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SWOT Analysis

• Strengths
• The concept of strong a production to produce
variety of product selections
• Other than manufacturing patties, the company • Weaknesses
has frankfurter, cocktail, nugget, chicken,
seafood, minced meat and many more. • Unhealthy food production
• Has the recognition of Halalan Toyyiban • Can cause health problems such as
• Made their product win the confidence of the blood pressure
market and make them the primary choice
among consumers. • Lack of global standards and
• Using an intermediary to conduct certifications
promoting • Ramly company was banned in
• The promotion job will be done by Ramly’s own Singapore since they did not meet
consumer who bought Ramly products when the standard requirement for the
the consumer tells their friend and
acquaintances how good the Ramly company meat to be imported to Singapore.
product is.
• Product
• Meet the global standard and certification
• Things that need to be considered include materials used, preparation of the products,
the process and also testing before Ramly Food Processing Sdn Bhd can do packaging
and transport the product to the country that they targeted.

• Produce Healthy Food

• They can add more variety to their products such as frozen vegetables and frozen fruits.

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