Case Study About Nature and Nurture

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Case study

James and Joanne are identical twins and 18 years old. James and Joanne were raised separately as
they were adopted at 4 years old due to their mother being dependant on alcohol and unable to care
for the twins appropriately.

Joanne has blond hair, blue eyes and is very active. She was raised by a hardworking family who
paid for her to attend a private school, she was raised as a single child and her adoptive parents
worked extremely hard to ensure that Joanne had many opportunities. Joanne is currently at
university studying sport and is extremely dedicated to her studies as she would like a career as a
professional physiotherapist. She is a member of the football and hockey team. She is very slim
and muscular due to her active lifestyle and her healthy eating. Joanne is very compliant but does
have trouble containing her emotions as she gets very emotional and aggressive if she loses in her

James was adopted by a single mother who did not have much disposable income. He went to the
local community school and spend much of his time misbehaving as he struggled with the work.
James also has blond hair and blue eyes but due to a unhealthy diet of convenience food, he is
slightly overweight for his 18 years. James is currently unemployed and spends his days asleep and
his nights hanging out with his friends abusing alcohol. When he is under the influence, he has
started to upset his friends by being aggressive towards them and intimidating them with violence.
Impact on

Impact on

1. Introduction

2. Explain one aspect of nature have impacted the twins and how it has affected their development.

3. You should then use a connective to argue how this may be influenced by nurture.

4. Explain one aspect of nurture that has impacted the twins and how it has affected their development.

5. You should then use a connective to argue how this may be influenced by nature.

6. Which theoretical perspective may link in with your debate and what overall impact this may have.

7. Conclude by making a judgement as to whether nature or nurture has had the most influence on James
and Joanne.

However Whereas Alternatively In contrast

On the other hand Yet Despite this Furthermore

Guide Answer

Firstly, link to nature

The characteristics of “nature” may include ________________________________________ .
This may be because _________________________________________________________

Secondly, link to nurture

However, this may be developed through nurture as _________________________________

Thirdly, link to theory

This section links to ____________theory because __________________________________
This means that ______________________________________________________________

Finally, create a conclusion

To Conclude, I believe that _______ has more of an impact because _____________________
Model Answer
Firstly, link to nature
James and Joanne both have blond hair and blue eyes. These are characteristics of “nature” as they are
both inherited from their birth parents and passed down through their genes. Another example of “nature” is
that they both show aggressive tendencies. This may be because their mother was aggressive and the
aggression gene may be built in to their personality.

Secondly, link to nurture

However, this may be developed through nurture as they may have witnessed their mother act in this way
and learnt their behaviour. Also, as they have been raised in adoptive families, they deal with the aggression
in different ways which also links in with the nurture side of the debate.

Thirdly, link to theory

This section links to Bandura’s theory of learned behaviour because Joanne was raised in a more loving
environment, she is more fulfilled than James who had to struggle for attention. This means that she has
observed more positive relationships and then is able to model them with her actions.

Finally, create a conclusion

To Conclude, I believe that _______ has more of an impact because _______________________
Independent activity

1. Using the notes you have made in your group, create a debate which looks at
different characteristics in James and Joanne’s life.

2. You should then explain how these impact their overall development and how it
links in with theoretical perspectives where possible.

Stretch: Justify whether nature or nurture has more of an impact on the lives of
Joanne and James and decide to what extent it has impacted their development.

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