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Dr. Aman Ullah

PhD Microbiology
What is Plagiarism
• “Plagiarism consists of presenting the intellectual or creative work of
other people (words, ideas, opinions, data, images, flowcharts, computer
programs, etc.) as one's own work.”

• “Presenting another’s ideas as one’s own”(Collins Dictionary)

What is Plagiarism
• Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with
or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full
• All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or
electronic form, is covered under this definition
• Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless, or unintentional
Types of Plagiarism
• Direct plagiarism 
Act of copying another person's work word for word
Inserting a paragraph from a book or article into your essay without
including attribution or quotation marks
Paying someone to write an essay for you and submitting it as your own
work is also direct plagiarism
Types of Plagiarism
• Paraphrased plagiarism 
Making a few (often cosmetic) changes to someone else’s work, then passing it
off as your own
"Mosaic" plagiarism 
Combination of direct and paraphrased plagiarism
Tossing various words, phrases, and sentences (some word for word, some
paraphrased) into your essay without providing quotation marks or attributions  
Types of Plagiarism
• Source-based Plagiarism
Source that is incorrect or does not exist, it is a misleading citation
Use a secondary source of data or information, but only cites the primary
source of information
Why should you avoid plagiarism
• There are many reasons to avoid plagiarism
• You have come to university to learn to know and speak your own mind, not merely to
reproduce the opinions of others - at least not without attribution.
• You should avoid plagiarism because you aspire to produce work of the highest quality
• Moreover, you will reap the additional benefits of improvements to both the lucidity and
quality of your writing
• It is important to appreciate that mastery of the techniques of academic writing is not merely
a practical skill, but one that lends both credibility and authority to your work, and
demonstrates your commitment to the principle of intellectual honesty in scholarship
How Can We Avoid Plagiarism
• Always give credit to the original source (even if paraphrasing)
• Don’t copy someone else’s work or idea
• Don’t use someone else’s work by making changes to it (dressing)
• Don’t reproduce word for word
• Don’t use graphics, pictures or slides without citing the source or taking
permission in case of copyright items
Can Plagiarism be detected?
• Yes!
• Software programs available to detect plagiarism
• Some are free, some charge a fee
• PlagScan, DupliChecker, PlagTracker, CopyLeaks, Quetext
• PaperRater, Viper, Plagiarisma, iThenticate, PlagiarismChecker, Turnitin
Consequences of Detection of Plagiarism

• Failure in the exam

• Rustication
• Demotion
• Lose your job
• Legal action

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