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By: Brianna Barragan Huerta

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs

Beatitude is the kingdom of heaven.
To put God first above all. Not to worry what others think and
about what we have or do not have. We depend on God first to realize
My example: joy.
My aunt isn’t be very materialistic she always find a way to help her two kids and
herself and doesn’t pay attention to her mom or my mom because they always have
something to say but they just want to find a solution or tell her what they think.. My
aunt really don’t care what they say she always finds a way to make up for it. Ethier
to herself
Graphic or her kids any way she can.
My aunt with her two
My Mom and grandma sons

Pictures not mine

Beatitude and Me
Blessed the peacemakers, for they will be called children
To help bring God’s peace to the word. Resolve problems
of God.
So one day a long time ago my siblings divided the small flan into the people
that was there so 5 plus our parents so 7 slices. Anyways my sister Helen was
cutting the flan because everyone would want to and Helen was the most
excited to cut it. So she divided it and served everyone except my parents
because they were tired and when to sleep. So my brother Aldo was mad
because he is looking at everyone else and their plates and he apparently got
“the smallest piece” and starts complaining. Then, so was Neyda and everyone
was unhappy and started arguing over slices of flan. Then it all went downhill
from there and then my parents woke up, fixed it, and then basically told us to
separate and be quiet. That was the last time we have flan and everyone forgive
each other. Later, that day another argument broke out over the hubba
bubba gum and complain they got the smallest piece I fixed it and divided

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