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Sit Dolor Amet

A meal service wherein

the food is served from
the side rather than
from the table.
 Blue Plate Service is designed to serve a small number of
 Food is arranged on dinner plates in the kitchen and placed on
the table as diners arc seated.
 Salads and desserts are often set on the table beforehand
 Characterized by the “blue-plate”, a plate that is divided into
sections .
 In contemporary American culture, “ Blue-plate Special ”
refers to relatively cheap budget meals consisting of one serving
of meat and three servings of vegetables.
 Its origins may be traced to the early decades of the 1900’s
(some sources indicate it started during the late 1800’s),
 the term “blue plate” coming from actual blue plates that were
used in serving the meals.
 After the food is cooked, each dish is placed on a specific portion of the
blue plate.
 Platters are not used. Instead, each portion of the plate is filled with a
specific dish directly from the kitchen.
 The plates may be served before or after the diners are seated, either by
a waiter or gotten by the diners themselves.

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