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“izdvojiti večno iz prolaznog”
Termin ‘skovao’ Luj Leroj (Louis Leroy) prema nazivu Moneove slike
“Impresija, rađanje sunca” a prilikom izložbe koju su slikari-budući
impresionisti priredili u galeriji fotografa Feliksa Nadara (Felix Nadar), 1874
Edouard Manet, U kafeu (le café
Guerbois ), lithografija, 1869,
26,3 × 33,4 cm, National Gallery of
Art, Washington D.C.

Jezgro ove grupe činili su Klod Mone, Pjer Ogist Renoar, Alfred Sisli, Edgar Dega,
Kamij Pisaro, Bert Moriso, i Gistav Kajebot.
Chez le père Lathuille (At the Père Lathuille
Restaurant) 1879
Henri Fantin-Latour,
Un atelier aux
Batignolles, 1870,
2.04 x 2.735, musée

S leva na desno: Otto Schölderer, nemački slikar, Manet, za štafelajem; Auguste Renoir, iza sa
šeširom; Zacharie Astruc, skulptor i novinar; Emile Zola, Edmond Maître, Frédéric Bazille, Claude
1880, Boulevard des Capucines

L'atelier de Nadar au
35, boulevard des Capucines,

Ričard Bretel definiše kao pojavu u umetnosti koja

obuhvata radove umetnika i umetnica koji su
izlagali zajedno kao grupa umetnika koja je sebe
prvo nazivala Société Anonyme Coopérative des
Artistes Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs, Etc.1874, a
potom, u različitim kombinacijama, postavili 8
grupnih izložbi u Parizu u periodu od te 1874. pa
do 1886.
Mone, 1875, Ugao u stanu
Edgar Dega, 1875-76, U
(Žena koja pije apsint)
impresionizam kao izdanak realizma :
transkripcija vizuelne realnosti onako kako se
ona odražava na retini slikara u okviru
izolovanog, kratkog vremenskog perioda

Suštinska razlika između realizma i

impresionizma je da impresionizam u
izvesnom smislu fetišizuje subjektivnost čina
gledanja u transkripciji stvarnosti na površinu
Degas, The Amateur, Caillebotte ,Les jardiniers 1875

Paul CézanneThe Hanged Man's House,

rad umetnika kao što su Sezan, Dega, Kajebot,
koji jesu izlagali sa grupom, ali teško da mogu
da se nazovu impresionistima

pozno Maneovo slikarstvo koji nikada nije

izlagao sa impresionistima ali je radio zajedno
sa njima : ne odgovara načelima subjektivnosti
i vremenske kompresije koja je suštinska za
definiciju impresionizma
Impresionizam i rekonstrukcija
Pariza-život u modernom
gradu/iskustvo modernosti

Modernost se kao komleksno iskustvo i

osećaj ‘biti moderan’, na slikama
impresionista predstavlja kroz prizore
novog Pariza zahvaljujući kojima on
postaje nova mitska teritorija kojom
vladaju rekreacija, zadovoljstvo, uživanje
u prirodi tokom vikenda u prigradskim
naseljima, dokolica, spektakl, novac i
Gistav Kajebot, 1877, La Place de l'Europe, kišni dan
Gustave Caillebotte, 1876-77, On the Pont de l'Europe, 106x131 cm
Le Pont de l'Europe, 1876, 125 cm × 181 cm 
Monet, 1877, Pont de
l'Europe, Gare Saint-Lazare,
64x71cm, Musee
Marmottan Monet, Paris

Monet, 1877, Gare Saint-Lazare: the Train

from Normandy, 60x80, art institute,
Monet, 1877, Gare Saint-Lazare,
76x104 cm, Orsay

Monet, 1876-77, Gare Saint-Lazare,

54x73, national gallery, London
Monet, 1877, The Gare Saint-Lazare, Arriving a Train, 83x102cm, Fogg Art
Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge
“Pošto je lepo uvek čudesno, bilo bi apsurdno
pretpostaviti da je čudesno uvek lepo.” (Bodler
o fotografiji)
F. Nadar, vue aérienne du quartier de l’Etoile, tirage d’après
négatif verre au collodion humide 24 x 30 cm, 16 juillet 1868.
1873, Boulevard des
Capucines, 80x60cm,
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art,
Kansas City
Kajebot, 1880-81, Boulevard Haussmann, Snow, 65x82 cm
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1867, The Pont des Arts, Paris, 62 x 102 cm,
Norton Simon Museum of Art, Pasadena
Pisaro, 1898, Place du Theâtre Francais, 75x94cm, NM, Bgd
Place de la Concorde, 1876, 79 x
118 cm, The Hermitage, St.

