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◗ HRM is the management of the organization’s


◗ This includes employment & arbitration in

accord with the low ,& with a company is

◗ HRM is the most critical function of


◗ The main function is the focus on recruitment

of management, & providing direction for the
people who work in the organization

“It is the organizational function that

deal with issues related to people such as
compensation, hiring, performance management,
organization development, safety, wellness,
benefit, employee motivation, communication &


◗ Recruitment is an important function of

health manpower management, which
determines, whether the required will be
available at the work spot, when a job
is actually to be undertaken.
Meaning: -

◗ In a simple term, recruitment is understood

as the process of searching for and obtaining
applicants for job, from among whom the
right people can be selected’

◗ According to B Flippo:
“It is defined as the process of
searching for prospective employees and
stimulating them to apply for job in the

◗ According to IGNOU Module:

“It is a process in which the right
person for the right post is procured”.
Types of recruitment:-

There are “3” types of recruitment:

1. Planned: arise from changes in organization

and recruitment policy.

2. Anticipated: by studying trends in the internal

and external organization.

3. Unexpected: arise due to accidents, transfer

and illness.
Objectives of recruitment:-

◗ To attract people with multi-dimensional skills

and experiences that suit the present and future
organizational strategies.
◗ To induct outsiders with new perspective to lead
the company.

◗ To infuse fresh blood at all levels of


◗ To develop an organizational culture that attracts

competent people to the company.
◗ To search or head hunt people whose skills fit
the company’s values.
◗ To devise methodologies for assessing
psychological traits.
◗ To search for talent globally and not just
within the company.
◗ To design entry pay that competes on quality
but not on quantum.
◗ To anticipate and find people for positions
that does not exist yet.
Purposes and importance:

◗ Determine the present and future requirements of the

organization in conjunction with the personnel
planning and job analysis activities.

◗ Increase the pool of job candidates with minimum


◗ Help increase the success rate of the selection process

reducing the number of obviously under qualified or
over qualified job applicants.

◗ Help reduce the probability that the job applicants,

once recruited and selected will leave the
organization only after short period of time.
◗ Start identifying and preparing potential job
applicants who will be appropriate

◗ Increase organizational and individual

effectiveness in the short and long term.

◗ Evaluate the effectiveness of various

recruiting techniques and sources for all
types of job applicants.
Principles of recruitment:-
◗ Recruitment should be done from a central place. Eg:
Administrative officer/Nursing Service

◗ Termination and creation of any post should be done

by responsible officers, eg: regarding nursing staff
the Nursing superintendent along with her officers
has to take the decision and not the medical

◗ Only the vacant positions should be filled and neither

less nor more should be employed.
◗ Job description/ work analysis should be made

◗ Procedure for recruitment should be developed by
an experienced person.

◗ Recruitment of workers should be done from

internal and external sources.

◗ Recruitment should be done on the basis of

definite qualifications and set standards.

◗ A recruitment policy should be followed.

◗ Chances of promotion should be clearly


◗ Policy should be clear and changeable according to

the need.
Sources of recruitment:-


Other Sources:-
◗ I) Internal sources:-include present employees,
employee referrals, former employee and
former applicants.

◗ II) External sources:- Sources external to an

organization are professional or trade
associations, advertisements, employment
exchanges, college/university/institute
placement services, walk-ins and writer-ins,
consultants, contractors etc.
Modern sources of recruitment:-

◗ Walk-in

◗ Consult in

◗ Tele recruitment: Organizations advertise the

job vacancies through World Wide Web (WWW)
Recruitment process / steps:-

◗ It was stated earlier, recruitment refers to the

process of identifying and attracting job
seekers so as to build a pool of qualified job
applicants. The process comprises

five inter-related stages, via:-

Strategy Evaluation &
Planning Searching Screening
development Control
Factors effecting recruitment:-

All organization, whether large or small, do engage in

recruiting activity, though not to the same extent.
This differs with:

◗ The size of the organization

◗ The employment conditions in the community where
the organization is located
◗ The effects of past recruiting efforts which show the
organization’s ability to locate and keep good
performing people.
◗ Working conditions an salary and benefit packages
offered by the organization- which may influence
turnover and necessitate future recruiting
◗ The rate of growth of organization

“The selection process starts when applications

are screened in the personnel department.
Selecting includes interviewing, the employer’s
offer, acceptance by the applicant, and signing
of a contract or written offer”.

