Presentation of Information Literacy: Topic: Guidelines For Instruction Programs in Academic Libraries. (ACRL)

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Presentation of information literacy

Topic: Guidelines for instruction programs in academic

What are the library instruction programs?
The library instruction programs mission is to support the campus community in using library resources and
encouraging the development of information literacy.
Guidelines for I.P are divided into two categories:
(1) Program design (2) Support
(a) Statement of purpose. (b) instructional facilities
(b) Identification of content of instruction. (b)instructional support facilities
(c) Identification of modes of instruction. (C) financial support
(d) Program structures. (d) support for continuing education, training
(e) Evaluation and assessment and development
. (e) human resources.
(1) Program design:
(a)Statement of purpose:
Articulates it’s purpose for the instruction program in the context of the educational mission
of the instruction
Involves it’s learning community in the formulation of campus wide information literacy goal
Aligne it’s goals with information literacy competency standard for higher education
(b) Identification of content of instruction:
Content for library instruction will vary among academic institutions.
Instruction programs in academic libraries should have clearly articulted learning outcomes
that are aligned with ACRL’s information literacy comptency standard for higher education.
The objectives should be used by coordinators of instruction programs in academic libraries to
establish and articulate the programs specific outcomes.
(c) Identification of modes of instruction:
Instruction accurs in different modes and by a veriety of methods .
The modes that are selected should be consistent with the goals of information literacy
Learning style should be considered and multiple modes should be incorporated whenever possible
Instructional modes may include but are not limited to the following:
Reference interview
Group consultations
Webtutorials or web-based instruction
(D) Program structures:
Each institution will develop it’s own overall approach to Instruction programming with comprehensive
programs including the following elements:
A clear articulted structure showing the correlation among components of the program .
Integral relationship with institutional curricla and initiatives
A pre
A progression of information literacy outcomes which match the complex learning outcomes through a
student’s academic career
To meet these general guidelines instruction programs should support other programs who will support
evaloving approaches to information literacy programming
First year experiences(programs)
General education core requirements
Research method courses
Writing intensive and captone course
Distance education

A – Instructional facilities :
• Library should provide easily access to facilitate the needs of the library users through fully
equipped instruments.
• In the library, duplicate of the equipment in order to provide in time access to their
• users and if at that time another want to use the equipment, librarians should provide duplicate
equipment to fulfill their user needs.
• Instructer also provide teaching like method to demonstrate the information which may
overcome the user needs to complete their task.
• Freely environment provide to the users in order to users freely ask their required question to
staff in order to achieve their information needs.
• B- Instructional support facilities :
• Library should provide free to access the equipment to design and update instructional materials in a variety of formats.
• Library providing technical support through instructional technologist
• Also provide the equipment facilities in the classroom.

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