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English: Quarter 4

Week 99
Quarter 4, Week 9

Day 1
• Realize the importance of observing safety precautions and
procedures even when having fun
• Distinguish fact from opinion in an informational text
• Express fact and opinion in an informational text
• Identify meaning of unfamiliar words
Oral Language Practice
Nursery Song:
Nursery Song:
Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Ride, ride, ride your bike.
Slowly down the street.
Merrily, merrily, merrily
Smile to all you meet.

Show and Tell:

Show a picture of what you think is the best invention

made. Say: For me, the best invention ever made is the
__________ because ____________________________.
Unlocking of Difficulties
• What is the root word of dangerous?
dangerou Danger means someone or something
that can cause pain, harm or something
s bad.
• From the meaning of danger, what do
you think is the meaning of


One of the famous inventors

was Alexander Graham Bell.
He created the first
This is a picture of a
cyclist. What does a cyclist
cyclist do?

This is a helmet (or picture

of a helmet. How is the
helmet worn? Why do we
wear a helmet?

Using the belt of the helmet, demonstrate the word
“fastened” .
• The belt of the helmet is fastened.
of Difficulties
Here is an incomplete picture of a bicycle. Let us complete
the parts

pedal wheel seat handlebars

chain brakes

Now that our bicycle is complete, let us take a bicycle ride! Let
us read the selection about the bicycle.
Read and
of Difficulties
Bicycle, a Wonderful Machine
Lorna B. Castillo,

Bicycles Today
Do you have a bicycle? How does it look like? How will you describe
a bicycle? The bicycles today that we see are light, safe, and fast. One
can exercise using them. Young and old people enjoy riding bicycles.

Bicycles Before
But do you know that bicycles a long,
long time ago were different? They were
heavy and slow.
They were dangerous to ride. They were
made of wood. Their wheels were made of
wood, too. One should push the bicycle
forward so it cold run.
Later on, inventors added foot pedals. Then a front wheel was
added, it was much larger than the back wheel. As years passed,
other inventors improved the bicycle as we see it now. Today, it is
safe and comfortable to ride.
Cyclists all over the world enjoy it. Let’s thank the inventors
who did all these changes.
It is a wonderful machine used for transportation and for
Safe Bike Ride
Bike riding is a lot of fun. But sometimes accidents happen. What
must we do to avoid this? How can we safely ride a bicycle? Wear
bike helmets to have a safe ride. Always wear this even if you are
going for a short ride. Your bike helmet should fit you properly. Ask
your Dad and Mom to get one that fits your head. A bike helmet has
straps. These should always be fastened.

There are other safety rules that your Dad

and Mom can help you follow.
• Make sure your seat, handlebars, and wheel
fit tightly.
• Check the chain of the bicycle. Oil it
• Check the brakes to be sure they are
working well.
• Check also the tires. Check if these have
enough air.
Are you ready to ride a bike now?
Source: Vision 2 Integrated Reading and Language for Communication Arts in English,
Talk about it
Answer the following questions:

1. How are the bicycles today different from before?

2. What changes did the inventors do to the bicycles
3. Why is the bicycle a wonderful machine?
4. How can we be safe in riding the bicycle?

Using the
research two
things about
the bicycle.
Quarter 4, Week 9

Day 22
• Realize the importance of observing safety precautions and
procedures even when having fun
• Distinguish fact from opinion in an informational text
• Express fact and opinion in an informational text
• Use compound sentences to compare / contrast persons /
animals / places/ objects / events / ideas
Talk about it
Nursery Song

Tune: This is the Way We Brush Our

This is the way we ride our bike,
we ride our bike, we ride our bike.
This is the way we ride our bike
very carefully.
Group Activities
Group 1 will answer the Comparison and
Contrast Chart.
They will write about how bicycles today are
different from bicycles before. The left circle is for
the characteristics of the bicycles before while the
right circle is for the characteristics of the bicycle
today. The middle part where the circles overlap is
for the same things they have.