◗ Those applicants who seem to meet the job

requirements are sent blank job-application forms
and are directed to fill them up and return the
same for further action.

◗ The job application form is one of most important

tools in the selection process.

“It is the process of choosing from among

applicants the best qualified individuals,,
Selection policies:-

1. Application forms:-

◗ The issue and receipt of application forms is the

administrative responsibility.

◗ The information contained in the application form

and reports received in connection with them
should be systematically as they are useful for
evaluating the effectiveness of the form, analyzing
entrance standards, assessing academic
achievement with subsequent performance.
The application form should elicit the following

◗ Name
◗ Address
◗ Age of the candidate
◗ Name of parents or
◗ Occupation of father
◗ Details of education
◗ Details of employment
◗ Particular aptitudes or
◗ It m a y also ask the employee to write short
easy on his/her interests to words nursing
profession as a career.

◗ It should give details of any material she/he

should submit such as a medical certificate,
evidence of date of birth etc. and should give
the exact address to which it should be sent.

◗ The names of the persons given as references

should be asked to furnish information regarding
the candidate’s character and personality.
2. Selection committee:-

◗ Usually the selection occurs in the college itself.

The members of the selection committee

should include:-
◗ The head of the college of nursing
◗ Principal
◗ Representative of the local controlling authority
◗ Steps in selection: The steps which
constitute the employee selection process are
the following:

◗ Steps are:-

1. Pre-employment tests-written/oral/practical
2. Interview
3. Interview by department head
4. Decision of administrator to accept or reject
5. Medical examination
6. Check of references/ Verification
7. Issue of appointment letter.
1. Pre-employment tests:
◗ To ensure selection of the most suitable

candidates for various posts pre-employment

tests should be held in a systematic manner
wherever necessary & possible.

◗ These tests can broadly be divided in to four

◦ Tests of general ability- intelligence
◦ Tests of specific abilities- aptitude tests
◦ Tests of achievement-trade tests
◦ Personality tests- Tests of emotional stability,
interest, values etc.
2. Interviewing
◗ Interviewing is the main method of
appraising an applicant’s suitability for a
◗ This is the most intricate and difficult part
of the selection process.

Main objectives of an interview:

◗ For the employer to obtain all the information

about the candidate to decide about his

suitability for the post.
◗ To give the candidate a complete picture of the
job as well as of the Organization.
◗ To demonstrate fairness to all candidates.
3.Interview by department head:-
◗ In some organization, the selection committee
consists of one person from the personnel
department, and one representative of the head of
the Institute/hospital.

◗ After the interviewing all the candidates, the

selection committee submits its recommendations
for approval to the head of the hospital, who is
generally the hiring authority.
4. Decision of administrator to accept or
5. Medical examination:

◗ The medical examination of a prospective

employee is an aid both to the employee and to the
◗ The purpose of the medical examination is

a) It is for the protection of the applicant himself to
know whether that job will suit him or not from the
medical point of view.
b) It is for the protection of the other employees so
that they are not at risk of any communicable or
other disease which the prospective employee may
It is for the protection of the employer as well, so
that he may avoid selecting a wrong person.
◗ The medical examination will eliminate an
applicant whose health is below the
standard or one who is medically unfit
6. References/ Verification:-

◗ The references provided by the applicant should

be cross-checked to ascertain his past
performance and to obtain relevant information
from his past employer and others who have
knowledge of his professional competence.
◗ The references letters should be brief and
should require as little writing as possible by
the person to whom it is sent. If it is directed to
a former employer, it should ask for the
following data:
◗ Date of joining ,Date of leaving , Job title
◗ Last salary drawn
◗ Promotion/demotion, if any
◗ Unauthorized absentee record
◗ Reason for termination/ leaving
◗ Ability to work with others
◗ Dependability
◗ Emotional stability , Health conditions
◗ Any other information
7. Joining report by the employee:

◗ When new employees reports for joining, he

should be given an appointment letter, his job
description and handbook of the

◗ He/She should be asked to submit his joining

Orientation programme:

◗ After selection an orientation programme is to

be conducted to make the employee aware of
the college rules, hostel rules and the hospital
and the college building and associated parallel
medical education departments.