Nadar, Ludovic-Napoléon Lepic

Manet, 1867, View of the 1867 Exposition Universelle, Nasjonalmuseet, 108 x 196.5 cm,
The Fine Art Collections, Oslo
Aerial photograph of the 1867 exposition by
Nadar (?)
Plan de la zone du Champ-de-
Mars, à Paris, avec le bâtiment
ovoïde de l'Exposition
universelle de 1867
The Exposition Park: English Lighthouse,
Egyptian temple (upper right), Tunisian Bardo
of the Bey (lower right) and more

The English Lighthouse

Manet, 1867, View of the 1867 Exposition Universelle, Nasjonalmuseet, 108 x 196.5 cm,
The Fine Art Collections, Oslo
slike impresionista beleže mešanje klasa u
modernom Parizu: na popularnim mestima
za zabavu, ali i u domaćinstvima – zapravo,
one beleže kompleksne interakcije procesa
formiranja klasa i stvaranja njihovih
identiteta u okviru pariskog društva
Masked Ball at the Opera, 1873
Morisot, The Artists' Daughter Julie With Her
Renoar, 1872, Pont Neuf in Paris, 74x93cm, nga, Nanny, c.1884
Kasat, 1890-91, Proba haljine
javna i privatna sfera,
javna sfera: definisana kao
svet produktivnog rada,
političkih odluka, vlasti,
obrazovanja, zakona i javnih
službi, sve je više postajala
ekskluzivno muška.

A Balcony, Boulevard
Haussmann - Gustave
Young Man at His Window [his
brother René] (1875), private
collection. Caillebotte
Le Bal du Moulin de la Galette  Renoir. 1876.

Javni domen je i oblast slobode, neodgovornosti, ako ne i nemoralnosti, što je,

naravno, za žene i za muškarce, imalo različito značenje: za muškarca je izlazak u
javnost/javne prostore značio izgubiti se u gomili a muškarci su se udruživali da
zaštite ovu slobodu
marie bracquemond les parapluies,

Ovako konstruisani javni prostori za žene (posebno

pripadnice građanske klase) su predstavljali prostore u The Umbrellas (Les Parapluies), c.
1883, Oil on canvas, 180 x 115 cm,
kojima one mogu izgubiti svoju vrlinu; izaći u javnost
National Gallery, London
bilo je usko povezano sa idejom o gubitku ugleda.
u "Ženi" Žil Mišle ("La femme", 1858-60,
Jules Michelet) piše: "Koliko izazova za
samu, neudatu, ženu! Ona uveče ne
može da izlazi, jer ukoliko bi izašla,
smatrali bi da je prostitutka. Postoji
hiljadu mesta gde možete videti samo
muškarce, ako bi žena nekim poslom
morala da ide tamo, muškarci bi se
zapanjili i smejali bi se kao ludi. Na
primer, ako bi se slučajno zadržala u
drugom kraju Pariza i ogladnela, ona se
ne bi usudila da uđe u restoran. Tamo bi
predstavljala događaj, to bi bio događaj,
spektakl: sve oči bi neprestano bile uprte
u nju i morala bi da sluša neučtiva i
bezobrazna nagađanja."

Manet, The Plum Brandy, c. 1877, 74 x 50

National Gallery of Art, Washington
Mary Cassatt, The Loge, oil on
canvas, 32 in x 26 in, 1880,
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Žene jesu imale pristupa

odabranim mestima u javnoj
sferi, mestima zabave i
Berthe Morisot, 1972, 74x81 cm, View of Paris
from the Trocadero
privatni prostori
Privatna sfera doma bila je svet
žena, dece i posluge i bila je
oblikovana za muškarce kao
pribežište od poslovne buke, ali i kao
mesto obuzdavanja.

Caillebotte: "Interior" 1880

116 x 89 cm Private
JAVNA SFERA: dokolica/spektakl –
izletišta, parkovi, kafei, pozorišta,
cirkusi, hipodromi
teritorija impresionista protezala se od novih
bulevara preko Gare St. Lazare, pa dalje vozom
koji je vozio u predgrađa do La Grenouillerea,
Bougivala ili Argenteuila. Umetnici su u ovim
mestima živeli, radili i slikali sebe.

