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In my documentary I am going to prove

I am going to be that females can rap
exploring the just as well as male
history of rap. rappers. I·m also going
to prove that rap is for
all ethnicities.

I am going to be
investigating where What do young
freestyle started people get out of
and where it came rapping and how
from. does it make them
my topic is about the The unique selling
history of rap and point of my idea is that
why people choose to it is looking at the
rap. benefits of being a rap
artist rather than the
negative side of rap
and I·m going to show
how rap started.
The main argument of
my documentary will
my angle is that rap can show that rap can be
be a positive thing that beneficial to young
can be used like a people by helping them
therapy to explain how to express emotion and
you feel and express anger rather than
your emotions. keeping it to themselves
and flipping out.
Segment 1 ² Intro Segment 3 Segment 4
The intro will be myself I will interview two I will interview
as the presenter asking experts whose job several young
the question, ´What is roles are a DJ and people in the
rap and where did it all a rapper. How he street and ask
beginµ?. I will be started off in the them
standing outside in the music business What they think
street in an alley way. and how rap of rap and how it
makes him feel ? makes them
Segment 2 This interview will feel?
A brief history of rap take place in his
showing some archive studio.
Segment 5
footage with a partial
I will be speak to a psychologist because he can
voice over and have tell me why troubled young people listen to rap
some rap music in the to keep them calm.
Segment 7 Segment 8
Segment 6 I will be talking Conclusion
I will go to a local
2 brief pieces of about what the For my conclusion I
youth centre in would like to show
film showing Low Ilford where documentary has
taught me about the young people rapping
Key and Lady young people rap
questions I have in the streets of East
Sovereign and ask their London and they will
performing. Both asked such as
opinions about ¶What do you think be friends of mine.
of the 2 brief how rap makes of Rap·?
pieces will be them feel. I may This conclusion will
archive footage. also speak to a take place in the
local mC ¶GP· A streets or an alley
local mC and DJ way.
who lives in
South Woodford .

What elements will your documentary have?

In my documentary I would like to have Vox pops, old film clips, cutaways,
Rap music in the background and an experts opinion on Rap. I would also
like to show young peoples opinions on this question. I will film this
outside in the street. I will be the presenter but I may use another young
person if I think it will come across better. I will probably do the voice
overs or I might use an actor. I will also be using a studio setting for an
interview with a DJ.
The target audience of my documentary is 16 to 24 as set out in the brief. I
am going to show this in my documentary by using a lot of young people
being interviewed and discussing the topic of rap. I am going to use a lot of
street and freestyle music because a lot of young people like to freestyle or
are interested in it.

The gender for my documentary is going to be both males and females, as

set out in the brief. I am going to get females involved in my documentary by
showing film clips of female rappers from the 80s and the present day as well
as male rappers. I am also going to show an equal mix of males and females
being questioned on what they think about rap and how it makes them feel.

The location for my documentary will be the UK which is required by the

brief and will be shot in East London and in the streets. I have decided to
film a lot of the scenes on the streets because its going to create the right
atmosphere for the subject I am doing. I am also hoping to film in a studio
with an mC and at a local youth centre.
The interests of my target audience will be music, dancing,
socializing, youth clubs, sport and also Facebook because loads of
young people use it.
The educational background of my audience will cover secondary
education, college and university as music appeals to most young people
and it is part of their way of life.
The disposable income that my target audience will fall into will be quite
wide from pocket money to part time work to 24 year olds in full time
The ethnicity of my audience will be all races because music is a
universal language and the United Kingdom is a multi cultural society.

The other media that young people in the 16 to 24 age range would be
interested in is mTV , Kiss 100 Radio. PlayStation 3, DJ heroes and
guitar heroes.
: my research examined the content of talent shows on television today
and why young people might aspire to become a music star for example
on shows like The X Factor or Britain·s Got Talent.
: Young people are very opinionated about their music they would also
spend a lot of time discussing it too. I wanted to hear the views/
: The documentary will be for a mainstream audience as set out in the
brief and my documentary will be suitable for mainstream young
audiences who are interested in popular music and rap.
I am setting out to find out how rap makes people feel and if it can be
a positive thing to get rid of anger or frustration . my research was
examine the content and audience even though there was a brief for a
certain age group .

It was very useful to get feedback from my focus groups to see what
people views on Rap were and if they thought the content would be
interesting for the audience I was aiming at.

my own research on the Textual Analysis was primary and qualitative

research and it helped me with the content for my own documentary.

