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Barrier Language and democracy

Emanuel Santos
• Education is the process in which culture
perpetuates itself.
• It’s the formal transmission of moral values and
useful skills to the newer generations by their
History (Ancient)

• Education was mostly imparted through oral

• Ancient Greeks differentiated philosophical
and moral education from professional
teachings, which they designated with the
word Techné.
History (Recent)
• Historically formal education, was something
reserved for the aristocracy or the clergy.

• Public Schools were introduced during the 17th

century and usually focused on religious
and moral teachings.
Democratization of Education
• In the 17th century Democracy made public schools a
necessity for the nation.

• Political participation,
required educated people
to uphold patriotic values.

• “If a nation expects to

be ignorant and free . . .
it expects what never
was and never will be”
(Thomas Jefferson 1816).

• Until very recently schools were unequal institutions, in

which race and gender barred individuals from formal
• Before schools, Education was provided by the Family
privately, while now it
has been standardized
by other institutions.
Constant Features
• Education purpose has always been the
transmission and perpetuation of cultural values
and technical knowledge.
• Teachers, as the transmitter; and students, as the
receptors; are necessary for Education to take
Perception of Schools
• Public schools are seen as the great equalizers of
• They standardize the imparted knowledge and
create even opportunities for students.
• Meritocracy: the belief in merits through effort
impacts education, makes schooling more desirable.
Functionalist perspective of Education
• Besides culture transmission and professional training,
Education serves other functions like:
• Social integration: Schools are the first space in which
children interact with their peers without parents
• Cultural innovation: Education centers, specially
universities, are prolific environments for exploring ideas
and research; they are central to the development of new
technologies and theories
Conflict Theory on Education
• Education, despite its modern equalizing pretentions, has
always been an unjust institution

• Economic position affects the quality of the education,

school´s infrastructure, children´s availability and attitudes
to study.
The language Barrier
• The United States of America has always been a common
destination for immigrants of every continent. The
Educative systems face the challenge of teaching “Limited
English Proficient (LEP)” individuals

• As for 2002 43%

of teacher had one
or more LEP
The Language Bridge

• 80% of those LEP students speak Spanish, while the

other 20% speak a variety of 440 languages.
• In the 60´s during the rise of Chicano movements Laws
were passed to promote bilingual education for these
• Bilingual Education allows for the student to learn the
basics while they learn the English language.
The language Barrier?
• LEP students are also prone to suffer other
sort of learning disabilities, like ADHD or other

• Due to the Language barrier, diagnosing

these problems and addressing them
properly is very complex

• Non English speaking communities have

few economic resources, and other
conditions that also affect their academic
Work Cited
• Curiel, H. "Billingual Education and the American Dream: a
Bridge or a Barrier?" Children & Schools (1990): 7-21.
• Forner, Eric. Give Me Liberty! An American History. New York:
W.W Norton & Company, 2019.
• García, John F. "Is It the Language Barrier." Equity &
Excellence in Education (2006): 39-41.
• Jon, Witt. SOC Sixth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2020.
• Manuel, Gonzales. Mexicanos A Historyof Mexicans in the
United States. Indiana : Indiana University Press, 2019.
• Mc Cardle, Peggy et al. "Learning Disabilities in Englis
Language Learners: Identifying the Issues." Learning
Disabilities Research & practice (2005): 1-5.
• Werner, Jaeger. Paideia. Mexico. D F: Fondo de Cultura
EconÓmica, 2001.

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