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Jaime Olmos

she was a Catholic nun of Albanian origin
naturalized Indian, who founded the Congregation of
the Missions of Charity in Calcutta in 1950. For
more than 45 years she served the poor, the sick,
the orphaned and the dying, at the same time as
she was guiding the expansion of his congregation,
at first in India and then in other countries of the
Agnes discovered her vocation from an early age, and by 1928 she had
already decided that she was destined for religious life. It was then
that he chose to change his name to "Teresa" in reference to the
patron saint of the missionaries, Teresa of Lisieux.12 Although he
spent the next 20 years teaching in the Irish convent of Loreto, he
began to worry about the sick. and for the poor of the city of
Calcutta. This led her to found a congregation with the aim of helping
the marginalized of society, primarily the sick, the poor and people
who had no home.
On September 11, 1946, appointed and in charge of a school of the
Santa Ana sisters, Teresa experienced what she later described as the
"call within the call", in reference to having heard God asking her to
dedicate her life to the less privileged of society. This happened just
on a train trip to the convent of Loreto, in Darjeeling, from Calcutta
for its annual retreat. "He was about to leave the convent and help
the poor while he lived among them. It was an order. To fail would
have meant breaking the faith ».
Mother Teresa has been branded by one of her detractors, Christopher
Hitchens, to have a fundamentalist vision within the Church's own orthodoxy.
During the Second Vatican Council, he expressed his opposition to any reform
of the Catholic Church. According to her, what was needed was more work and
more faith, not a doctrinal revision.99 On the other hand, a key question in
criticizing her teachings is her constant preaching of consolation and
conformism. After the explosion of the chemical plant of the multinational
Union Carbide in Bhopal (India), it immediately appeared at the scene of the
tragedy, where 2,500 people had died. «Forgive, forgive, forgive», he repeated
nothing more when he got off the plane, without motivating those affected to
initiate legal actions or persecuting the perpetrators
A particularly remarkable aspect of Mother Teresa is the profound crisis of faith
she faced for almost five decades of her life, which was evidenced in the book
Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light edited by Brian Kolodiejchuk that collects
private letters written by the missionary. Despite this, this was not an obstacle
to the process of his beatification carried out in 2003. Consequently, the life of
Teresa of Calcutta and the character of the order show a certain influence of
Franciscan spirituality. The Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity recite the San
Francisco prayer of peace every morning during the Thanksgiving after
Communion, and many of the vows and emphasis of their ministry are
similar.127 San Francisco also emphasized in poverty, chastity, obedience and
submission to Christ, dedicating a large part of his life to the service of the poor,
especially the lepers in the area where he lived.
Teresa de Calcutta died on September 5, 1997 at 87
years of age70 because of cardiac arrest, after dawn
with severe back pain and respiratory problems. He was
at rest in Santo Tomas (Calcutta) a week before his
death, in September 1997
Mother Teresa was recognized for the first time by the
Indian government when she won the "Padma Shri" award
in August 1962 and the "Jawaharlal Nehru" award for the
International Understanding in 1969. She continued to
receive more notable awards in India in the following
years , including the "Bharat Ratna" (the most important
given to a civilian in India) on March 22, 1980, the "Rajiv
Gandhi Sadbhavana" in 1993 and the artistic award
"Dayawati Modi" in 1995.74 75 Su The official biography
was even written by an Indian citizen, Navin Chawla, and
published in 1992,
In 1984, the US publisher Marvel Comics published a comic based on his life and
work. The authors were the screenwriter David Micheline and the cartoonists
John Tartaglione and Joe Sinnott.

In March of 1998, a plaque was applied to his native residence, which says:
"Here is the house where Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, Mother Teresa, was born on
August 26, 1910."
It was also honored through museums, being named patron of several churches,
and with several monuments and roads. In 2002, its name was given to the
Albanian International Airport,something similar to what happened with a
square in Tirana where there is a monument dedicated to the missionary, with
one of the main streets of Pristina, capital of Kosovo, and with an Albanian civil
hospital, the Hospital of Mother Teresa (place of death of Leka of Albania).

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