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Kinds of Punishment

Punishment- oldest method of controlling crime

Variations in modalities of punishment

Variations in reactions to law- breaking

Forms of Punishment- based on deterrence

Early societies- retaliatory method

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth

Kingship settling disputes

Public control of private wrongs

This led to modern penal system

Police and courts- public control
Forms of Punishment
 Early period- Punishments cruel
 End of 18th century- penology emphasized
 Severity to be kept at minimum
Common modes of Punishment
 Whipping act, 1864
Abolished in 1955 in India
 It is used in middle East countries today
 It has not proved effective
 In minor offences, it serves some purpose

Hands chopped off

Sex crime- private part cut off

It was practice in England European countries.


Criminals branded with mark

Subjected to public ridicule

England practiced till 1829

It has practiced in U.S.A Mughal rule.
 Stoning criminals to death
 It was practice in medieval period
 Still in practice in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia.
 Sex crimes- stoning to death
 Crimes against women- under control

Head and hands locked in iron frame and stoned

Ears of criminal nailed to pillary

Hardened criminals were nailed to walls and shot

Hanging in public place prohibited.


Fine for violation of traffic rules

Fine for property crimes, minor offences

Fine- alternative to imprisonment
Forfeiture of Property:
 Ipc section 53- forfeiture of property
 Confiscation of property- 126

Security Bond:
 For good behavior as a restraint
 Banishment:
 Practice of transporting undesirable criminals to far -off
Solitary confinement:

Confining criminals in solitary prison cells

For hardened criminals

Imprisonment for Life:

Under section 53 Ipc

Amended by Act 26 of 1955

Imprisonment for 20 years


Common form of sentencing

Minimum security prison

Open air prison
Capital Punishment:
 Arguments for and against capital punishment
 Offenses punishable under Ipc
 Waging war against state (sec 121)
 Abetment of mutiny(sec 132)
 Murder(sec 302)

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