Unit 5

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Unit 5

Presentation Skills

What is a Presentation?

It is a live mode of sharing information with a selected audience.

It is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual information with a particul

It is done using visual electronic aids (LCD projectors) or a black/white board.

Difference between Presentation and Lecture/Teaching

In classroom lecture there is well defined educational objectives.

Teachers tell students what to do, what not to do and how to behave. Their main intention is to te

In Presentation, the presenter just shares the information, facts and ideas. His main intention i

In Lecture there is active participation between students and teacher. Students are allowed to in

In Presentation, it is initially one way. The audience listen and take notes. Questions are asked i

Elements of Presentation

3 elements

1) Presenter

2) Audience

3) Specific content with a definite objective to be achieved

1) Presenter

A presenter should be aware of his subject and should plan & prepare on how to ca

The following things should be kept in mind while planning.

i) Identify the purpose: Ask yourself “Why am I giving the presentation”? It may be to,

- sell something.

-inform people about an idea.

- gather people's views on new plans or products.

-seek solution to problem

-create awareness

2) Audience

Know the group you are going to address (students, employees, organization, public)

Know how many persons will be there (number)

(level of knowledge) Each individual will be different. If the individuals are highly knowle

(nature) some individuals may oppose to your ideas. Convince them and don't treat them

3) Specific content with a definite objective to be achieved

know what the audiences require.

If the audience is less knowledgeable, then we may have to go in detailed explanation.

If the audience is highly knowledgeable, then we can be brief.

Don't talk about all that you know. Talk how much the audience need to know.

Be specific with the content

Designing and Delivering business presentation

I) Designing

1) Distribute time for each part of presentation

2) Rehearsal

3) Decide when to use visual aids

4) Place of presentation

II) Delivering

1) Greet the audience and introduce yourself

2) Give main ideas on the topic and later elaborate it (tell what topics you are

3) Conclusion

4) Question and Answers

5) Thanking the audience

I) Designing

1) Distribute time for each part of presentation

There should be logical order of presentation. The logical order for 30 mins is as follows:

Introduction- 3 mins

Main Body- 15 mins

Conclusion- 2 mins

Questions and Answers- 10 mins

2) Rehearsal

Rehearse before a listener who can correct your mistakes or you can stand in front of th

Check for the time duration.
3) Decide when to use visual aids

A presentation contains graphical representation, diagrams, pictures, statistical data etc.

Visual aid is a must so that the audience will clearly understand the topic and will make th
Check for the slide design and layout and whether any relevant pictures could be added.
4) Place of presentation
Check the size, ventilation and seating arrangement for the audience. Ensure audience's

II) Delivering

1) Greet the audience and introduce yourself

Greet the audience by saying good morning/good afternoon/good evening and introduce

2) Give main ideas on the topic and later elaborate it (tell what topics you are cove

Tell the contents or topics that you are going to discuss so that the audience will know w

Start with the introduction of topic. For example, if you want to talk about communicati

Next comes the main body which gives detailed (elaborate) information on communicat

Explain the sub-sections.

Don't read the slides. A presentation is face-to-face communication where you have to

Explain the bullet points. You can a have a small piece of paper for your reference but

Use “You” attitude to ensure audiences involvement. Tell them how your information br

Use of language is important. Be clear and use simple sentences, avoid complex words

Body language plays an important role to keep the audience lively. Dress up profession

Positve Body Language Negative Body Language

3) Conclusion

Brief out the entire presentation by saying, “The topics that we discussed are” and c

4) Question and Answers

This is an important opportunity for interacting with the audience.

Encourage them to ask questions, answer to the point and clearly.

Be frank if you don't know.

5) Thanking the audience

Finally thank the audience for their patient listening.

Advanced Visual Support for Managers

Visual aids are used to present numerical and statistical data.

The new information will be better understood when seen.

When two or more data has to be compared, use of statistics will make it easier.

Advantages of Visual Aids

Audience will respond easily.

A good amount of information can be communicated with the help of visual aids within a

It saves time spent in discussing various ideas.

Kinds of Visual Aids
2)Flip Charts
3)Overhead Projectors
4)Power point Software

1) Board

It can be black or white.

It is used in classrooms.

It is used for noting important words and doing calculations.

The board should be skilfully used. Divide the board into parts for noting down points, do

On a white board use dark marker to make your writing clear and visible.

2) Flipchart

It is a large pad of paper on a stand for presenting information to a small group of 15 to

It is used to draw diagrams and graphs.

3) Overhead Projectors

It is a transparent sheet that is placed on the projection surface and projected on the sc

It is either typed or hand written.

4) Powerpoint Software

It is projected with the help of multimedia projector.

The software is prepared and connected to the computer.

