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1950 Britain

Women’s roles in the 1950’s was to bear children, look after them, the family and the house. Though a few did
jobs, the majority didn’t. The “women’s jobs” such as secretary, teacher, nurse, librarian and so forth.
Men were tasked to earn incomes to run the house, by doing their jobs.
Some aspects of rationing became stricter for some years after the war. At the time this was presented as
needed to feed people in European areas under British control, whose economies had been devastated by the
fighting. Due to the less amount of food, people were starving and were struggling to feed their entire family.
Consumerism is an economic and social order that promotes the buying of goods and services in ever greater
quantities. In the 1950’s consumerism started booming massively due to the implementations of new technology
and unique products and the aftermath of the World War 2.
After that dinner night, McNamara got an idea of having a service that could allow people to just sign and pay
later. This ideal later developed and then he created the first American consumer facing credit card company,
"The Diner's Club", in 1950s with Ralph Sneider. It helped the population in Britain with their poverty situations
and helped people suffering across the country. Because of consumerism, people were buying new technologies
with their credit cards helping increase consumerism and the reach of credit.
Many aspects affected the lives of people with the most important being the economic struggles and the low

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