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My Personal Philosophy of

By: Julia Morier
Three concepts that have influenced my approach on life

1. The Taoist Concept of Wu-Wei

2. Mill’s Utilitarianism

3. WK Clifford’s Ethics of Belief

The Taoist Concept of Wu-Wei

Wu-Wei is one of Taoist most important concepts

Wu-Wei: The act of doing nothing.

The literal translation of Wu-Wei is “not to act” (Stefon).

Relaxing, calming the mind

Mill’s Utilitarianism
Utilitarianism is a theory of morality

Is an action right if it tends to promote happiness and pleasure

and wrong if it tends to promote unhappiness and or pain?
Clifford’s Ethics of Belief
WK Clifford states that it is wrong to believe in something with insufficient

WK Clifford was speaking towards religious beliefs and if you can believe in god
without having the sufficient evidence. (Chignell).
During this school year I have been able to learn about so many new things.
My favorite would have to have been The Taoists of Wu-Wei. I loved this concept
and I will continue to research and learn more about this concept. What i loved
most about this class was the discussions we were able to have as a class and
learn how other people think. Philosophy has taught me a lot as a person and I am
very excited to take another course just like it.
Works Cited
Stefon, matt. “Wuwei.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2010,

Chignell, Andrew. “The Ethics of Belief.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 5 Mar. 2018,
Thank You
I wanted to say thank you to my professor and a thank to my class during this
covid 19 pandemic, this has not been an easy semester but this class was always
so exciting to go to an attend.

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