Bicycles Before Bicycles Today

Group Activities
Group 2 will write a Thank You Letter to those who
invented and developed the bicycle into what it is today.

Thank You Bicycle Inventors

Dear Bicycle Inventors,

Group Activities
Group 3 will answer the Safety Tips Chart. They will list
down the safety tips when riding a bicycle.

Safety Tips in Riding a Bike


Group 4 will dramatize giving safety tips to someone who is

just starting to ride a bicycle. Include in your dialogue other
safety tips or reminders that you know.
Group Activities

Better Safe than

Sorry! Group 5
will draw a boy or a
girl ready to ride a
bike wearing the
proper safety
Discussion of the Text
• Who among you has a bicycle?
• Who among you knows how to ride a bicycle?
• Who wants to learn how to ride a bicycle?
• Is it easy to learn how to ride a bicycle? Why?
• How did you learn to ride a bicycle?
• Is it fun to ride a bicycle?
• Why do you say it is fun to ride a bicycle?
• Is it easier and more fun to ride the bicycles today than those

Group 1: Venn
From the very beginning that it was invented, the bicycle changed
a lot. Because of the changes, riding the bicycle has become more fun
and comfortable. And the inventions / changes were made by many
people called inventors.
Group 2: Thank You Letter

Biking or cycling is fun. But there will be times when it will not be
• When will biking or cycling not be fun?
If we are not careful, accidents may happen.
• Is it fun meeting an accident?
• Do you like to have an accident while riding your bicycle?
• What should be done so that accidents will not happen?

Let us listen to the report of Group 3 followed by the dramatization

of Group 4 and then the presentation of the drawing of Group 5.

Group 3: Safety Tips Chart

Group 4: Dramatization
Group 5: Better Safe than
• If we follow the safety tips and reminders,
what will happen?
• Is it good or bad to follow the safety
precautions or tips?
• If you will ride a bicycle, will you follow the
safety tips/advice/ reminders? Why or why
• Are you now ready to ride a bicycle
Comprehension Find Out and Learn
Read the sentences. Identify whether they are facts or opinions.

Before Fact or Opinion

1. Bicycles were heavy and slow. __________
2. They were dangerous to ride. __________
3. They were made of wood. __________
4. Their wheels were made of wood, too. __________
5. One should push the bicycle forward __________
so it could run.

6. The bicycles are light, safe, and fast. __________
7. One can exercise using them. __________
8. Young and old people enjoy riding bicycles. __________
9. They are safe and comfortable to ride. __________
10. They are wonderful for transportation __________
and for exercise.
Comprehension Try and Learn
Identify the facts and opinions from the following paragraph.

Puppets as Actors
Susan Jan (an excerpt)

Puppets can bring great joy not only to kids, but also to adults, all
over the world. Puppets were first introduced to the world of
entertainment thousands of years ago. It originated from Greece as the
Greeks then were known to be fond of theatrical presentations. Though
they enjoyed theater, they found supporting the actors financially
rather expensive, so that they turned to the use of puppets in plays.
They soon discovered that puppets were just as able as actors to
elicit positive response from the audience. So, they continued to
patronize the use of puppets in stage shows and presentations. Soon
stage puppet shows became many people’s favorite pastime.

Source: life.aspx

Grammar Review
• What is a simple sentence?
• What is a simple subject? What is a compound subject?
• What is a simple predicate? What is a compound predicate?
• How is a simple sentence formed? Let us see the examples on
the chart.

Simple Sentence
Simple Subject + Simple Predicate
Bike riding is fun.

Compound Subject + Simple Predicate

Bike riding and exercising can make you healthy.

Simple Subject + Compound Predicate Bike

riding can make you healthy and can
be enjoyable at the same time
A. Read and study each sentence.

