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Newton’s Laws of Motion

4.1 The Concepts of Force and Mass

A force is a push or a pull.

A force is a vector.
SI unit: N
Contact forces arise from physical contact.
Action-at-a-distance forces do not
require contact and include weight and
electrical forces.
4.1 The Concepts of Force and Mass

A force is a vector, and presented as follows:

Arrows are used to represent forces. The length of the arrow

is proportional to the magnitude of the force.

15 N

4.1 The Concepts of Force and Mass

Mass is a measure of the amount

of “stuff” contained in an object.

Mass is substance quantity.

Mass is a scalar.

SI unit: kg
4.2 Newton’s First Law of Motion

Newton’s First Law

An object continues in a state of rest
or in a state of motion at a constant
speed along a straight line, unless
compelled to change that state by a
net force.

The net force is the vector sum of all

the forces acting on an object.
Newtown’s 1st Law of Motion
“Law of Inertia”
• An object at rest remains at rest and an
object in motion remains in motion at
constant speed and in a straight line,
unless acted on by an unbalanced force
Newton’s First Law

An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an

object in motion tends to stay in motion
unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
What does this mean?
• Basically, an object will “keep doing what it
was doing” unless acted on by an
unbalanced force.

• If the object was stationary, it will remain

stationary. If it was moving at a constant
velocity, it will keep moving at that same
constant velocity.

• It takes an unbalanced force to change the

motion of an object.
What is meant by unbalanced force?

If the forces on an object are equal and opposite, they are

said to be balanced, and the object experiences no change in
motion. If they are not equal and opposite, then the forces
are unbalanced and the motion of the object changes.
Examples of unbalanced forces
A soccer ball is at rest. It takes an
unbalanced force of a kick to change
its motion.

Two teams are playing tug of war. They are both

exerting equal force on the rope in opposite
directions. This balanced force results in no
change of motion.
4.2 Newton’s First Law of Motion

The net force on an object is the vector sum of

all forces acting on that object.

The SI unit of force is the Newton (N).

Individual Forces Net Force

4N 10 N
4.2 Newton’s First Law of Motion

Individual Forces Net Force


4.2 Newton’s First Law of Motion

Inertia is the natural tendency of an

object to remain at rest or motion at
a constant speed along a straight line.

The mass of an object is a quantitative

measure of inertia.

SI Unit of mass: kilogram (kg)

4.3 Newton’s Second Law of Motion

Newton’s Second Law

When a net external force acts on an object
of mass m, the acceleration that results is
directly proportional to the net force and has
a magnitude that is inversely proportional to
the mass. The direction of the acceleration is
the same as the direction of the net force.

 F

 
F  ma
Newton’s Second Law

Fres = ma
What does Fres = ma mean?
The resultant force (unbalanced force or net force ) is directly
proportional to mass and acceleration, if the mass stays
constant (and directly proportional to mass, if acceleration
stays constant.

Imagine a ball of a certain mass moving at a certain acceleration. There is

a resultant force present, acting on the ball.

Double the mass of the ball, but keep the acceleration constant.
This is only possible when the resultant force doubles as well,
according to Fres = ma.
Double the acceleration of the original ball. This is only possible
when the resultant force acting on the ball doubles as well,
according to Fres = ma.
4.3 Newton’s Second Law of Motion

SI Unit for Force

 m  kg  m
 kg   2   2
s  s

This combination of units is called a newton (N).

4.3 Newton’s Second Law of Motion

A free-body-diagram is a diagram that

represents the object and the forces that
act on it. The mass of the car is 1 850 kg.
The diagram indicates three other forces
acting on the car.
4.3 Newton’s Second Law of Motion

The net force in this case is:

275 N + 395 N – 560 N = +110 N

and is directed along the + x axis of the coordinate system.

By Newton’s second law, the acceleration is

 F  110 N
  0.059 m s 2

m 1850 kg
4.3 The Vector Nature of Newton’s Second Law

The direction of force and acceleration vectors

can be taken into account by using x and y

F  ma
is equivalent to

F y  ma y  Fx  max
Example : A man is stranded on a raft (mass of
man and raft = 1300 kg) (see next slide). By
paddling, he applies an average force P of 17 N to
the raft in a direction due east (the +x direction ).
The wind also exerts a force A on the raft. The
force has a magnitude of 15 N 67° N of E
(north of east). Ignoring any resistance from
the water, find the x and y components of the
raft’s acceleration
4.3 The Vector Nature of Newton’s Second Law
4.3 The Vector Nature of Newton’s Second Law

The net force on the raft can be calculated

in the following way:

Force x component y component

 +17 N 0N
 +(15 N) cos67 +(15 N) sin67
+23 N +14 N
4.3 The Vector Nature of Newton’s Second Law

ax 
 F x

 23 N
 0.018 m s 2

m 1300 kg

ay 
 F y

 14 N
 0.011 m s 2

m 1300 kg
4.4 Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Whenever one body exerts a force on a

second body, the second body exerts an
oppositely directed force of equal
magnitude on the first body.
Newton’s Third Law

For every action there is an equal and

opposite reaction.
Newton’s 3 Law rd

• For every action there is an equal and

opposite reaction.

