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Andrew Ryan at VC Brakes

Presented by:-
Group-5 “Stallions”

• Sandeep Mandal
• Hemraj Singh
• Sharon Tess Jose
• Nishant Maithani
• Sahil Kanwar
 VC Brakes is an auto parts manufacturer in Middle town, Ohio, which makes parts for automobile
manufacturers as well as for the market for the purpose of repair.

 Due to the economic recession of 2008, there was tension in the market, which made the ongoing
situation felt graver. Moreover, there were ongoing clashes going on between the departments of VC

 There were petty issues which were not resolved and had taken root to cause harm to the company’s
performance. Before the recession everyone was benefiting in the market when VC Brakes was supplying
parts for Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) and special trucks.
Organizational structure
Fred Rove

VP Engineering VP operation
Mitchell James Baynard VP Finance VP Sales VP HR

• Overseen by Medved who used Theory Y and Self-

• Open communication
• Participatory approach to problem solving
• Autonomy to engineers
• Had lowest turnover rate
Problem Statement

Why Crossroad’s initiative to improve the quality through the Total

Quality Management program could not influence the VC
brakes’managers, and supervisors to help Ryan to implement the newly
generated ideas through TQM training sessions with line, and field
workers? Meanwhile, how could Ryan step back and why? When he
has experienced that no one was interested in the TQM program truly?
 Hypothesis 1: The VC brakes’ management as a wholewas unaware of the benefits
of TQM, thus it did not go forward with the implementation of TQM guidance

 Hypothesis 2: Ryan and Kante over challenged themselves, and in result, no

immediate positive outcome, frustrated them, which led them to inefficiency, and
they failed to draw proper directions that have truly reflected TQM program, and
that might had given positive output

 Hypothesis 3: VC managers and supervisors could have helped in proper

implementation of the TQM program, if they had wanted to do so
TQM Timeline
Personality & Leadership Style
Oct. 2011 - TQM implemented
Early 2012 - VC Brakes elects advisory group executive & site instructors
April 2012 - 3 week off-site TQM training
June 2012 - 2 day manager training
August 2012 - Site instructors begin TQM training with teams
Oct. 2012 - 10 TQM instructor sessions completed
Ryan's Vs Baynard’s Shortcomings

Ryan's Shortcomings
Did not seek to create a relationship with Baynard
Halo effect perceptual error
Passsive-agressive behavior during TQM trainings
Stereotyping other department managers (Kante)
Unable to adapt the TQM program to the culture at
VC Brakes
Baynard’s Shortcomings
Management overwhelmed
Focused on profit
No attention to group dynamics or implementation
No change after two months
Given near ‘impossible’ task: Have old train cars run
effectively in blizzards
Constant negative feedback
Couldn’t physically change the outcome that was desired
Few Points to Ponder
How to handle dysfunctional conflict: integrating and collaborating
Show outcome of TQM in other companies as a way to benchmark their progress
Include people from different levels and departments in each TQM training
Devil’s advocacy role and dialectic method
Autocratic, top-down management style
Unresponsive senior management
Self-enhancing managers
Dysfunctional conflict between Engineering and Operations Department (Medved vs.
Escalation of commitment
Possible Resolutions Andrew Ryan &
VC Brakes
Low-cost quality provider
Continuous improvement & 'zero-defect'
Involve employees through participatory engagement
Manage through leadership
Referent and expert power
Meyers-Briggs: ESFJ
Want to be appreciated for what they contribute
Big 5
Average extraversion, high openness to experience
Influence tactics: consultation and exchange
Thank you

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