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Basic Introduction

Automation Testing
with Katalon Studio

Created by : saleh iskandar

Top 5 Automation
Testing Tools for
What is Katalon Studio ?
Katalon Studio Feature
Katalon Studio step automation Test
Katalon studio for Test Automation
How To Install Katalon Studio
Download and start Katalon Studio
QUick Guide Overview
Test Case Manual View
Record Test Case
Execution and Debug
Mobile Testing
Create First Automation test
3 ways to create automation test
Record And Replay
Manual mode
Script Mode
Quick Tips
Today We Will Learn :

1. What is Katalon Studio

2. Why Katalon Studio
3. Basic Requirement for install Katalon Studio
4. Quick Start guide katalon studio
5. Step by step create project in katalon studio
6. Three way to create Automation Test
7. Step by step Automation web Testing with katalon studio
8. Step by step Automation API testing with katalon studio
9. Step by step Automation Mobile testing with katalon studio
10. Step by step setting email notification in katalon studio
11. Katalon studio integration with Jenkins
12. Conclusion
❖ A Complete web and mobile test automation tool ( extends the
capabilities of selenium and appium )
❖ Available for windows and mac
❖ Provide an intuitive GUI
❖ Free

Source :

1. What is Katalon Studio

Katalon studio help you to create your first Automation Test

❖ Create quick automation test case

❖ Has support for web, mobile and API
❖ Manual testers can start using it right away
❖ Useful feature for test creation, execution, and reporting
❖ In built integration with jira, jenkins, etc.

2. Why Katalon Studio

Below are the minimum software and hardware requirements for Katalon Studio :
Processor: 1 GHz, 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
Memory: 1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
Disk Space: 1 GB available hard disk space
Java Version: JDK 7

3. Basic Requirement for install Katalon Studio

Step to get quick start guide :
1. Open katalon studio
2. Go to tab Help on toolbar
3. Click quick start
4. Will display getting started with web testing

4 . Quick Start guide katalon studio

Step Create project katalon studio :

1. Click menu file on toolbar

2. Click tab New
3. Click Project
4. Fill pop up menu display on screen

5. Step by step create project in katalon studio

3 way step to create Automation Test :

1. Record and Replay

2. Manual Mode
3. Script Mode

First Step Create New TestCase :

1. Open katalon studio

2. Create project
3. Create test case
4. Create name of test case
5. Click OK

6. Three way to create Automation Test

Click Button
Record Web

Record and Replay

Step Automation Web Testing:

1 Record
Quickly Record your test

We will record this ...

Goto url:
*Signin with user : input userName
*Password : input Password
Record some actions

2 Add Validations
Quickly add assertions

3 Edit \ Update
Quick edit in Manual Mode

4 Replay
in any available browser

7. Step by step Automation web Testing with katalon studio

Step Automation API testing :
1. Create folder on object repository
2. Click new
3. Click web service Request
4. Create name
5. Adding URL address to test
6. Click OK

8. Step by step Automation API testing with katalon studio

7. Open file name that have been create
8. Choose method of request, add HTTP Header, HTTP Body, etc.
Step of Automation API Test
9. Run test click icon play
10. See the Result / response on right side
1. Install Homebrew Step 1 : Install Homebrew
2. Install Node.js Step 3 : Install Appium
3. Install Appium /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL npm install -g appium
4. Connect appium to Katalon Studio
5. Configuration Android Device for automation" npm install -g appium@1.7.2
6. Run test on mobile
CheckI Homebrew installed appium -v
brew -v OR brew - -version which appium
which brew /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium

Step 2 : Install Node.js Step 4 : Open Katalon Studio and connect to Appium
References: brew install node brew install npm (optional) Step 5 : Configure android mobile for automation node -v Connect mobile with your system with usb cable
npm -v
which node Step 6 : Goto Katalon Studio and Create/Run mobile tests
which npm
Step 7 : Run and validate
9. Step by step Automation Mobile testing with katalon studio
Step setting email notification on katalon studio :
1. Click Project on toolbar
2. Click setting
3. Click email
4. Setting host :
5. Setting username : example :
7. Add password
8. Protocol : SSL
9. Click send test email
10. Run test suites mode
11. Email will be sent to recipient
12. Its worthed to report testing result

10. Step by step setting email notification in katalon studio

1. What is Katalon Analytics
2. Why should you use it
3. How to use Katalon Analytics
4. How to upload reports to Katalon Analytics

Katalon Analytics -
Store, view, analyze results

Step 1 : Goto and login

Step 2 : Create a new project

Step 3 : Open Katalon Studio

Project - Settings - Integration - Katalon Analytics
Give details and connect
Select automatic upload (optional)

Step 4 : Run your TestSuite and check reports uploaded to Katalon Analytics

Step 5 : Run some more tests to validate reports are getting uploaded

Step 6 : Check manual upload

Step 7 : Analyse reports on Katalon Analytics

12. Katalon Analytics

Step Integration katalon Prerequisites :Jenkins should be installed
studio with jenkins :
1. Download & Start JENKINS
1. Download & start Jenkins Step 1 : Download Jenkins
2. Create a job in Jenkins (download jenkins.war from
3. Add Katalon Studio Step 2 : Start Jenkins
Commands (command : java -jar jenkins.war)
4. Run & test

2. Create a job in Jenkins

Run Jenkins via terminal : _____________________________________________

3. Add Katalon Studio Commands in the job

/ _____________________________________________
4. Run & Test
160/bin _____________________________________________

Jenkins will run default on

Port 8080

11. Katalon studio integration with Jenkins


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