Mone, 1879, The Bridge at Bougival, 63x91cm, Currier Gallery of Art,
Manchester, New Hampshire
Alfred Sisley, LA SEINE À BOUGIVAL, 49.4 by 65.1 cm
Berthe Morisot, Eugène Manet et sa fille dans le jardin de Bougival,
1881, 73 x 92 cm – Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris 
Morisot, Julie with Pasie in the
Garden at Bougival,
59.6 x 73 cm,

Berthe Morisot Jardin a Bougival The

Garden at Bougival (1884), 92 x 73
cm, Musée Marmottan, Paris
La guinguette
Renoir, 1883, Dance at Bougival, 182 x 98
cm, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Renoir, 1883, Dance
in the Country, 180 x
90 cm, Musee
d'Orsay, Paris

Renoir, 1883, Dance

in the City, 180 x 90
cm, Musee d'Orsay,
Renoir, Couple Sitting in a Garden
1875, 255 x 350 cm, Prague
Renoir, The Walk,1870, 80 x 64 cm
Private collection
Watteau, The Embarkation for
Cythera (detail), 1717
Musee du Louvre, Paris
Renoir, The Swing, 1876, 92 x 73 cm
Musee d'Orsay, Paris
Fragonard, The Swing,1767,
81 x 64 cm Fragonard, The Swing,1750-55, 120 x 95 cm
Wallace Collection, London Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
Maison Fournaise
Renoir, 1881, The Luncheon of the Boating Party, 130 x 173 cm, Phillips Collection,
Paul Lhote
Charles Ephrussi
s Eugene Lestringuez
Alphonse Fournaise, Jr Jules Laforgue
Jeanne Samary

Louise Alphonsine Fournaise Ellen Andree

Adrien Maggiolo

Baron Barbier,

 Angèle Legault

Aline Charigot

Gustave Caillebotte
Portrait of the Actress Jeanne Samary
Oil on canvas, 174 x 102 cm
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Renoir, 1875, The Rowers' Lunch, 54x65, art institute, chicago
La Grenouillère
La Grenouillère
Renoir, 1869, La Grenouillere, 65x81, ermitaž
Renoir, 1869, La Grenouillere, 66x81 cm, stokholm
Mone, 1869, La Grenouillere, 75x100, met, ny
Mone, 1869, La Grenouillere, 73x92,, london
Renoar, 1874, The Seine at Argenteuil, 50x55 cm, Portland
Mane, 1874, Vožnja čamcem, 97x130, Met, NY
Mane, 1874, Argenteuil, 149x115,
Musee des Beaux-Arts, Tournai
Mane, 1874, Obala Sene u Aržanteju
Mane, 1874, Klod Mone slika na svom brodu u Aržanteju, 83x105, Minhen
1874, The Studio Boat, 50 x 64 cm, Rijksmuseum Krцller-Muller, Otterlo
Monet, 1872, Argenteuil, the Bridge under Repair, 60 × 80.5 cm, Cambridge, UK
Monet, 1874, The Road Bridge at Argenteuil, 60 x 80 cm, nga, washington
Monet, 1874, The Bridge at Argenteuil, 60 x 80 cm, Orsay
Sisley, 1872, Passarelle d’Argenteuil, 39x60cm, Orsay
Monet, 1874, The Bridge at Argenteuil, 60 x 81 cm
Neue Pinakothek, Munich
Monet, 1872, Regatta at Argenteuil, 48 x 75 cm
Musйe d'Orsay, Paris
Monet, Regatta at Argenteuil
c. 1874, 60 x 100 cm
Musee d'Orsay, Paris
Monet, 1874, The Railway Bridge at Argenteuil, 55 x 72 cm
Musee d'Orsay, Paris
The Railway Bridge at Argenteuil
58 x 97 cm (entire painting)
Private collection
Grande Rue in Argenteuil
63 x 45 cm
Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery,
Manet, 1874, The Monet Family in Their Garden at Argenteuil, 61 x 100 cm,
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Renoir, 1874, Camille Monet and Her Son Jean in Their Garden, 50 x 68 cm, National
Gallery of Art, Washington
Monet, 1873, Monet's Garden at Argenteui, 61x82cm, priv.kol.
Kajebot, 1883, Square at Argenteuil, 61 x 71 cm, Armand Hammer Collection, Los
Kajebot, 1885, The Bridge at Argenteuil and the Seine, 65x82, priv.kol.
Kajebot, 1888, Sailing Boats at
Argenteuil, MO Paris, 65x56cm
Cassat, The Boating Party,1893-94, 90 x 117 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Cassat, Summertime,1894,73 x 100 cm
Armand Hammer Collection, Los Angeles
Kajebot, 1877, Canoeing on the Yerres, 89x112
Kajebot, 1878, Bathers about
to Dive into the Yerres, 117x89
Kajebot,1878, Canoeing, 157x113cm,
m des beaux arts, rennes
Bois de Boulogne (1852–1858)
Morisot, On a Bench in the Bois de Boulogne,1894, 38 x 55 cm, Musйe d'Orsay, Paris
Renoir, Skaters in the Bois de Boulogne,1868, 72 x 90 cm,Private collection
Manet A horse race in the Bois de Boulogne (1872)
Degas, The Parade,1866-68,Oil on paper on canvas, 46 x 81 cm,Musee
Degas, The Parade
Oil on paper on
Musйe d'Orsay, Paris
Degas, Racehorses in Longchamps, c. 1874, 34 x 42 cm,Museum of Fine Arts,
Parc Monceau
The Parc Monceau
1878, 73 x 54 cm, Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York
Kajebot, Le Parc Monceau, 1877

