Recruitment & Selection: Unit 2

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Definition and Importance

Recruitment is an art of discovering and procuring potential

applicants for actual and anticipated vacancies.
• Recruitment follows HRP
•Organizations require people for continued operations in the
•It forms the basis for selection process
•Attracting and retaining the best talent is necessary for
organization’s success
•Having the right type of resource is a means and ends in
Factors affecting Recruitment

•Large organizations indulge in continuous

•Employment conditions in the community plays a
potential factor
•Geographical factors and conditions play an
important role
•Organizational policies like promotions from within
attract the employees
•Compensation and benefit packages influence and
attract the employees
•Growing and expanding organizations attract
Constraints and Challenges in the
recruitment process

• Perceived image of the organization

•Attractiveness of the job
•Organizational policies
•Legislation/Governmental policies
•Costs of recruitment
Steps in recruitment process

•Process is interlinked and interdependent with other

•Employee planning and work analysis
•Deciding on the number of vacancies and selecting a
•Advertising vacancies
•Screening the applicants
•Filling vacancies
Sources of recruitment

•Internal and External sources

•Internalsource – Selecting suitable candidate from among the
current employees in an organization
•Employee referrals, promotions from within, job posting.
•Buildsemployee morale, Economical, Reliable, Satisfying &
motivating to employees.
Limited choice, Inbreeding (no innovation), inefficiency,
External source of recruitment

•Walk in/write in, Advertising, Private placement agencies

•Government – employment exchanges, Campus recruitment
•Head hunters, Professional associations, internet

Wide choice, injection of fresh blood, Long term benefits.

Expensive, Time-consuming, De-motivating, Uncertainty in
hiring fit candidates.
Methods of Recruitment
 Internal Methods:
• Employee referrals, promotions & Transfers , Job
• External Methods:
• Direct Methods: Campus recruitment
• Indirect Methods: Advertisements, Employment
agencies, Exchanges, Gate Hiring, Walk-ins,
Alternatives to Recruitment
 Over time
 Subcontracting
 Temporary
 Outsourcing
Evaluation of sources
 Best method to be assessed depends
- Cost per hire
- Time-lapse between recruitment and
placement ratio
- Yield Ratios
- Surveys & Studies

- Applicant performance and turnover

• Process which begins after recruitment
•Process of choosing the right candidate from the obtained
applications to match the requirements of the job
•Processof matching the skills of the individual and the
requirements of the job
•Plays a pivotal role in the entire human resource process
•Care has to be exercised in this step as it affects the career of
the individual and the future of the organization
•Regardless of the tenure of the individual in the organization,
the quality of output of the individual is very important
Steps in Selection process

• Preliminary screening of the application

•Completion of the application forms

•Employment tests, interviews

•Medical examinations

•Background investigations, reference checks

•Final decision to hire

Step I - Preliminary screening of the
•Preliminary screening helps the organization to eliminate
misfits among applicants at a later stage
•Working a selection ratio from the total number of applicants
and the number of candidates to be called for interviews
•Some criteria for screening of applicants may be:
- Personality characteristics/aptitudes
- Language proficiency
- Experience/technical knowledge
Step II – Application Blank
•Completed application blank helps to predict the candidates
chances of success on the job
basic information like biographical data, educational
background, interests etc.
•Provides a brief history of the candidate and can be used for
future reference
•Weighted application blank can be developed to generate scores
•Jobrelated aspects may be identified, scores may be assigned to
•It speeds up the recruitment and selection process
Use of employment tests
A test is a standardized tool administered to elicit responses
on specific aspects.
•Characteristicsof a good test are standardization, reliability,
validity and norms
•Types of tests are:
- Intelligence test
- Aptitude test
- Personality test
- Projective test
- Interest/achievement test
Other selection methods

• Work simulations
•Assessment centres
•Customer situation
•Employee discussions

•Problem analysis
Interviewing the candidate

• Interviews are used to assess the applicants’ personality

as also the intelligence, interests, attitudes etc
•Structured interview
•Unstructured or open-ended interview
•Stress interview
•Errors in interviewing like – halo effect, leniency,
projection, stereo-typing etc.
•Guidelines for effective conduct of interview
Background checking and information

• Procuring medical fitness certificates and verifying them

•Verifying and establishing the bonafides by background
•Contacting previous employers or college professors/teachers
•Establishing credibility
•Hiring decision
•Offering of the appointment letter

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