NH3 (g) + CO2 (g) → NH2CONH2 (aq) + H2O(l)

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