Café de la Nouvelle Athènes

Degas, Absinthe Drinkers

Oil on canvas, 92 x 68 cm
Musee d'Orsay, Paris
Manet, At the Cafe, 1878, 78 x 84 cm,Oskar Reinhart Collection, Winterthur
Manet, Two Women Drinking
Pastel on paper, 61 x 51 cm
Private collection
Mane, The Inn (La Guinguette)
1878,73 x 91 cm, Pushkin Museum, Moscow

Renoir, La Loge (The Theatre

Oil on canvas, 80 x 64 cm
Courtauld Gallery, London

Muškarac se glorifikuje kao

moćni posrednik pogleda a žena
kao objekat pogleda/želje): on
dela, ona se pokazuje; on je
aktivni posmatrač, ona dostupna
Eva Gonzales, A Loge at the Theâtre des Italiens,1874,98 x 130 cm
Musee d'Orsay, Paris
Mary Cassat, Woman with a Pearl
Necklace in a Loge
1879, 81 x 60 cm,Museum of Art,
Mary Cassat, In the Loge
1878, 81 x 66 cm, Museum of
Fine Arts, Boston

Prostor ženskosti (muškosti) –

proizvod doživljenog osećaja
društvene smeštenosti
Cassat, In the Box (1879)
Dega, 1878-79, Proba na pozornici
Degas, Arm Outstretched, Degas, Dancer Adjusting Her
negative 1895 Shoulder Strap, negative, 1895
Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando,
c. 1880 unidentified photographer.

Degas, Mademoiselle La La at the Cirque

Fernando,1879, 117 x 77 cm, National Gallery,

Degas, 1859-60, The Bellelli Family, 200x253 cm, Orsay

Monet, The Lunch
(artist’s family)1868, 230 x 150 cm
Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt
Le déjeuner (1876) Private collection
Monet, 1873, The Luncheon (Monet's Garden at Argenteuil), 160 x 201 cm, Orsay
Jean Monet on His Mechanical Horse, 1872, 59 x 73 cm, Private collection
Monet, Madame Monet and a Friend in the Garden, 1872, 52 x 66 cm, Priv. coll.
1875, La femme au
Meri Kasat, 1880, Lidija veze
Morisot, The Artist's Mother and
Sister (Reading), 1869-70, 101 x
82 cm
National Gallery of Art,
Cassat, Five O'Clock Tea, 1879, 65 x 93 cm
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Cassat, Lady at the Tea
Table,1885,74 x 61 cm
Metropolitan Museum of
Art, New York
Reading "Le Figaro" by Mary
Cassatt (1878), Collection Mrs.
Eric de Spoelberch, Haverford,
Morisot, The Cradle,1872, 56
x 46 cm
Musйe d'Orsay, Paris
Renoir, Madame Georges Charpentier and Her Children
1878,154 x 190 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Renoir, Maternity,1886, 82 x 65 cm
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
1888, Mother and Child
Mary Cassat, Mother about to Wash her
Sleepy Child, 1880, 101 x 65 cm
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los
Cassat, The Bath, 1893, 100 x 66 cm
Art Institute, Chicago
a photograph of Berthe
Morisot, taken around
when she was still in
mourning after the death
of her mother in 1876.