◗ Orientation should be given by a senior faculty

of the college of nursing.

◗ The promotion policy is one of the most

controversial issues in every organization.
◗ The management usually favors promotion on the
basis of merits, and the unions generally
oppose it by saying that managements resort to
◗ The unions generally favor promotions on the
basis of seniority. It is hence essential to
examine this issue and arrive at an solution.

“A change for better prospects from one job

to another job is deemed by the employee
as a promotion”.

“It is refers to the advancement an

employee's rank or position in a
hierarchical structure”

◗ The factors which are considered by employees

as implying promotion are:

An increase in salary

A better future An increase in


Additional supervisory
responsibility An upward movement
in the hierarchy of jobs

◗ Seniority versus merits: There has been

great deal of controversy over the relative
values of seniority and merit in any system of
◗ Seniority will alwaays remain a factor to be
considered, but there be much greater
opportunity for efficient personnel,
◗ irrespective of their seniority, to move up
speedily if merit is used as the basis for
◗ It is often said that at least for the lower ranks,
seniority alone should be the criterion for
promotion. One cannot agree with this.
◗ The quality of work is more important in the
lower ranks as in the higher.

There are some who argue against this plan

and advocate the merit policy for the
following reasons:

◗ They believe that more length of service

evidence only of continued service but are
surely no indication of vast experience.
◗ Promotion on the basis of seniority . (Once t hey
realize that promotions in the organization are on
the basis of seniority alone, they lose all
enthusiasm for showing better performance)

◗ There are individual differences amongst persons

working in the same of them are most efficient,
some barely average and some below average. If
their differences are not distinguished and they
are uniformly rewarded, all individual will
gradually sink to the level of the below-average

Promotion policy may include the following:

◗ Charts and diagrams showing job relationships
and ladder of promotion should be prepared.
◗ There should be some definite system for making
a waiting list after identification and selection of
those candidates who are to be promoted as
and when vacancies occur.
◗ All vacancies within the organization should be
notified so that all potential candidates may
◗ The following must be t he basis for

Outstanding service in terms of quality as

well as quantity
Above average achievement in patient care
and for public relations
Recognition by employee as a leader
Particular knowledge and experience
necessary for a vacancy and
Record of loyalty and cooperation
◗ In some instances, it may be possible to use pre-
test, to determine eligibility for the vacant
◗ Though the department heads may initiate
promotion of an employee, the final approval
should be with top management.

◗ The personnel department can help at the stage

by proposing the names of prospective
candidates out of the existing employees in the
organization and also submit their performance
appraisal record of the last few years to the
department head.
◗ All promotion should be for a trail period. In
case the promoted person is not found
capable of handling the job.
◗ In case of promotion, the personnel
department should carefully follow the
progress of the promoted employees.

◗ A responsible person of the personnel

department should hold a brief interview with
the promoted person and his department head
to determine whether everything is going on
well or not.

◗ It provides an incentive to employee to work

more and show interest in their work.

◗ They put in their best in their best and aim for

promotion within the organization.

◗ It develops loyalty amongst the employees,

because a sound promotion policy assures
them of their promotions if they are found fit.
◗ It increases satisfaction among the

◗ It generates greater motivation as they do not

have to depend on mere seniority for that

◗ Finally, increases the effectiveness of an


◗ Difficult human relations problem can arise in

promotion cases

◦ In promoting an employee to a better job, his salary

should be at least one step above his present salary.

