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IELTS Speaking Test

Part Three
Part Three
• 4~5 minutes
• 4~6 questions
• discussion
Type 1: Comparing
• time
• social group
• geographic
• Obviously, there are a number of clea
r differences. However, I guess the m
ost significant would be that ____. W
hereas ____. In addition to this, ano
ther possible distinction might be th
at ____, while, on the other hand, __
Type 2: Predicting
• What will school be like in the futur
• Certantly, I'm sure that many people wo
uld agree that there will be a number o
f major changes related to this. Initia
lly, I guess that we might begin to see
____. At the same time, I suppose it's
quite probable that we might have ____.
And who knows, it could even be possibl
e that we'll see the arrival of ____.
Type 3: Why
• Why is it important to protect old /
historical buildings?
• In my opinion, I guess I would have t
o say that there're probably a number
of factors involved ____. One key mot
ivation would be ____. As well as a s
ubsequent incentive might be cause __
Type 4: Advantage
• What are the advantages of traveling by train?
• Well I suppose that there are quite a
few clear benefits, but I would proba
bly say that for the most part, the o
ne thing that really stands out is th
at ____. I guess that another obvious
plus point is that ____. Along with t
his, a further merit is that ____.
Type 5: Disadvantage
• What are the disadvantages of train t
• I think it's fair to say that there a
re a few negative aspects. I suppose
the most unfavorable quality might be
that ____. This is a clear limitation
because ____. At the same time, anoth
er stumbling block might be that ____
, especially ____, and this can be a
hassle becaus ____.
Type 6: Problem
• What are the problem associated withi
n the increase in car use?
• It's universally accepted that there
are a few hazards involved with ____.
Essentially, one fundamental concern
is probably that ____. This fact is u
nmistakebly perturbling because ____.
• Additionally, another major cause for
the concern has to be the fact that _
___. And the underlying repercussions
of this are ____.
Type 7: Solutions
• How could these problems be solved
• In my view, there are a number of act
ions that could be taken. When dealin
g with the first problem, the easiest
way to work it out would be ____. Tak
ing on the second problem, the most s
uccessful way to confront this would
be ____.

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