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The Art of Education

Daniel Birnbaum
The Art of Education
• Art + Education.
• Städelschule Art School of Frankfurt (kunsthalle: sala de arte): Híbrido
que surge desde la proximidad de - educación, producción y exhibición.
• Institución educativa y su relación con el arte:
• Thierry de Duve’s “When Form Has Become Attitude”
• La escuela de arte contemporánea como sucesor
envilecido/devalorizado/degradado del modelo modernista.
• Reemplaza conceptos de educación tempranos por programas teóricos con
énfasis en “actitud”, práctica y deconstrucción.
• Post imagen desencantada y nihilista del paradigma de Bauhaus. : “A 'new
structure of the future' which the school will conceive and create, a structure
which will 'rise towards heaven ... like the crystal symbol of a new faith” -
The Art of Education
• Cuestionamiento del medio desde su interior: no-filmmakers, no-
architects, no-painters.
• Tobias Rehberg (Art School of Frankfurt ):
• First step: Remover el kitsch* y los clichés sobre el arte y el rol del artista
- insiste en la necesidad de una cura individual.
•  *kitsch art / sentimental art / low-brow style of mass-produced art
• School as a protective space: Entidad exhibidora de trabajos de arte.
07/28/01 - 09/16/01

In this installation, the exhibition

space, the visitors, as well as the
artist and his assistants, who will be
in charge of the individual steps of
the preparation, are to become part
of a "perfect work process", which
the artist understands as "action
“Perfect process”
The Art of Education

• Kinds of art that are only possible at arts schools: John Latham’s Still & Chew.
• Radical redirection of the art school from formalism and modernism / toward
innovation and subversion (De Duve). -
• Michael ballhaus’ Red Flag. / The Red Flag II
• Otto Gmeiln
• El paradigma de la negación del artschool. John Andrew Rice.

Time travel, 2002 to 1968. Gmelin juxtaposed

two small-scale, rather intimate projections:
one of his father participating in a
revolutionary action in Berlin in February 1968
as one of several runners carrying a red flag
through the streets and the other a re-creation
of the event which the artist staged in
Stockholm last year. The action in Berlin
culminated with one of the protestors, having
gained access to the town hall, emerging with
the flag on a balcony; Gmelin’s replay omits
only this detail, implying that political protest
is foreclosed. "Politics" as theme, gesture, and
look: The red flags, separated by thirty-plus
years, function as nostalgic, seductive,
glamorous icons.
The Art of Education
• Change of attitudes: Ollafur Eliassson’s estudio como laboratorio
• Interés renovado en la teoría y práctica de la educación en arte. Anaphiel Foundation
Symposia “An Arts School for 21st Century”. Alternativas a las academias tradicionales. Ej:
• Art school como modelo de exhibición.
• Mai Abu ElDahab: Project must fail by the existing standards of the exhibition
industry. (tickets vendidos, nuevos trabajos presentados, reseñas, etc.)
• Producción cultural y la defensa de su autonomía en espacios de libertad
experimental y negociaciones de posiciones ideológicas.
The Art of Education
• La producción del “Nothing concrete” (intercambio de ideas, trial and error,
experimentación) frente al creciente poder el art market y la demanda del
• ¿Es la escuela la solución a los problemas que plantea ElDahab? (new philosophy –
basada en un modelo educacional)
• De Duve’s Ansychronic moment:
• Old Academy/Modelo Modernista/ “Advnaced artschool” conviven en un mundo
manejado por intereses del mercado.
• Birmbaum: The school is a temporary space to provide theoretical &
practical tools.
• School as a ladder: One that it’s thrown away once one has climbed it.
The Art of Education
Daniel Birnbaum

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