◦ Specific job specifications will enable an employee to

realize whether or not his qualifications are equal
◦ There should be a well-defined plan for informing
prospective employees may know the various avenues
for their promotion.

◦ The organization chart and promotion charts should

be made so that employees may know the various
avenues for their promotion.

◦ The promotion policy should be made known to

and every organization.

◗ Management should prepare and practice

promotion policy sincerely.

Is a retirement fund (Including Pension)give to

the employee at the time of retirement.
Superannuation Benefit:-
Fall in to three categories:-

A. Preserved benefit.

B. Restricted non reserved benefit

C. Unrestricted non reserved benefit

• preserved benefits – including all
contributions and all earnings for the period
after 30 June 1999 (preserved benefits can
only be paid to you if you meet a condition
of release)
• restricted non-preserved benefits –
including all contributions you made
between 1 July 1983 and 30 June 1999 (as
with preserved benefits these can only be
paid to you if you meet a condition of
• unrestricted non-preserved benefits –
including money held by your super
provider (including super fund, retirement
savings account and approved deposit
fund) you can access at any time, if your
provider's rules allow it.

Your benefits are generally preserved until

you meet a condition of release.

•A budget is a tool for planning, quantifying the

plans and controlling cost.

•Budget has been defined as an estimate of

future needs arranged according to an orderly
basis, covering all the activities of an enterprise
for a definitive period of time.

•The budget is an essential management tool

•The budget tells you how much money you

need to carry out your activities

•The budget is a basis for financial

accountability and transparency

•The budget enables to monitor

•Income and expenditure and identify any


As a tool of financial control

Is an instrument of organization as policy,

fiscal policy. It is a device whereby plans and
policies are put into action

Is also a tool of accountability

It has informative roles it contains valuable

information for various activities

Is a forecast of income and expenditure

Tool for decision making .

Budget should provide sound financial

management by focusing on requirement of
It should focus on objectives and policies of
Budget requires that programme activities
planned in advance.
Setting budget target requires almost care
to check against and balance between too
high or too low estimates
While developing budget, provision must be
made for its flexibility
Budget process requires consistent
delegation for which fixed duties and
responsibilities are required.

It is a plan or Programme, framed on the

basis of past experience
Budget is a scheme for action
It should estimate revenues and
expenditures as accurately as possible
It is comprehensive plan of action
There is generally annual plan
The budget should be flexible
It should be synthesis of past, present and
Budget should be the product of joint
ventures or participation of executive at
different levels
It should be clearly defined
It should be in the form of statistical
standard laid down in specific numerical
It should be based on specific concepts of
financial management
The budget should facilitate goal

 Collectioon of past data

 assess success and failure of past
 setting objective for forecast year
 objective arranged in terms of indicated
 preparation of reports on expenses
 preparation of budget report
 review of budget report
 evaluation for modification or changes
 final presentation before board of trustees
How to make your self ?

Step 1 - determine your monthly income

Step 2 - List your fixed and varibale monthly
step 3 - Find your discretionary income
step 4 - List all unsecured loan

1. Sales budget - used to create company

sales goals. (bw product periouds and
area )
2. Production budget eg . movies
3. Cash flow / Cash budget - help the
business determine income will be
sufficient to cover expenses .
4. Marketing budget - needed for promotion
5. Project budget -
6.Revenue budget - revenue receipt of gov
and expenditure met from these revenues .
7.Expenditure budget - spending data
items .
8.Manufacturing overhead budget -
9.The master budget - summary budget .
10.Fixed budget - rigidly fixed
11.Performance budget -
12.Flexible budget -
13.Zero base budgetting -
Budgetory Control