Table to
Book to book
What does this mean?
For every force acting on an object, there is an equal
force acting in the opposite direction. Right now,
gravity is pulling you down in your seat, but
Newton’s Third Law says your seat is pushing up
against you with equal force. This is why you are
not moving. There is a balanced force acting on
you– gravity pulling down, your seat pushing up.
4.4 Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Suppose that the magnitude of the force P is 36 N. If the mass

of the spacecraft is 11 000 kg and the mass of the astronaut
is 92 kg, calculate the acceleration of the
(i) spacecraft and the (ii) astronaut.
4.4 Newton’s Third Law of Motion
 
On the spacecraft  
F  P.

On the astronaut  F   P.

 P  36 N
as    0.0033 m s 2

ms 11,000 kg

  P  36 N
aA    0.39 m s 2

mA 92 kg
4.5 – 4.9 Types of Forces: An Overview

In nature there are two general types of forces:

Fundamental Forces, e.g.

• Gravitational force
• Strong Nuclear force
• Electric force
• Magnetic force

Non-Fundamental Forces, e.g.

• Normal or support forces
• Tension in a rope
• Friction
4.5 The Gravitational Force

Gravitational force:

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

Every particle in the universe exerts an attractive force on
other particle.

The force that each particle exerts on the other is directed

along the line joining the particles.
4.5 The Gravitational Force

Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle

with a force that is directly proportional to the product of
their masses and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance between their centers.

GM1M 2

F21 F12
M1 M2
4.5 The Gravitational Force

For two particles that have masses m1 and m2 and are

separated by a distance r, the force has a magnitude
given by
F G 2
G  6.673  10 11 N  m 2 kg 2
4.5 The Gravitational Force

F G 2

 6.67 10 11
N  m kg
2 2  12 kg  25 kg 
1.2 m  2

 1.4  10 N
4.5 The Gravitational Force

Definition of Weight

The weight of an object on or above the earth is the

gravitational force that the earth exerts on the object.
The weight always acts downwards, toward the center
of the earth.

On or above another astronomical body, the weight is the

gravitational force exerted on the object by that body.

SI Unit of Weight: newton (N)

4.7 The Gravitational Force

Relation Between Mass and Weight

M Em
W G 2

W  mg

g G 2
4.7 The Gravitational Force

On the earth’s surface:

g G 2

 6.67 10 11
N  m kg
2 2  5.98 10 kg 

 6.38 10 m
6 2

 9.80 m s 2
• Calculate the force of gravity that exists between a 60 kg
person and an 80 kg person who are 1,5 m apart from each

• Calculate the force of gravity of a 25 kg block resting on the

earth ( ME = 5.98 x 1024 kg and rE = 6.38 x 106 m).

• A 65 kg person and a 80 kg person are sitting in their

engineering physics classroom 2.5 m apart from each other.
Calculate the gravitational force between them.
4.5 The Concepts of Force and Mass

Weight (W) is gravitational force.

On earth: W = mg

g = 9.81 m/s2

(depending on your position on earth)

4.6 Components of weight on incline
Give the perpendicular components of the
weight parallel (W‖ )to the incline and
perpendicular (WꞱ )to the incline.
4.6 Components of weight on incline
4.7 The Normal Force

Definition of the Normal Force

The normal force is one component of the force that a surface
exerts on an object with which it is in contact – namely, the
component that is perpendicular to the surface.
4.7 The Normal Force

FN  11 N  15 N  0

FN  26 N

FN  11 N  15 N  0

FN  4 N
4.7 The Normal Force

Apparent Weight

The apparent weight of an object is the reading of the scale.

It is equal to the normal force the man exerts on the scale.