By studying the two documentaries I chose I was able to get some

good ideas for example camera angles, comedy angles and the pace
of the documentary.
The method I used was to get as many young people ideas and input into
my project and to make sure that there was an enough interest for me to
make an informative documentary.
my research also involved a questionnaire which was secondary research
this data can also help me to include the right experts or people to use in
my film.
: I decided after the research that I would change the content of the
documentary by asking a question ¶ How Does Rap make People Feel·?
: At first I was going to concentrate on the history of rap but as I spoke
to more people it became clear that young people can identify more
with how it makes them feel.
: After my research I decided that I would try to use more experts and
young people to make it fast paced and current.
: The development of my research was that I decided to include some
different things in the documentary such as young peoples feelings
about rap and include more experts.
What equipment will I need for the production?
The equipment I will need are the following
: A tripod ² I need a tripod to keep my camera still
so it doesn·t move around
: Tapes ² I need tapes to record because I will not
know how many times I have to shoot in case I do
something wrong.
: DV Camera ² I need a DV Camera to do my
documentary so that I can film
: Rode mic - I need a Rode mic in noisy places to
make sure that the sound it clear
: I need a Apple Laptop to do my editing I also need
the software imovie.
: A manopod I will be using this
What equipment will I need for post production?
: imac Laptops to edit all my footage
: A Rode mic for voice over and Vox Pops
: DV Camera to record all my footage
: A tripod to keep the camera still
: I would also need props
Crew members
: A Rode mic holder - Sameer
: A camera man ² manoj
: Sound ² Gus
: Lighting assistant ² manoj
: Editor ² me
: music editor ² me
: Graphics ² Ron
: mixer ² Gus
: Sound controller ² manoj
: Equipment holder ² Pav
: make up artiest - Zee
: Voice over artist - Sir
: Presenter - T
: Who will appear in my feature (actors/interviewees)?
Ron, Robert, maz, Natasha ( Interviewees and Vox pops)
: Experts who will be in my documentary
Gus, manoj
: Actors
Harpreet. Preet, Ricky,
: Voiceovers
me and Sir
: Presenter
most of the people who will be in my documentary are
friends, family and fellow students. most of my friends live
locally and it is easy to get hold of them. The experts I will
be using are my mates so they should also be easy to get
hold of.

my feature will be shot in the streets and indoors. The

reason why I said the streets is because you get loads of
youngers hanging around in the streets and also I can get
my Vox-pops done. I am also going to shoot in a studio
where I would speak to an expert who is a mC or DJ. I am
also going to interview people inside a room. All of my
filming for my documentary will be carried out locally
: Yes I have got access to all these locations because I am going to be
filming in the street locally but not in central London. The reason I have
decided to film locally is because it is better for me and also I don·t
really need to go up central London to get what I need if I can get it
locally. Also the experts are locally because one of the studio is in Ilford
the other one is in Leyton. I will also be allowed to film there. I also
might film in school a bit because in case if I need some student
The costumes I will need in my rap documentary are
Tracksuits, hoodies, caps and Nike trainers because I want to
show the type of fashion that young people like to wear and
why they like to wear it. For example Bashy is a rapper and
he is advertising Addias hoodies, this would encourage
young people to buy them because a rapper is wearing it.
The presenter will be wearing tracksuit hoodie with jeans and
Nike trainers which will be the type of fashion rappers wear .
What is OFCOm? ² Including programmes on the BBC and all digital channels, as well
as Channel 4, Five and ITV. Ofcom operates the Ofcom Broadcasting Code which
contains rules and principles covering standards in programmes, sponsorship and
fairness and privacy. OFCOm can issue punishments and if you break any rules they
will fine you .Also they have the power to take the license away from a TV channel and
in the case of serious or persistent breaches, they can impose sanctions.
The BBC Editorial Guidelines -The BBC editorial guidelines are set of rules that a TV
channel has to follow for example when you are making a documentary you have to
make sure you don·t give no private information about the person you are interviewing
or he can sue you if you do. You also have to make sure you don·t show any film or
program with any sexual scene or swearing until after 8pm.
media Law governing factual programming- the main media laws are copyright,
defamation, contempt of court and privacy and confidence. Any TV documentary's or
any company who break these rules will be fined.
The Only Way Is Essex
The target audience who watch The Only Way s Essex are 16 to 24 year olds this is the same
target as me. The reason why I think that is because not that many old people want to see
ladies talking about their life·s and boyfriends. The reason my rap documentary compete
with the same audience is that loads of young people like listen to rap and load of young
people also like watching reality shows like the only way is Essex. my Rap documentary will
be different it will be niche to The only way is Essex because my documentary is about Rap
the reason why it will be different is because most of my target audience like to listen to rap
when they are annoyed ,angry.
The Gadget Show
The target audience for The Gadget Show is 16 to 24 year olds the reason why I think that
the gadget show competes with my rap documentary is because so many young people like
and want the latest gadgets. Another way the gadget compete with my rap documentary is
that they talk about the latest music technology. my Rap documentary will be completely
different to the gadget show because in my documentary I will be interviewing real rapper
producers and DJ·s. I will also be asking some people question on what they think of Rap
and what rap has done for the UK.
The Base Chart
The target audience for The Base Chart is aimed at 16 to 24 year olds the reason why I think
this is that loads of young people like listening to rap to cool down. The Base Chart competes
with my Rap documentary by Show the top 10 latest songs. Another way it compete with my
Rap documentary is by get interviews with rappers. my rap documentary will be different to
The Base Chart because I will be asking the audience what they think of all the latest Rap,
Grime and freestyle music .

To make my Rap documentary I will have £5000 to spend on all the

equipment for example getting an imac with the right software to
edit all my footage for my documentary. The main thing I will be
spending money on the crew members for example voice over
artist. I will also need to buy all the crew food and pay for there
travel and hiring out
my Rap documentary would provide good value for money
because although I am spending £4470 not the full £5000. It will
have a big benefit for BBC 3 because loads of youngster watch
BBC 3 and also loads of young people enjoy listening to Rap
music. The target audience will like my Rap documentary because
loads of young people like listening to rap music.
my Rap documentary will give information to my audience about Rap·s history. my
documentary will also entertain the audience by playing all the latest Rap music. It will
educate the audience by teaching them how to beat box.
I will be showing my Rap documentary on Tuesday at 8pm, on BBC 3
The other programs on that are on the same time as my Rap Documentary is Holby City,
Natural World, The Secret mediterranean, The Year Britain Froze, Jurassic Park. I feel that
none of these shows compete with my target audience because for example Holby City
isn·t for 16 to 24 year olds it aimed at an older target audiences.

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