• Budgets are simply exercises in calculation

unless they are used.
• When we use a budget, we do so as part
of a system of budgetary control. That is,
we have some basic ideas of what we want
to do.
• we prepare budgets to help us achieve
those ideas; and then once we have done
whatever it is that we wanted to do, we
check to see if we kept to our budget.
Budgetary control relates to the
establishment of budgets relating the
responsibilities of Budget holders, the needs
of a policy.
Difference between Budget and Budgetary
Budget is a predetermined statement of a
company's objectives during a period of
time. The budget is like a plan which guides
the managers who are responsible for
achieving certain business objectives.
The budget normally has an overall or master
budget which is made up of
sectional/subsidiary budgets prepared by the
different sections in the company.
Be careful that a budget is a plan but a
forecast is merely a prediction of what will
happen as result of a given set of

1. Variance analysis - comparison of the

budget to actual result on a monthly basis
2. Control center - there are 4 types of
responsbility centers Revenue ,expenses ,
profit ,and investment .
3. Forecasting - set the detail plan for future

1. Economy in working
2. buck passing avoided - shifting
responesibilty of others
3. established co ordination
4. act as a safety signal
5. decrease in production costs
6. adoption of standard costing principl
7. favour with credit agencies

Cost benift analysis Is a term that refers both

to -
1. Helping to appraise ,or assess , the case
for a project , programme or policy
2. an approach to make economic decision of
any kind.
Benifits and costs are often expressed in
money terms , and are adjusted for the time ,
value of money , so that all flows of benifits
and flows project costs over time are
expressed on a common basis in terms their
value .

1. Cost benifit analysis is a powerful ,widely

used and relatively easy tool for deciding
wheather to make a change.
2. To use the tool ,firstly work out how much
the change will cost to make , then
calculate the benifit you will get from it .
3. where the cost benifits are paid or
received over time , work out the time it
will take for the benifits for repay the
4. cost benifit analysis can be carried out
using only financial costs and financial

Audit term is commenly associated with

accounting , it consist of careful investigation
and checking wheather all the financial
matters are carried on according to the
predetermined policies and procedure .

Definition - Budget auditing as the

verification of accounting , determining the
accuracy ad reliability of accounting
statements and reports .

1. Critical review of the account books and

records maintained
2. verify that the balance sheet and profit
and loss accounts are drawn in confomity
with the accounts and records .
3. ensure that account books are kept up to
4. balanced sheet report should be in clear
figures , comprehensive and complete
5. inspect all the record , document and
account books .
Types of Audit

1. Financial audit - organization to make

sure that the financial records are a fair
and accurate representation of the
transactions they claim to represent.
2. Special audit - This type of audit may be
initiated by a government agency, but
could be authorized by any entity, or even
3. Cost audit -verify the accuracy of account
4. Tax audit -
5. Balance sheet audit -

Material management is defined as systems

of planning , oragnizing , directing ,
coordinating controlling and maintaining
adequate equipment and supplies where by
there will be right quantity and quality of
stock items properly stored .

1. To make the equipment available in safe

and viable condition at all the times
2. to provide material at the reasonable and
optimal cost
3. to cut down the cost of the material
through standardization
4. to increase the efficiency and productivity
of the worker throgh adequate supply
5. to ensure recycling of the material
whenever possible .

1. Standardization
2. demand estimation
3. distibution
4. inventory control
5. storage
6. inspection
7. procurement (obtaining good service )
8. need determination
1. Ensure regular and adequate of material
2. the quality and safety of the material
should be be insured
3. proper procedure for indents should be
4. arrange the proper procedure
5. participate actively with the management
in the formation of policies related to the
material management
6. formulate a proper evaluation system for
the use of the items by the personnel

Directing is the interpersonal aspect of

managing by which subordinates are led to
understand and contribute effectively and
efficiently to the attainment of enterprise
objective .

1) Direction is ongoing and pervasive in

2) Direction is maintaining the link in various
activities performed in the enterprise
3) direction is dealing with human beings
with diffrent human factors


Controlling is the measurment and correction

of performance in orr to make sure that
enterprise objective and the plann devised to
attain them are accomplished .

1. Controlling is a pervasive(existing)
2. controllig is an end function
3. controlling is forward looking
4. controlling is dynamic process
5. controlling is related with planning

Setting performance standards

Measurment of actual performance

comparing actual performce with standard

taking action

analyzing and correcting deviation


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