4.7 The Normal Force

F y   FN  mg  ma

FN  mg  ma

apparent weight
4.8 Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces

When an object is in contact with a surface and the object is

moving or there is a potential motion, the frictional force
acting on that object is always in the opposite direction of
motion (or potential motion), parallel to the surface.
What is the force that acts on an object in
motion, always in the opposite direction of

• There are four main types of friction:

– Sliding friction: ice skating
– Rolling friction: bowling
– Fluid friction (air or liquid): air or water resistance
– Static friction: initial friction when moving an object
4.8 Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces

When the two surfaces are

not sliding across one another
the friction is called
static friction.

The applied force F is too small

to overcome the static friction
4.8 Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces

The magnitude of the static frictional force can have any value
from zero up to a maximum value.

fs  f s

f s
  s FN

0  s  1 is called the coefficient of static friction.

4.8 Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces

Note that the magnitude of the frictional force does

not depend on the contact area of the surfaces.
4.8 Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces

Static friction opposes the impending relative motion between

two objects.

Kinetic friction opposes the relative sliding motion between

two objects.

f k   k FN

0  s  1 is called the coefficient of kinetic friction.

4.8 Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces
4.8 Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces

Suppose the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.05 and the total

mass is 40 kg. What is the kinetic frictional force?

f k   k FN   k mg 

0.05 40kg  9.80 m s  20kg 2

4.9 The Tension Force and pulleys

Cables and ropes transmit

forces through tension.
4.9 The Tension Force

A massless rope will transmit

tension undiminished from one
end to the other.

If the rope passes around a

massless, frictionless pulley, the
tension will be transmitted to
the other end of the rope

Therefore, the magnitude in a rope is

constant; the direction at the ends
are opposite.
4.10 Equilibrium Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion

Definition of Equilibrium
An object is in equilibrium when the resultant force is zero.
Therefore it has zero acceleration.

 Fx  0

 Fy  0
Balanced Force

Equal forces in opposite

directions on a stationary object,
has no effect on the motion.
The object is in equilibrium.
4.10 Equilibrium Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion

Reasoning Strategy
• Select an object(s) to which the equations of equilibrium are
to be applied.

• Draw a free-body diagram for each object chosen above.

Include only forces acting on the object, not forces the object
exerts on its environment.

• Choose a set of x, y axes for each object and resolve all forces
in the free-body diagram into components that point along these

• Apply the equations and solve for the unknown quantities.

4.10 Equilibrium Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion

Example: Traction device for a foot

 T1 sin 35  T2 sin 35  0  

 T1 cos 35  T2 cos 35  F  0
 
4.10 Equilibrium Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion

Example: Traction device for a foot (continue)

Over the frictionless pulley T1 = T2

Solve two equations with two unknowns:
F = 35 N
T = 21 N
4.10 Equilibrium Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion

Example: Replacing an engine

See diagram. Weight of engine is 3 150 N. Find the tension T1 in the supporting cable
and the tension T2 in the positioning rope. Note that the ring is not a pulley.
Example: Replacing an engine (continue)

Force x component y component

T1  T1 sin 10.0 
 T1 cos 10.0

T2  T2 sin 80.0 
 T2 cos 80.0

W 0 W

W  3150 N
Example: Replacing an engine

 Fx   T1 sin 10.0  T2 sin 80.0  0

F y   T1 cos 10.0  T2 cos 80.0  W  0

 

 sin 80.0 
The first equation gives T1   T
  2
 sin 10.0 
Substitution into the second gives

 sin 80.0 
 T
  2
cos 10 .0 
 T2 cos 80. 0 
W  0
 sin 10.0 
Example: Replacing an engine

T2 
 sin 80.0 
  cos 10.0  cos 80.0
 
 

 sin 10.0 

T2  582 N T1  3.30  103 N

Unbalanced Forces
Unequal opposing forces
produce an unbalanced force
causing motion.
The object is in
4.10 Nonequilibrium Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion

When an object is accelerating, it is not in equilibrium.

 Fx  max

 Fy  ma y
4.10 Nonequilibrium Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion

Example: Towing a supertanker

A supertanker mass 1.50 x 10 kg are towed by two tugboats, with tensions T1 and T2. See diagram. D represents the drive

force of the tanker’s engines, with magnitude 75.0 kN. R represents the friction force due to the water, 40.0 kN. The tanker
has an acceleration of 2.00 x 10-3 m/s2, which points along the tanker’s axis. Find T1 and T2.

The acceleration is along the x axis so ay  0

Example: Towing a supertanker

Force x component y component

T1  T1 cos 30.0 
 T1 sin 30.0 

T2  T2 cos 30.0 
 T2 sin 30.0 

D D 0
 R 0
Example: Towing a supertanker

T1  T2  T

max  R  D
T  1.53 10 N

2 cos 30.0 

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