Pictures and photographs are displayed with cinematic effect.

It is convenient to show videos and animations.

Case Methods of Learning

What is a Case?

It is a written account of real or simulated managerial problems, dilemmas and situa

Types of Case

1) Theoretical

2) Factual

1) Theoretical Cases

Case studies for reading and clarifying theoretical concepts of a discipline such as man

2) Factual Cases

Case studies that describe an organization's experience and efforts to overcome proble

These cases are based on facts and project on corporate problems.

They present the critical management issues with full details of facts and figures.

Process of analysing a Case

1) Study the Case

2) Identify the Problem

3) Define the Problem

4) Identify causes of the Problem

5) Develop Alternatives

6) Evaluate Alternatives

7) Develop plan of action

1) Study the Case

Study the entire case thoroughly and highlight important points.

Read the entire case again for better understanding of problems and identifying soluti

2) Identify the Problem

Identify what is the main problem in the case and the factors affecting it.

Ex: strikes in the company can be a problem but they can also be a factor for some ma

3) Define the Problem

Formulate the probem

4) Identify causes of Problem

Collect facts from the case inorder to solve the problem.

5) Develop Alternatives

Suggest alternative answers/solutions to the problem so that the best can be chosen.

6) Evaluate Alternatives

Evaluate each solution, compare the results and decide which is the best course of actio

7) Develop plan of action

Work out a plan on how to implement the solution.

Main parts of Written Analysis

1) Title of the Case: Reflects the objective/problem.

2) Statement of the Problem: States the objective of case study and what is to be achie

3) The Case: A brief narration of entire situation/problem to be investigated.

4) Scope of the Analysis: Define clearly the limits of case and tell what is being analyse

5) Alternative solutions and their evaluation: Each alternative solution should be cons

6) The best solution: Choose the best solution that will support the case.

7) Conclusion: The entire case should be concluded by telling the problems and the be

8) Executive Summary: Mention the following:

The Problem

The possible solutions

The best solution

Recommended plan of action

Benefits to the company

The Executive Summary is for helping decision makers know the problem and its solutio

Requirements for a Case Analysis

1) Thorough knowledge of the concerned subject

2) Ability to be analytical: You should go deeper into the situation and analyse the

3) Ability to do critical thinking: This includes finding the solutions to the above qu

4) Ability to Evaluate: Give reasons for your answers and choose the best solution.

5) Ability to Infer: This includes the final result and the outcome that you give to the

Overcoming difficulties of case method

1) Conquering a different learning style

Analyse the case in real life.

Understand the problem and develop analytical ability.

2) Overcoming the fear of writing and speaking

Be bold and don't hesitate to speak as there is no right and wrong answer in case study.

Make use of proper language and be confident while presenting.

3) Developing your personal system of case analysis

Develop your own way of analysing the case.

Learn how to think and make your own decision.

Reading a Case properly

1) Previewing

Learn the case properly.

Look at the title and sub-title as this itself tells about the case.

Look for headings and sub-headings.

Highlight key names of individuals.

2) Skimming

The main objective of skimming is to look for major ideas, issues and problems that w

3) Reading

While reading look for answers to questions.

Avoid underlining on first reading as it is time consuming and you may highlight unimpo

During your second reading, you might understand the case properly and then you can

4) Reviewing/Scanning

This involves second reading so that there is clarity in case.

Review highlights, headings, sub-headings you have made so that information will be re

Finally write solutions to questions.

Case Analysis Approaches

1) Systems Approach

Here organization is viewed as a system that converts inputs into outputs.

This approach can be used in cases such as marketing, production, finance and aspec

Example: if customers are not having demand for soap, look for the inputs in the case s

2) Behavioral Approach

This approach focuses on behavior of people in organization.

You can do the analysis by examining behavior of people, characteristics, values etc.

Information about corporate culture, HR practices, organizational change also help in a

Example: reason for high rate of absenteeism due to improper training, or poor working

4) Decision Approach

Helps to make use of one or more decision making tools that will help us identify and eva

The decision tools consists of formulas.

Example, why we are not able to make profits. The manager uses some formula to find o

5) Strategy/Analytical Approach

Managers use this approach to develop strategies and take long term decisions.

They ask questions like, “What customers want”?, “How services can be improved”?

They have to make SWOT analysis.

By analysing these, managers can build up strategies

Do's and Don'ts of Case


Go through the case and make decision based on relevant information.

Read and rewrite the case twice or thrice for better solution.

Give importance to facts present in case.

Identify major problems and find solutions by evaluating alternatives.


Each person gives his own solution. Don't think only your solution is right.

Don't come to conclusion in beginning itself. Read, analyse alternatives and then come t

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