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P.E Second Grading
-Chest Pass is a Sharp, short-distance passing, to do the chest pass correctly, hold the
ball tightly, step right or left foot forward, bend the arms (ball placed right in front of
the chest), extend arm, then release the ball, palms facing outward (follow through).
-The ball is bounced off the floor going to one's teammate (same
motion with chest pass but the ball is bounced on the floor).
-Usually done if the receiver of the pass is tall. Usually the center. Sometimes,
the bounce pass can be done in a low pass or a high arcing pass. to do the
-This is an angled bounce-pass that prevents the ball from being stolen by the opponent. This is usually
done with an overhead fake pass first. To do the hook-bounce pass correctly, step right or left foot
sideward or cross it to the opposite side, use right or left hand or both, then flip the wrist after passing
the ball (follow through).
-The ball is lower than the knee.
-The ball is higher than the waist.
-This is used for long-distance passing like the outlet pass to a teammate who is
running ahead (fast break). Hold the ball with right or left hand (use dominant hand) at
shoulder level, step right or left foot, then extend the arm to release the ball
-Are very hard to develop. It involves talent, proper training, and the right attitude. These are
several types of shooting depending on how close or far the player is to the basket or goal. Proper
shooting form, aiming the ball, and follow through contribute in developing shooting skills.
-Is the act of putting the ball in a goal to secure a point or points. A basket scored from the free throw line due
to a foul or penalty is called a free throw. One, two, or three points may be awarded to an offense player. On
the other hand, a basketball scored or any shot or tap other than a free throw is called a field goal. The field
goal is worth two or three points depending on the distance of the attempt from the basket.
-Proper shooting form is important in scoring a basket. The shooting arm
should be in a 90-degree position, elbow pointing front, and fingers of
shooting hand pointing backward. Balance is also essential in shooting.
Feet should be slightly apart, the foot on the side of the shooting hand must
be half step ahead of the other. The shooting arm must be straightened
before releasing the ball using the power coming from the legs, hips, arms,
and hands. Follow through by flipping the wrist of the hand with fingers
pointing downwards. Shooter may jump or tiptoe, if necessary.
-Is the most basic shot in basketball. It is usually a one-hand shot made when the
player is close to the basket. The ball is placed on the palm with fingers pointing
forward and arms straight. The ball is released by rolling the ball using the fingers.
-This is done after dribbling the ball towards the basket. For a right-hand lay-up, take off with right
foot first, then the left foot. Ball is held with right hand and arm is stretched towards the goal. Ball
is released by rolling it towards the basket (finger roll). For a left-hand lay-up, do the opposite.
-Same with ordinary lay-up. only at the goal (farther
from the side where the shooter took off).
-Is one of the most important skills in playing basketball. The team who controls the
board controls the game. Rebounding skills are developed through proper training and
with the right mindset.
-Rebounding is the act of successfully gaining possession of the ball
after a missed field goal or free throw. Rebounds are divided into two
main categories: the offensive rebounds, in which the ball is recovered
by the offensive side and does not change possession; and the defensive
rebounds, in which the defending team gains possession. To obtain
rebounds, a player can "box out" his opponent by positioning himself
between the other player and the basket, and maintaining body contact
with the player he is guarding. This action is also called "blocking out."

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