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 Accepting Differences and Not to impose On

 6.1 Realize that Intersubjectivity Requires
 Intersubjectivity as Ontology: The Social
Dimension of the Self
 Appreciate the Talents of Persons with
Disabilities (PWDs) and those from the
Underprivileged Sectors of Society and Their
B. On Underprivileged Sectors of Society
C. On the Rights of women
 6.3 Explain the Authentic Dialog that is
Accepting Others Regardless of Individual
 6.4 Perform Activities that Demonstrate the
Talents of PWDs and Underprivileged Sectors of

How can
you define
“Human Being”?
Answer the following as far as you
can. Your scores will be interpreted

1. intensity

How strong is your emotional reactions? Do you

find yourself becoming easily upset or more low
key? Answer between 1 2 3 4 5 (1=mild reaction,
5=intense reaction)


2. persistence

If you are involved in an activity and you are

asked to stop, can you do so easily? When a
task is frustrating, do you find yourself
letting go easily or pushing to continue?
Answer between 1 2 3 4 5 (1=easily let go,
5=lock in, don’t let go)


3. Sensitivity

How aware are you of slight noises, emotions,

differences in temperature, taste, and
textures? Do you react easily to certain foods,
tags in clothing, or irritating noises? Answer
between 1 2 3 4 5 (1=usually not sensitive,
5=very sensitive)


4. Perceptiveness

How keenly aware are you of people, colors,

noises, and objects around you? Do you
frequently forget to do what you were going to
do because something else has caught your
attention? Answer between 1 2 3 4 5 (1=hardly
ever notice, 5=very perceptive)


5. Adaptability

Do you quickly adapt to changes in your

schedule or routine? How do you cope with
surprises? Answer between 1 2 3 4 5 (1=adapt
quickly, 5=slow to adapt)


6. Regularity

How regular are your times, sleeping period,

and other bodily functions? Answer between 1 2
3 4 5 (1=regular, 5=irregular)


7. Energy

Are you always on the move and busy or quiet?

Do you need to run and exercise in order to
feel good? Answer between 1 2 3 4 5(1=quiet,


8. First reaction

How do you usually react to new places, people

or activity? Answer between 1 2 3 4 5 (1=jump
right in, 5= reject at first)


9. Mood

Do you feel mostly happy compared to the

analytical and serious? Answer between 1 2 3 4
5 (1=usually positive, 5=more serious and


Score interpretation

9-18 points (COOL OR CALM)

-quiet, peaceful, less emotional

19-28 points (VERY LIVELY OR SPUNKY)

- very active, energetic,

29-45 points (SPIRITED)

- full of courage or energy, very determined,

What is Intersubjectivity?

It is the relationship that is supported by

genuine communication founded on mutual respect
for each other as subjects and on consensus.

6.1 Intersubjectivity Requires Accepting
Differences And not to Impose on

 We are all unique individuals

 Though we are part of our society, we are
still different individuals living in this
 This chapter focuses on building strength
despite our various differences.

Intersubjectivity as Ontology: The
Social Dimension of the Self

Ontology – concerned with the nature and

relations of being
 you are getting what is common to everyone
(subjective self).

Martin Buber & Karol Wojtyla

 Philosophers that are influenced by their

religious background.
 They believe in the notion of concrete
experience/existence of the human person

Martin Buber

 He is a jewish existentialist
 The interpersonal is
signified by the “I-You
 His philosophy is about the
human person as subject, who
is being different from
things or from objects.

 The human person as subjects have direct and
mutual sharing of selves.
 This signifies a person-to-person, subject-
to-subject relation or acceptance, sincerity,
concern, respect, dialog, and care.
 In contrast, Buber cites the I-It
 It is the relationship between person to
thing, that is merely experiencing and using,
lacking directedness and mutuality.

Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II)

 Was born in Poland.

 Selected to the Papacy on
October 16, 1978(264th
pope) and was considered
great pope.
 In Fides et ratio, he
criticized the definition
of human as “rational

 The social dimension is represented by “we
 For him, action reveals the nature of the
human agent.
 The human person is oriented toward relation
and sharing in the communal life for the
common good.

 St. Augustine, “No Human being should become
an end to him/herself. We are responsible to
our neighbors as we are to our own actions.”
 We participate in the communal life(we).
 The notion of the “neighbor” and the fellow
member” is by participating in the humanness
of the other person (I-You)

6.2 Appreciate the Talents of Persons
with Disabilities (PWDs) and those from
the Underprivileged Sectors of Society
and Their Contributions


 The process of suspecting, recognizing, and

identifying the handicap for parents with PWD
includes the feeling of:
 Shock
 Bewilderment
 Sorrow
 Anger
 guilt

Razon & Bernard

 Why me?
-the common question of a person with
 Common reactions of parents towards their
 some parents turn to religion and consider
“heaven sent blessing in disguise”. However,
this denies the real implications of the
 Fear of the future
 Have to let go of their dream child

Razon & Bernard

Examples of PWD
 Hearing impaired - read less than normal
children. Therefore, needs total
 Diabetic
 Asthmatic
 Cystic fibrotic - a progressive, genetic
disease that causes persistent lung
infection and limits the ability
to breath over time.