Safety Tips in Bike Riding

1. You should wear a bike helmet and it should fit you properly.
2. A bike helmet has straps and they should always be fastened.
3. The chain must be oiled and the brakes must be checked

• What do you notice about the sentences?

• What is the word that all of them have?
• Why do you think the word and is used?
• Let us study sentence #1. How many subjects are there?
• How many predicates are there? What is the first subject? What is
the first predicate?
• What is the second simple sentence in #1? What is its subject and
Do the same for sentences #2-3. Put identifying marks to give
visual emphasis.

Safety Tips in Bike Riding

1. You should wear a bike helmet and it should fit you properly.
2. A bike helmet has straps and they should always be fastened.
3. The chain must be oiled and the brakes must be checked

These sentences have two simple sentences. They are called

COMPOUND sentences.
In our examples, the simple sentences are connected by the word
AND. “And” is a conjunction that connects similar ideas. We can also
use OR or BUT. “Or” is used to show choices. “But” is used to show
opposite ideas.
1. Liza likes biking and Ted enjoys skateboarding.
2. Given a chance the girls will wear the red helmets or
they will borrow the blue helmets of the boys.
3. The brothers want to ride a bike but it has started

• What is a compound sentence?

• When do we use and, or and but in
compound sentences?
Try and Learn
Put the two sentences together to form a compound
sentence. Use conjunctions: and, but, or.

1. The boy ate chips. The girl ate cakes.

2. We drew stars. We drew hearts.
3. Can you run? Can you jump?
4. Pam likes dogs. Leslie likes cats.
5. Max can read. Dennis can write.
Try and Learn
Here are two pictures of an old bicycle and a bicycle made in the
present. Write three compound sentences comparing the two

1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________

Look for one compound

sentence in your other
subject area books. Copy
them in your notebook.
Quarter 4, Week 9

Day 3
• Distinguish fact from opinion in an informational text
• Follow steps in a process
• Use compound sentences to compare/contrast
• Decode words with ue/ui
Oral Language Practice
Nursery Rhyme: (Adaptation)

Ride, ride to the city

Ride, ride to town
Careful when you ride it
And never in your gown.
Recognition Teaching/Modeling
Some consonants are silent when they come before the
consonants n and r. The second consonant is heard.

g is silent before n.
k is silent before n.
w is silent before r.

gn wr
sign kn wrist
gnat knife kneel wrong
knock writing
knotted wrench
unknown wrecker
c is silent before k. w is silent
before h when wh comes
before o.

ck writing
List down two words that have the silent letters.

wr wh
gn 1. 1.
1. 2. 2.

1. ck
2. 1.
Study Strategy Read and Learn
Read the selection.

Sock Puppets
Written by Liza Webber

You can make a puppet. It is easy to do. Get some old socks.
You will need markers and cotton balls. You will also need
string and glue. Put a sock on your hand. The toe of the sock is
the face. Glue cotton balls to the outside to make a lamb. Use
markers to draw a face. You can make people, too. You can
even make yourself. Put a few cotton balls inside. Wrap a
string around it and tie a knot. This will make the neck. Draw
your face and some clothes. Once you have people and animals,
you can put on a puppet show.
• What are the materials needed in making sock puppets?
These are the steps in making a sock puppet:

Steps in Making Sock Puppets

1. Put a sock on your hand.
2. Glue cotton balls to the outside to make a lamb.
3. Use markers to draw a face.
4. Put a few cotton balls inside.
5. Wrap a string around it and tie a knot.
6. Draw your face and some clothes.

• What did we just do?

We identified the steps in doing something. This is giving “Steps in a
What does Step in a Process mean?

The word “process” means a way of doing something.

The steps is the order in which you complete the process.
• FOR EXAMPLE, if you want to wash your clothes,
first you should put the detergent in the water then you
put the laundry in, and finally you turn the washing
machine on.
Why are Steps in a Process an important reading strategy?

They help us understand how to follow directions when we

are completing a task. They also help us to understand a
character’s actions in a story.

