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Course: Signals and Systems

Dr. Abdul Aziz Memon

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Daily life signals
• Voice signal
• Image signal
• Traffic signal
• Sign signal
• Heartbeat
• Blood pressure
• Body temperature
• Weather forecast (Temperature, humidity, speed and direction of
wind etc)
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Definition: Signal and System
• Signal:
• Quantities that carry information
• Function of one or more independent variables, that conveys
• One independent variable (one dimensional signal)
• voltage, current, speech
• (function of time)
• Two independent variable (two dimensional signal)
• Image (x-coordinate, y-coordinate)
• Three independent variables (three dimensional signal)
• Video (x-coordinate, y-coordinate, time)
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• Its an entity that performs operations on signals
• Rectification Systems operate on input signals
• Amplification and produce desired output signal
• Electricity generation
Function of system depends upon
• System has input and output signal
• Can have more inputs and outputs, e.g. Electric light, Flour machine

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Examples of signals and systems
• Automobile (system)
• Pressure on acceleration pedal (Input signal)
• Speed of vehicle (output signal / response)

• Camera (system) Physical nature of S&S in various

• Receives reflected light from object (input signal)
• Produces image (output) disciplines may vary, but they all
have two basic features in
• Robot arm (system)
• Control inputs (angle, direction, speed etc) common. (Signals and Systems)
• Movement output (desired position)

• Electrocardiogram (system) We will study S&S in general

• Heart signal (input) (mathematics of S&S)
• Heart rate etc (output)

• Human communication system, Electronic Communication system

• Tongue(speaker)-Ear(mic)-Brain(electronic system) Slide # 5
Feedback control system
• Chemical process control
• Controlling chemical process parameters such as temperature, flow
rate etc w.r.t to varying physical parameters of plant, such as
temperature, pressure, humidity, chemical composition etc

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Communication system
• sound-electrical (Transmitter)
• EM/light/electrical (Transmitted signal through channel)
• (Receiver) electrical-sound

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Signals and Systems in various disciplines
• Aeronautics and astronautics (Navigation around and beyond earth)
• Circuit design (step response etc)
• Acoustics (sound signals, sound instruments, noise control etc)
• Seismology (Deals with earthquake, effects, advance calculation)
• Biomedical Engineering (human signals, heartbeat, BP etc)
• Energy generation & distribution systems (3-Phase)
• Chemical process control
• Speech processing Physical nature of S&S in various disciplines may vary, but
they all have two basic features in common i-e. Signals and
• Next courses We will study S&S in general (Mathematics of S&S)
• DSP -system with single independent variable: Time. CTS, DTS, LTI
• Control Engineering
-Mathematical tools such as transforms etc will be used.
• Communication
You should have knowledge of Calculus, LT, DE, CV Slideetc.# 8
Importance of S&S
• Helps to understand behavior of various systems to different
• Ex: electrical circuits (Step, impulse, ramp response)
• Ex: Aircraft’s response to pilot commands and air gusts

• Helps to extract voice signal from voice+noise signal

• Helps to enhance and restore images (images taken by
• Helps to predict future in terms of stock markets, weather
• Helps to make better communication systems by considering
the effect of noise signals, attenuation etc Slide # 9
Size of a signal
• It indicates the largeness or strength of signal
• For time varying signal, only amplitude can’t indicate size of a
• Human largeness or strength
• Not only height but also width
• Volume of human

• What about amplitude + duration (area under curve)

• Defective: For some signals area can be negative
• Solution: Energy, power of a signal
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Energy and power of a signal

In general,
periodic signals
are considered
• P=E/t as power signals
• 0<P<infinity and aperiodic
• Power signal has infinite energy for T  infinity signals are
considered as
• E=Pxt energy signals
• 0<E<infinity
• Energy signal has zero average power for T  infinity Slide # 11
Energy and power of a signal
• Condition for energy to be finite
• t  infinity
• Signal amplitude0
• Non-periodic signal defined for limited time

• Some signal may have infinite energy but can’t be power

signals as well
• Ramp (infinite energy and power)

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Energy and power of a signal
• Energy signals
• Decreasing exponential (aperiodic and deterministic signal)
• Zero power

• Power signal
• Sinusoidal (periodic)
• Infinite energy
• Step (non-periodic)
• Infinite energy, finite power (Because it can be broken into parts like periodic signal)

• Both
• Some signals with limited time duration can have both E and P

• None
• Ramp (Infinite energy and power)
• Increasing exponential (Infinite energy and power) Slide # 13
Energy and power of a signal

Finite energy, zero


Infinite energy, finite


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Determine the suitable measures of the signal

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Determine power and rms

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• Find energy of signals given in figure a, b, c, d, e
• Find power of signal given in figure e

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Continuous time vs Discrete time signals, and Analog vs Digital
• CTS: Signals defined for all
time t
• Analog signal: Amplitude can
take any values from -∞ to +∞
• Digital signal: Amplitude can
take finite number of
values(1,0,-1 etc)
• DTS: Signals defined at
discrete instances of time
• Analog signal
• Digital signal
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Continuous time vs Discrete time signals, and Analog vs Digital
• Analog signal
• AC Voltage or current
• Temperature per hour
• Dollar rate every day
• Digital signal
• DC voltage
• Binary signals (1, 0)

• Sampling: Process of converting CTS into DTS by defining proper
sampling rate. Sampling Rate >= 2*Frequency of signal
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Energy and power of DTS
• Countable samples

• Infinite samples

• For periodic DTS

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H.W: Determine if it is power or energy signal
• Also find power of power signal
and energy of energy signal

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• How to find Energy and Power of a signal using Matlab
• How to convert CTS into DTS using Matlab
• How to convert DTS into CTS using Matlab

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