Razon & Bernard

Spirited Child
• Notice everything going on around
her but will be able to process that
information quickly and will be able
to select the most important
information to listen to.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

• Have the difficulties to focus or
complete a task despite he best

Razon & Bernard

 Negative attitudes of the family and
community toward PWDs may add to their poor
academic and vocational outcomes.

 Parents should reconstruct certain aspects of

their lifestyle in order to accommodate the
communicative as well as the educational
needs of their child with disability.

Razon & Bernard

B. On Underprivileged Sectors of
Dimensions of Poverty:
-Poverty is multi-dimensional. A number of
different concepts and measures of poverty
relate to its various dimensions. Each has
the common characteristics of representing
deprivation that encompasses:

JM, Sasa & Tornus

– the most common measure of
underprivileged which is defined in terms of
consumption of goods and services.
- The World Bank categorize poverty in two
labels: poor = living below US $2.00/day; and
extremely poor = living below US $1.25/day

JM, Sasa & Tornus

-is an important aspect of poverty.
-globally, millions die due to AIDS, Ebola virus, tuberculosis and malaria.

3. Education
4. Empowerment

5. Working Condition

JM, Sasa & Tornus

C. On the Rights of women

 In 1712, Jean Jacques Rousseau said that

women should be educated to please men.
Moreover, he believes that women should be
useful to men, and to render men’s lives easy
and agreeable. Rousseau also influenced the
development of modern political,
sociological, and educational thought.

Baby Girl
 Mary Wollstone, in Vindication on the Rights
of women (1782), argued that such education
would produce women who were mere propagators
of fools. She believes that women must be
united to men in wisdom and rationality.
Society should allow women to attain equal
rights to philosophy and education given to

Baby Girl
 For Wollstonecraft, women should not just to
be valued until their beauty fades; it is the
fate of the fairest of flowers to be admired
and pulled to pieces by the careless hand
that plucked.

Baby Girl
 She maintains that women must learn to
respect themselves. Men’s worth should not be
based on the vanity of women and babies, for
this degrade women by making them mere dolls.
She stressed that women should not marry for
a support. Instead, they should earn their
own “bread”. During her time, even women in
upper echelons of the society are oppressed.

Baby Girl
 In the Philippines, women are subjected to
oppression, among others, of class and sex.
“Babae”, sung usually during women’s month
(March, is a song that problematizes the
gender role assigned by the social order to
women since their childhood.

Baby Girl
 Opposing the identity reinforced by dominant
patriarchal institutions like family,
education, the law, and the media, the song
advances the alternative image of the woman
aspiring for liberation.(“Mga Babae, ang
mithiin ay lumaya!).

Baby Girl
 Citing the example of heroines from
Philippine history Gabriela, Teresa, and
Tandang Sora asa well as the women martyrs in
the ongoing people’s war in the countryside
like Lisa, Liliosa, and Lorena, the song
challenges the stereotype of women as
represented in Philippine literature by the
figures of Maria Claras, Hule, and Sisas.

Baby Girl
 These are the realities that the song,
”BABAE” calls on the study and question (“Ang
ating isip ay buksan/ At lipuna’y pag-
ralan”). Ultimately, Inang laya’s song goes
to the end with message that gender roles,
being social constructs resulting from the
interplay of power relations in a particular
historical juncture, are also arenas for

Baby Girl
 The song, moreover, demonstrates that
Filipina women, are not simply oppressed but
have been actively participating in movement
that not only seek empowerment for their
sector but for other orginalized groups as

Baby Girl
6.3 Explain the Authentic Dialog that is
Accepting Others Regardless Of
Individual Differences

 Martin Heidegger explains that human kind is

like a conversation. This means that humanity
is progressively attuned to communication.
 Language is a tool for communication.

 A dialog is a conversation that is attuned
and whatever they were talking about. For
Heidegger (1997), all conversation are really
on conversation. A conversation which
Heidegger envisages, is creative, poetic, and
deep that allows humanity to exist more than
identities. In a conversation, there could be
a “stammer” which is trying to express the

 For Buber, a life of dialog is a mutual
sharing of our inner selves in the realm of
interhuman. Between two persons is a mutual
awareness of each other as person; avoiding

 An authentic dialog entails a person-to-
person, a mutual sharing of selves,
acceptance, and sincerety. This relationship
is the I-You relationship. I-You of Wojtyla
refers to the interpersonal fulfills and
actualizes oneself.

6.4 Perform Activities that Demonstrate
the Talents of PWDs and Underprivileged
Sectors of Society
 The Philippine government supports persons
with disabilities (PWDs) to land a job.
 In reality, they faced a number of barriers
in finding a job.
 As of 2014, the National Statistics Office
estimated that about 1.44 million Filipinos
have some form of disability in employable
15-64 years old bracket.

Executive Order 417
 Mandates all national government agencies and
state-run corporations to allot at least one
percent of their annual budget for programs
that will benefit the sector.
 Addressed the need for government to provide
capitalization for PWDs livelihood

 Disability
- is considered a development issue
because of its relationship to poverty.
- PWDs incur additional expenses to
achieve a standard of living similar to those
without disabilities.

Human trafficking

 Is when men, women, and children are forced

into prostitution, cybersex/pornography, etc.
that assault human dignity.
 Pope Francis calls this as “crimes against
 This is what Buber calls as I-It relation.


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