Leadership Lessons by DR Adib Rizvi

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Leadership Lessons By

Dr. Adib-ul-Hassan Rizvi

Presented by Group 3:
Amna Khalil
Ali Raza
Bilal Aamir
Shazmeen Shakil
Omer Khan
Usama syed
Learning Orientation

Personality Glimpse
Leadership Lessons
Adeeb Rizvi as a Philanthropists
Rewards and Achievements
Executive Summary
• Dr. Adeeb ul Hasan Rizvi is the pioneer of organ transplant surgery in Pakistan and runs the Sindh
Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT).
• He was born on 11th September 1939 in Jaunpur, India.
• And was barely 17 when Hindu-Muslim communal riots forced him to migrate from India to the newly
created country of Pakistan.
• After migration, he spent much of his time as a medical student in Karachi in 1950s living in the
boarding hostels and completed his medical degree from this city.
• Later, he went to Britain for a fellowship in surgery. There, he spent a decade working in hospitals.
• He returned to Pakistan in 1971 and joined Civil Hospital Karachi as assistant professor of urology.
 Oxford University Press has published
an illustrated biographical “Gesture” in
honor of Professor Dr. Adib-ul-Hassan
Rizvi to inspire children from his life.

Dr Adib Rizvi And His Team In 1970’s

Health Facilities for all with dignity without discriminations of caste, creed
and religion
Big Picture Sensing
Betterment of humanity
Had an objective in life and confidence to achieve that objective
Personality- A glimpse of his High values

A person with a Greater Cause in Mind

Dedicated himself for the mankind
Made excellence as his prior motive
Big contribution towards the society and living a life of an ordinary man
rather having a luxurious life
Driven with the passion to achieve his vision and goal for excellence and
not to run after money
Leadership Identity of Dr.Rizvi

Leadership identity is about what you bring to the table

Life is to give and not to take! 
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your
country”  JFK (John F Kennedy)
His example taught us that a single person can achieve in the social sector
with his sincerity of purpose what even government with all its resources
had failed to do
Leadership Lessons
Determined & Focused

His firm determination for his vision

People were negating him in the sense that this can’t be achieved in public
sector hospital
Remained firm in his vision & worked tirelessly
He makes sure to attend all major surgeries himself even uptill now though
he is 81
Went abroad to acquire skills, came back, transferred the knowledge &
made that happened…
Took The initiative
Pitched an idea for SIUT
This was infused within him during his hostel life when he used to see
people suffering on access to adequate health facilities due to lack of
 Challenged established social notion that good and effective organization
are impossible in today’s chaotic Pakistani society, especially in public
Trust Building

Won the trust of people and sustained

In terms of transparency, Funds utilization, Administration management,
working with Govt. bodies, the sensitiveness related to surgeries/ organ
Not bowing to any sort of influence - Nepotism, cronyism
Amongst the only few institute with out political influence
So far scandal free & yet credible

Since inception, he can be seen on floor at 8:00 am

Ensures proper facilities being followed
Never heard of people complaining of inadequate facilities or bribery in
Treating Private & Govt. equally in chronological order
No compromise on pre requisites as ensuring International Standards
Humility & Will - Level 5

Was himself determined to do with his own hands.
Instead of blaming and cry for unavailability of resources, he came forward
with a unique mission to establish a medical facility to treat patients of a
diseases which has the most expensive treatment in the world free of cost.
Resources followed the mission
Humility & Will - Level 5

The way he is treating followers
under him is something that can
be quoted
Compelling Modesty For e.g.: In
spite of being Edhi’s doctor he
was seen w/o protocol & sitting
on floors The real VIP
 Looks out of the window for the
credit; never used the word me,
no groundbreaking ceremonies
Reserved, Gracious, Never lost
Ali Salman Alvi on Twitter: “The Only VIP
his courteous style
Present at # Edhi’s Funeral
Big Picture Sensing

Transformed a public sector hospital

Brought the treatment that was not even imagined in Pakistan
His concept of delivering free of cost with dignity
Understands the lack of resources in Pakistan
Dialysis, followed by Kidney transplantation, then Organ Donation
Transforming a hospital into an institute - A journey being creative and
He feels that more doctors should be prepared to fulfill future needs by
getting knowledge about modern technologies and equipment
Self Learning

Thirst for knowledge- Curiosity

Brought in latest technology that he first learned himself
Did whatever it took to implement, hands on self experimental
Went back to acquire new skills
Quest for more Long term goals
Serve Humanity

Serving Humanity
World class facility free of cost
Medical School within
Nurse training school
Opportunities for house jobs
Giving Directions by Breaking Stereotypes

Was not easy to make people agreed on Organ Donation

Took on the calculated risk while experimenting with animals
here in Pakistan and also without lack of resources
Transfusion from Non Muslim to Muslim
Could have created controversy from Halal & Haram point of
He dealt with this single handedly
Himself consulted Ullemas and bought in consensus
Transformation Leadership Approach

Transfer of his vision of serving humanity

Treat all patients with dignity and utmost respect
Motivating young ones to follow the profession for the sake of
man kind
Opposed commercialization of medical treatment
Create public awareness in the society at large
Transfer of technology and expertise in various medical disciplines
Succession Planning

Dr. Rizvi went back to the Britain and then US to brush up on

the latest technologies and practices.
Started developing the team of doctors, nurses, and other staff
to train them for transplant surgery.
Build up a system that is developing new products
A corporate structure within
He is confident that his vision will be taken further to new
Formation of An Ethical Culture

No compromises on values

No controversy with respect to organ donation
No administration issues yet
Proper disciplined training of medical students
Serving of Humanity main focus
No irregularities for funds utilization
Adeeb Rizvi as a Philanthropist

No use of his name like Edhi Ambulane & Chippa

No media facing
Done all single handedly
Does surgeries free of cost on his own
Didn’t asked for donations to start with, unlike Indus hospital
started working on his vision independently all followed itself
Achievements and rewards

 Oxford University Press has published an illustrated biographical

“Gesture” in honor of Professor Dr. Adib-ul-Hassan Rizvi to inspire
children from his life

Ramon Magsaysay Award 

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