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Production Context: Target Audience: Messages & Values (Ideology):

Developed by Key Message? To promote women exercise, that they shouldn’t pay
Sport England Demographic? B(Middle class), C1(Lower Middle Class), C2(Skilled Working Class), attention to all the stereotypes present in modern society and they
D(Working Class) should not be limited in what they could do.
Funded by
The National Lottery Gender? Females of all different types of ethnicities, body types and beliefs. Values? They value progression in not only health but also the mental
state of all women
Purpose: Psychographics? Explorers, Strugglers, Reformers, Succeeders, Aspirers,
To promote women exercise, that they shouldn’t pay Mainstreamers
attention to all the stereotypes present in modern society Brand Name/Identity? This Girl Can, for woman.
and they should not be limited in what they could do. Appeal:
Name of Ad & Date: MEDIA LANGUAGE
This Girl Can - ”Sweating like a
Social/Cultural Context: (How is fits within society. What lead pig, feeling like a fox.” Made in Technical Codes: Visual Codes: Written Codes:
them to make this advert in this way?) 2015 It is a medium long shot with three The woman is being shined in a
quarters of the woman in the frame, reddish light. This is to represent the
it. The women behind her are also passionate, active, exciting, youthful
dancing but put in the blurred section qualities of the woman and the
of the bokeh. qualities they are promoting woman
to have.

The agenda of the campaign is to empower women to, by rejecting the dominant ideology and engaging in physical
activities. The campaign depicts females highly differently in order to achieve this.
Historical/Political Context: Women have always been considered stereotypically to be the weaker sex and often less competitive, particularly when
At the time was made i.e. 2015, the world then, like now was it comes to sport. This awareness campaign, however, aims to counter these assumptions and reassure women of their
a time where women were still experiencing things like potential. From a positive point of view, the female in this picture is portrayed: she is depicted as independent, confident
unequal rights and unequal pay. This could have been a and satisfied. On her face, there is a strong emphasis, indicating an expression of pleasure and fun. The producers aim to
reason why Sport England would have taken this into challenge sexism and male supremacy in sport by choosing such an image. The females are expected to be seen by the
consideration before creating this. readers as heroic-aspiring role models. In these women, audience members should see something of themselves, bring
their own fear of judgement to the fore and wonder whether it is really a suitable fear to have when they see the amount
of fun and happiness that these women seem to encounter.

Key Terms and Conventions: Link to Theorists

Propp? The woman is portrayed as the hero, the villain is the stereotypes present, the reward is good health and mental wellbeing,

Laura Mulvey? Opposes her theory as in this, the woman is is extra-humanized showing her to be the most important and main focus of
the advert.

Uses and Gratifications? Personal Identity, Lifestyle expression, Identity formation, Emotional release, Mood improving, Diversion
Production Context: Target Audience: Messages & Values (Ideology):
Developed by Key Message?

Funded by Gender?
Brand Name/Identity?


Social/Cultural Context: (How is fits within society. What lead Name of Ad & Date: Technical Codes: Visual Codes: Written Codes:
them to make this advert in this way?)


Historical/Political Context:

Key Terms and Conventions: Link to Theorists


Laura Mulvey?

Uses and Gratifications?

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