Morisot, Figure of a Woman (Before the Theater) 

1875-76; Galerie Schröder und Leisewitz,
Kunsthandel, Bremen, Germany 
Camille (Woman in Green Dress)
Oil on canvas, 231 x 151 cm
Kunsthalle, Bremen
La Parisienne, 1874
Oil on canvas
163.5 cm × 108.5 cm
Manet, U staklenoj bašti, 1879 (M. & Mme Guillemet)
Morisot, At the Ball, 1875, 62
x 52 cm
Musee Marmottan Monet,

Morisot, The Cheval-Glass,1877-

79, 65 x 54 cm
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza,
Morisot, Young Woman
Powdering Herself,1877,46 x 39
cm, Kunsthalle, Hamburg
Mary Cassatt, Woman Bathing,
Manet, Nana, 1877, 154 x 115
cm, Kunsthalle, Hamburg

(Henriette Hauser, glumica;

Zola piše i objavljuje roman Nana

Willem (III) van Oranje-

Nassau (1840-1879)
Mane, 1876,
Pred ogledalom
Degas, After the Bath. Woman Drying
Herself, 1885, Pastel on paper, 80 x 51
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Degas, Woman
Combing Her Hair, c.
1885, Pastel on gray-
brown paper pasted
onto card, 53 x 52 cm
The Hermitage, St.
Degas, The Tub,1886, Pastel on paper, 60 x 83 cm, Musee d'Orsay, Paris
Dega, 1890, Jutarnje kupanje, 70.5 x
43.2 cm
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago
Caillebotte, Man at His Bath
1884, 144.8 x 114.3 cm, Museum of
Fine Arts, Boston
Man drying his leg - Gustave Caillebot,
1884, 100,3x124,5 cm, The Art Institute,
Gistav Kajebot, Naga žena leži na divanu

Degas, The Cotton Exchange in New Orleans, 1873, Oil on canvas, 73 x 92 cm

Musee des Beaux-Arts, Pau
Žene koje peglaju,
76x81 cm, Orsay
Dega, 1884, The
Ironers, 82x76cm,
Norton Simon
Museum of Art,
Degas, Woman Ironing
1876, 81 x 66 cm
National Gallery of Art,
Dega, Woman Ironing
c. 1869
Oil on canvas, 93 x 74 cm
Neue Pinakothek, Munich
Dega, 1882, Kod modiskinje, 76x86cm, met, ny
Eva Gonzales, 1877, the
milliner, Gouache and pastel
on canvas, 45 x 37 cm, art
institute, chicago
Degas, The Millinery Shop,1882, 100 x 109 cm, Art Institute, Chicago
Degas, The Millinery Shop,1882, Pastel, 80 x 85 cm,Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
1875, Pranje veša, 145 x 115
cm, The Barnes Foundation,
Merion, Pennsylvania, USA
Moriso, Žena širi rublje, 46 x 67 cm, Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen
Kajebot, 1875, Floor Scrapers, 102x147 cm, Orsay, Paris
Monet, 1878, The Coal Workers (Argenteuil), 53 x 64 cm, Orsay
Mane, Corner of a Cafe-Concert,
1878-80, 97 x 78 cm
National Gallery, London
Manet, Waitress Serving
Bocks,1878-79, 77 x 65 cm
Musee d'Orsay, Paris
Manet, A Bar at the Folies-Bergere,1881-82, 96 x 130 cm
Courtauld Gallery, London
Grand foyer of the Folies Bergère cabaret
Mane, 1881, skica za Bar u Folies-Bergere-u
Manet, 1870, Portrait of Eva Gonzales,
191 x 133.4 cm, National G, London
Marie Bracquemond, 1886 Felix
Bracquemond in His
Studio,54,8x41,7cm, priv.coll.
Edouard Manet, Berthe Morisot
Édouard Manet, Le Repos (Repose), ca. 1870- With a Bouquet of Violets1872,
1871,150.2 x 114 cm, Museum of Art Rhodes H. 55; W. 40 cm, Musée d'Orsay
Draner, Chez MM. Les Peintres
impressionnistes, 1879. Illustration
from Le Charivari, 23 April 1879

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