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Modal verbs

Nillireth Presutti Halub

Modal verbs


To talk about preferences, wishes, the future. Modal verb : Will,

To give advice, to suggest.
To make polite requests. Modal verbs:
Shall ,Should :
To talk about possibilities and probabilities.
Modal verbs: MAY –
Modal verbs: Will, Would


MODAL VERBS are; will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might and must. 4.
 MODAL VERBS are auxiliary verbs. Would
 We use modal verbs with a main verb. 1. We use WOULD to
–show preference
 Modal verbs cannot be a main verb.
Here we are going to review and study : will /would, and shall/ should. a. I would rather go to the cinema today. 
b. (I prefer going to the cinema today.)
Will. 2. We use
Use WILL to talk about desire, 5.
To express capability: WOULD – to express a wish
preference, choice or consent:
a. I would like to have more free time.
Examples: b. I would like to travel .
1.I will accept your offer. 1.The ship will take three hundred
2. Will you please be quiet? guests.
2.This bottle will hold two litres of
To talk about the wine.
To express
determination or insistence:
1.It will be a great party.
2.I will probably go out tonight. 1.I will pass my driving test.
I would like to + (verb)

GRAMMAR 6. I’d like….. is a polite way to say ‘I want’.

I’d like = I would like. 7.
1. We use WOULD you like….. ? to offer things.
a. Would you like some tea? 1. I’m hungry. I’d like a pizza.
No, thank you. 2. (in a tourist office) I’d like some information about hotels,
b. Would you like some chocolate? please.
Yes, please. Thank you. 3. I’d like to go to the cinema tonight.
c. What would you like, chocolate or coffee?
Chocolate, please. Thank you.
d. Would you like to join us? Dialogue:
No, thanks. Waiter: Good evening . How can I help you?
2. We use WOULD with a polite request: Tom: Good evening , I would like to have dinner.
Would you mind  +  Verb + ing + please ? = polite request Examples: I’d like to see the menú.
Waiter: Yes, of course, here you are.
a.Would you mind turning the radio down? Tom: I’d like to have a bowl of chicken soup, please.
Waiter: What would you like for side dishes?
b. Would you please leave the room?
Tom: Just the bowl of soup please.
c. Would you mind opening the door?
Modal verbs : Shall / Should

Should and Would
SHALL and WILL are both modal verbs to express the future tense.
We use the auxiliary WILL to express the Simple Future in American
to give an opinion, to advice , to make a suggestion, express a
In more formal English, there is a rule : preference or an idea.
The auxiliary shall in the first person, singular and plural (I/we) 1. You should stay at home if you are feeling tired.
The auxiliary will in the second and third person, singular and plural, 2. I should walk to work.
(you, he/she/it, they) 3. He should be more open to ideas.
Singular Plural 4. You should take regular exercise.
First I shall we shall Should – to ask for an opinion.
Second you will you will Examples:
Third he/she/it will they will 1.Should we tell him about our idea?
However, shall is a little out of use, but it continues to be used 2.What should we do now?
with I and we for offers and suggestions.
Shall I open the window?
Shall I order a taxi?
Shall we dance?
Shall – Should – Will - Would

Exercise 1: 10. Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks using the correct auxiliary verb. Choose the correct option. (answers in red)
Shall, will, should, would 1) We _ leave now or we will miss the last
1)I                     leave now. It is too late. train. 5) I _ probably spend the holidays
2)You                     have seen him. His dance was amazing.  a. should with my family.
3)                    we have lunch together?  b. will a. shall
4)I                     like a cup of tea, please.  c. would b. will
5)                    we read the email?  2) _ we meet tomorrow morning? c. would
a. Shall 6) Danny _ prefer having the meeting
6) I think I ____________enjoy a holiday in Scotland. next week.
b. Would
7)You ____________go to the hairdresser's. a. would
c. Should
8)You ________ go there as soon as possible. b. should
3) I _ like a cup of coffee, please.
9)' _________you have some coffee ?', she asked us. c. will
a. should
10)_____you mind taking me to the airport ?
b. would
11) You __________read this book, it is worth reading.
c. will
12)She __________probably come tomorrow morning.
4) Do you think we _ tell Sarah about Peter?
13) Let's go for a walk, ___________we ?
a. should
14)' ________you tell me where you are coming from ?'.
b. will
No I won't.
c. would
15) ___________we go somewhere else ?

