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The Hope Coalition

Francesco Addesi

 The Hope Coalition was founded in 2008 by

a man named Daniel Cullen. The
experiences and insight he gained while
living for many years as a homeless man
empowered and enabled him to develop a
unique plan for success in integrating
homeless people back into society.
Mission Statement

 To advocate for those who are under

privileged and may have little or no access to
resources to meet THE BASIC HUMAN
NEEDS. To advocate for those who are
denied the HUMAN RIGHTS to shelter and
the ability to sustain life in a safe and
dignified manner, and to provide support in
any form needed.
 philosophy of dealing with the issues will be
addressed by the T.E.A.M.
 T- Teach through TRAILS and TRIUMPHS as a
joint endeavour
E- Empowering people through support and
prescribing self-help
 A- Advocate to obtain support from many
aspects of the COMMUNITY and all levels of
 M- Modeling from little successes as they set the
framework for larger ones
 Programs and Services: Currently unavailable; in
the works being built.
What is your agency known for in the

 World homeless Day was declared in Brampton. It

was a first for the city of Brampton Wednesday when
counsellors declared Oct. 10, 2010, as World
Homeless Day. Daniel Cullen, director of The Hope
Coalition, and a YMCA Peace Medal recipient,
accepted the proclamation at Wednesday’s city
counsel meeting. Cullen told counsellors he is a
“product” of the Region of Peel shelter system. He
said there are 11,000 homeless in Brampton and
Mississauga, and 20,000 in Ontario.
Community Resources/Partnerships

 St. Louis Outreach, Knights Table and St.

Vincent De Paul. At St. Louis Outreach, we
have students volunteering there, the same
with Knights Table. At St. Vincent De Paul
we had a food drive; to bring in non-
perishable food or used clothing.
Process for Securing a Practicum at

 Call the agency and ask for Daniel Cullen who will be
your supervisor. Tell him you’re a student who’s
attending Sheridan College who’s currently enrolled
in the SSW program and you’re in your third
semester looking for a placement. Then ask if he’s
currently taking students. If he’s interested you two
will set an appointment for a meeting. Bring your
resume. Your role is to advocate for the homeless
and spread the message to the entire Peel region.
Agency Volunteers & Recognition

 We independently participate/volunteer at the

breakfast club at Grace United Church
different days during the week. We socialize
with the homeless.
Agency Funding Sources and

 At St. Vincent De Paul we had a food drive;

to bring in non-perishable food or used
clothing. We went to Sheridan College and
had a bake sale and raised over 200 dollars.
We are currently trying to get funding from
2 Policies & Procedures unique to
your agency

 An alliance will be formed with out clients

while they’re on our case management files
that will lead to mutual respect and a strong
belief and trust in the success of the
program. Trust will be ensured by
advocating, developing and promoting
reflective interpersonal growth in a safe, non-
judgemental environment through groups
and one-on-one counselling
1 Theory applicable to your Agency

 There are four primary components to the

process throughout three phases which are:
1- Self Awareness through team work, 2-
Faith, Hope and Purpose, 3- Self care
workshops. At the end of the program the
participant will be employees, enrolled in
school and will be volunteering

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