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Lopez, Myca
Ombi-on, Denzel Al Simon S.
Pakingan, Joveralp B.

Denver International Airport (DIA) was

constructed in early 1990 in the city of
Denver, Colorado.
This construction was large and raises a
lot of controversies concerning the
airports image. This includes their
systems, the construction itself and
The most known controversy would be
about the computer-controlled baggage
handling system
In the year 1993, first reports about the
concrete problems were raised. This is
when the subcontractors CSI Trucking file
a lawsuit against the contractor Ball, Ball,
and Brosamer (3B’s), because 3B’s did
not pay them for the materials (sand and
gravel) that were delivered.

This controversy was deemphasized.

A year later, an announcement that the
reports of the construction were falsified,
was out.
Four employees of Empire Laboratories
claimed that the alteration of test data
was needed to achieve result and was
based upon “engineering judgment”.
Other problem about the concrete is that
it contains clay balls, which will make the
runway much weaker than expected.
On an article in Denver, questioning how
3B’s escaped the monitoring of the
concrete, one batch plant operator stated
that when the inspector of the concrete
batching is coming to inspect the recipe,
they would use the correct recipe so that
it would appear correct.
A batch operator gave a sworn statement
stating that the computer were fooled by
tampering the scale to measure the
cement, which results for the computer to
print out correct mixture of concrete.
• DIA still continue the operation of
the airport as they insisted that the
runways met the specifications of
FAA, although some parts of it were
• 3B’s have been paid for what their
services cost, but 3B’s filed a suit on
the city of Denver saying that the
city still owed them 2.3 Million USD.
The city claimed that the money
was not owed but the reduction
for the penalty they made.
3B’s still claimed that these
allegations were wrong and
concrete is fine. Today DIA still
operates, but the hazards of the
altered concrete still remains.
The Denver International Airport’s runway
construction’s problem would be the
alteration of the concrete’ recipe used by
the Contractor 3B’s for the runways. This
raises the question “Is altering the
concrete recipe so that it will cost less,
save money and increase the profit,
CSI Trucking filing a lawsuit against 3B’s claiming the
dilution of the concrete with gravel, sand and water
with less cement.
Denver’s district office announcement of falsification of
inspection reports.
Empire Laboratories’ altering of test results “based on
engineering judgment” causes the question of the
result. The anomaly outcomes to fabrication of the
report to make the concrete seem stronger.
Concrete containing clay balls making it weaker than
Concrete Inspection was also faked.
No record of materials delivered.
Sworn Statement of the batch plant operator
regarding the tampering of computer measure scales
so that the print of result would have the correct
The administration of DIA could take the
following actions, but would take them
money, time and effort which would be a
loss on their part. The following alternatives
are taken into consideration yet rejected for
some reasons.
A. Instead of letting the runways be used,
DIA should have sued 3B’s of the alteration
of concrete used in the runway, thereby
letting them pay for the actions they made.
The money could be used to reconstruct
the airport at that time.
Disadvantage: This would not be possible at this
time, as the case is almost 3decades behind.
The evidences might not exist anymore, and the
witnesses might be too old to remember. The
case will not be reliable as the proof is not good
enough. DIA will also spend money and effort
with no assurance that 3B’s will admit their fault
and pay the money needed.
B. Shut down airport and reconstruct
the runways where substandard
concrete were used.
Disadvantage: The proposed reconstruction
would take time, causing the DIA to shut
down the airport during this phase, causing
them to lose money. It will also be
inconvenient for most of the US passengers
as DIA is the largest one in their country.
C. Instead of shutting down the whole
airport, shut down one portion only per
time reconstruct this area, and then
move on to the next one.
Disadvantage: This make took longer and
be more costly. Also this may delay the
flight schedules that will make more issues
to the airport. This might ruin their
D. Maintenance of the Airport’s
Disadvantage: Maintaining the condition of
the runway would take lots of effort. This
will not also be a long term solution. The
runway today is being used and it does not
seem to have risk but in the future, the
substandard concrete may cause accidents.
Sooner or later they still have think of a
new solution.
E. Let the runway be used until the
runway shows a sign that it is needed to
be reconstructed due to poor concrete
Disadvantage: This solution would be far too
unethical. The safety of the passengers might
be at risk; therefore the administration must
take action before the risk may even appear.
It will be a greater loss if the action is taken
after the risk.
As of today Denver International Airport still
use the constructed Runway by 3B’s. The
problem that the concrete used is
substandard, may result to deterioration in
the future. Thus the proposed solution is that
DIA administration makes a study on the
concrete used to be able to plan for the
reconstruction they could do. With today’s
technology it is possible that the concretes
life span be computed. Hiring an engineer
with great skills and understands the code of
ethics would be a good choice.
If the study of the concrete is properly
made, the administration could properly
address the situation. With the estimated
time before the concrete could totally be
deteriorated, the management could save
enough money, make programs and plan
before the reconstruction be done. In this
scenario, they should make a program in
which the problem will be solve with
minimal loss and cost in their part.
The solution to make a study on the
concrete used to be able to plan for the
reconstruction to will only be possible if the
conducted study will be done thoroughly,
ethically, honestly and correctly. The result
of the study will be able to let them analyze
the real problem they will be facing and
make proper actions to correct the mistake
in the past.
Problems with runway durability might
surface after more years of use. We
recommend being alert and preparing on
what might happen on the future. The
airport management should
Daily inspect the runways with any showing
signs of deterioration.
They should have a concrete monitoring
program where data are calculated to efficiently
track the durability and safety of the runways.
Then, they should prepare a rehabilitation
program or a project planned early if any
showing signs of deterioration in concrete of
runways occur to immediately aid the problem.
Let people be aware that the action that will be
done is for the safety of the people. This will
allow them to be more patient and considerate
in the actions that the management would take
in the future.

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