1) should 2)should 3) Shall 4) Would 5) Should 6) Would 7) Should
8)Should 9)Will 10)Would 11)Should 12)Will 13)Shall 14)Will 15) Shall
Like or would like ? Practice exercise

Complete the sentences  Use: Make Polite Requests ( use Would you mind ….+ the verb in parenthesis
"Like , Likes or would like"
1. _____________(show) me your boarding pass please? 
1. I ______    to have a car. 
2. I  _______  lions and tigers very much.  2. ______________ (fasten) your belts please? 
3. She_______    playing tennis.  3. ______________(remain) in your seats please? 
4. I   ________to eat a pizza tonight. 
5. They    _______to buy a house but they don’t have enough money. 4. ______________(sit) down please? 
6. My mother    _____a new dress to go to Paul's birthday.  5. ______________ (put out) your cigarettes, please? 
7. I don't    ___________your tee-shirt, it's awful. 
8. My son    __________a video game for his birthday.  6. ______________ (open) your suitcase please? 
9. Mike    _________children very much.  7. _______________ (have) another seat please? 
10. Ann    ________to work for this company. 
11. You    ______dancing, don't you?  8. _______________(lend) me some money please? 
Modal verbs : May - Might

Permission To talk about probability: When we are not sure about something:
We use MAY  to give permission . Examples:
a) I might see you tomorrow.
MAY NOT   to deny permission.
To ask for permission: May I…..
Examples: b) It looks nice, but it might be very expensive.
a. May I come in, sir? c) It’s sunny. It might not rain today.
Yes, you may. • As the past tense of may for requests:
b. May I go home now? d) He asked if he might borrow the car.
No, you may not. e) They wanted to know if they might come later.
3.To express wishes:
a. It may rain tonight ( 50% possibility)
a. May the New Year bring you joy. b. It might rain tonight ( 30% possibility)
4. To speculate about the past actions:
a. She is late, she may have missed the plane.
Modal verbs: May – Might

Exercise 1 May or Might 13.

Click to listen May or Might? (Answers in red) 14.
to the
Fill in the blank with may or might. answers Choose the best answer:
1. I thought he _____ be able to help me 1. My family and I _______travel abroad in June.
2. You _____ lock up the store immediately you finish. a. might
3. I asked him if I _____ leave the work early today. b. might be
4. Employees _____ use their discount on regular priced items only. 2. John isn’t in class today. I think… sick.
5. Customers ____ use the staff washroom. c. might
Exercise 2 d. might be
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with modals :Will / Shall , 3. I … at work tomorrow morning because I have a bad
Would/ Should 1. She told me that she was sick so she ___________not go to cold.
a. may be
office. 2. The visitors ________take care of their
b. may be not
valuable things. 3. As he is in dire need of
4. We … have a grammar exam next week. Let’s study!
money, we______help him immediately. 4_____________we
e. may
go ? 5.His f. may be not
son is not so brilliant in his studies but he ______pass the examination. 5. There’s no sound coming from radio. It … broken.
6.I _______be thankful to you if you help me at this time of need. 6. I_____late today because I ______ have some extra
7.Drive fast or you___________the flight. work to do.
8.__________you like to accompany us to the market g. may be / may
tomorrow? 9. The lady has grown so old that h. may / may
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Shall or Will exercises:
Video May , Might grammar explanation
Tablas y gráficos enumerados del N. 1 al 14 diseñados por Nillireth Presutti Halub

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