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Analysis of Variance

Post-Hoc Tests

 We wish to test the equality of several means

 H1: At least one pair of means is not equal.

ANOVA : PLBautista

ANOVA : PLBautista
Why analysis of variance?

 Explain the variation in the data through two

 Experimental error
 Error due to treatments
 Variance:

 Sum of Squares Identity:

ANOVA : PLBautista
Computational Formulas

ANOVA : PLBautista
The ANOVA Table

 We summarize our computations in the following

Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Square F
Variation Squares Freedom
Treatment SSR k-1 MSR
Error SSE k(n - 1) MSE
Total SST nk - 1

 Reject Ho if

ANOVA : PLBautista
Example 1
 The following data represent the number of hours of pain
relief provided by 5 different brands of headache tablets
administered to 25 subjects. The 25 subjects were
randomly divided into 5 groups and each group was
treated with a different brand.
5 9 3 2 7
4 7 5 3 6
8 8 2 4 9
6 6 3 1 4
3 9 7 4 7

 Perform the analysis of variance, and test the hypothesis

at the 0.05 level of significance that the mean number of
hours of relief provided by the tablets is the same for all
five brands
ANOVA : PLBautista
Example 2
 Six different machines are being considered for use in
manufacturing rubber seals. The machines are being
compared with respect to tensile strength of the product. A
random sample of 4 seals from each machine is used to
determine whether the mean tensile strength varies from
machine to machine. The following are the tensile strength
measurements in kilograms per square centimeter.
1 2 3 4 5 6
17.5 16.4 20.3 14.6 17.5 18.3
16.9 19.2 15.7 16.7 19.2 16.2
15.8 17.7 17.8 20.8 16.5 17.5
18.6 15.4 18.9 18.9 20.5 20.1

 Perform the analysis of variance at the 0.05 level of

significance and indicate whether or not the mean tensile
strengths differ significantly for the 6 machines.
ANOVA : PLBautista
Unequal Sample Sizes

 Degrees of freedom: SST  N - 1, SSR  k – 1, SSE  N -

ANOVA : PLBautista
Example 3
 It is suspected that higher priced automobiles are assembled with
greater care than lower-priced automobiles. To investigate this, a
large luxury model A, a medium size sedan B, and a subcompact
hunchback C were compared for defects when they arrived at the
dealer’s showroom. All cars were manufactured by the same
company. The number of defects for several of the three models
were recorded and are shown below:
4 5 8
7 1 6
6 3 8
6 5 9
  3 5

 Test the hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance that the

average number of defects is the same for the three models.
ANOVA : PLBautista
Post-Hoc Tests

 We
  use these to determine which of the treatments
are significantly different from one another.
 Steps:
 Arrange the treatments in increasing order of their
 Compute the critical value:

 Compute the differences among all pairs.

ANOVA : PLBautista
Two-Way ANOVA (with Replication)

 We wish to test the following hypotheses:

 Ho: The column means are all equal
 H1: The column means are significantly different
 Ho: The row means are all equal
 H1: The row means are significantly different
 Ho: There is no significant interaction effect.
 H1: There is a significant interaction effect.

ANOVA : PLBautista

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