How do we find Steps in a Process to help us understand

what we are reading?

Look for sequence words like first, next, then,

after, before, last, or finally. Think about the
words that answer WHEN. Decide the task that
needs to be completed. Look for the actions that
need to be done to finish a task.

 Process means a way of doing

 Steps show the order in which you
complete the process.
 Following the steps in a process is
important because it helps us
complete the task.
 Signal words like first, next, then,
lastly, and finally are useed to
inroduces steps in a process.
Do and Learn
Below is a list of things you can do or some that follow
steps Choose one and list down the steps in doing it.

A. How to Cook Scrambled

B. How to Make a Paper
C. How to Solve Math
D. How to Make Pastillas
Composition Prewriting

1. Fold in half 2. Fold to meet 3. Fold to meet

twice to make the center the center line
creases and line
fold back

4. Fold to 5. Fold in
meet the the
center dotted
line line
Composition Prewriting

6. Fold in the
8. Finished
dotted line

7. Turn over

Pupils will write the steps in making an Overturns



Let the pupils edit their own work. Remind them to

check if they need to add or change some words.
Also, check if the sentences are clear.
Writing Composition
A. Proofreading

Pupils will proofread their own work. Check for wrong spelling,
capitalization and punctuation.

B. Rewriting

If needed, let pupils rewrite their work.

C. Publishing

The pupils will read their work to their group. Later, they may
make their own origami frog to be displayed in the bulletin
Quarter 4, Week 9

Day 44
Identify meaning of words with suffixes -able and -ible
• Follow steps in a process
• Write five to six sentence paragraph about a given topic
• Decode words with silent letters I
Oral Language
Nursery Rhyme (Adaptation)

The wheels on the bike go round and round

Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bike go round and round
All through the town.
The bell on the bike go ring, ring, ring
Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring
The bell on the bike go ring, ring , ring
All through the town.
The rider on the bike go huff, huff, huff
Huff, huff, huff, huff, huff, huff
The rider on the bike go huff, huff, huff
All through the town.
Find Out and Learn
A. Read the words with -able and -ible.

climbable bendable
enjoyable collectible
fixable comfortable
lovable irresistible
playable noticeable
singable sensible
valuable questionable
Find Out and Learn
B. Choose from the box above the word that tells

1. something that can be sung

2. something that is of value
3. something that can be fixed
4. something that may be collected
5. something that can be allowed

• The suffixes -able and -ible are added

to the end of some words to mean “capable
of,” “can be,” or “able to be.”

• Lovable means able to be loved. Something
breakable can be broken.
Try and Learn
Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences in the

bendable enjoyable playable

climbable lovable sensible

Homer loved playing the piano. It was __________ for

him. But he couldn’t take his piano with him. It wouldn’t fit
through the doors, and it wasn’t __________. Now, Homer
was a nice, __________ boy. But he wasn’t very smart or
__________. He tried to make a piano out of rubber! He
forgot that a rubber piano just isn’t __________! But it is
soft. Homer slept on his piano every night and dreamed of
beautiful music.
Do and Learn
Find the -able or -ible word in each sentence and write it on the blank.
Choose a root word from the box and write it next to the -able or -ible
word formed from it. The first one is done for you.

comfort notice question sense work

1. The old man was not comfortable wearing his new leather
comfortable comfort
2. He thought his plan to have a big celebration was workable.
3. Her reason for joining the program is questionable.
4. It was sensible of the class president to tell the teacher what
5. She thought the stain was not noticeable on her blue skirt.
Quarter 4, Week 9

Day 5
• Give the meaning of words with suffixes -able and
• Write a five to six sentence paragraph about a
given topic
Oral Language Practice
Nursery Rhyme (Adaptation)

Jack be nimble.
Jack be quick.
Jack jump over
The candlestick.
Jack be careful.
Jack be safe.
Always make sure
That you are safe,

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